Building Department
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Building Department
Aims & Objectives
The Building Department was established in 1950 and since then it is engaged to maintain the buildings of Halls of Residences, Staff Residences, Laboratories, Faculties, Departments, Roads, Water Supply and Sewerage in the University Campus alongwith the new building projects sanctioned by the funding agencies from time to time under various Plan / Grants.
The Building Department functions through Building Committee and other Subcommittees like Expert Committee, Subcommittee of the Building Committee, Works Committee and delegated powers to statutory officers.

Sewage Treatment Plant:-
University is maintaining its own Sewage system and a Sewage treatment plant of 10 MLD Capacity for treating almost all Sewage waste. The Sewage waste after Treatment is being reused for irrigation of agricultural filed of the University. About 98% of waste water of campus area is reused with in the campus after treatment.
Rain water harvesting Units:-
Aligarh Muslim University has established 18 nos. Rain water harvesting units at various place of the campus. Rain water collected in the campus is being used to recharge the ground water upto the extent possible & rest of the rain water is being pumped to the Sewage treatment plant for its treatment and use for irrigation purpose in the University fields.
Last Update: 03 November 2021