Building Department
The Building Committee
Building Committee
TThis code is intended to define the scope of the functions of
the Building Committee and the duties of the officers of the Building
Department and lays down primarily the principles on which the Department is to
be worked. (All details regarding procedure, works, accounts, establishment or
any other matter not dealt with in these rules shall be adopted from the
PWD/CPWD Code as necessity for the same arises from time to time).
1. TThe administration of the Building
Department shall be under the general control of the Building Committee and its
Chairman; and the Committee shall act as an advisory body to the Executive
Council in all matters concerning University buildings.
The committee shall consist of the
(i) The Vice-Chancellor, Chairperson
(ii) Pro-Vice-Chancellor
(iii) Honorary Treasurer
(iv) Chief Engineer (Civil) of PWD or State PWD or his representative not below the rank of Superintendent Engineer/Superintending Engineer CPWD
(v) A representative of the Planning Board of the University. O.S.D. (Development)
(vi) A representative of the user Department.
(vii) Registrar - Member Secretary
(viii) Finance Officer of the University
(ix) Two Professor/Associate Professors of the University nominated
by the Vice-Chancellor-
Member-In-Charge (Building Deptt.)
Member-In-Charge (Electricity)
(x) Principal of the Engineering College of the University or Head of Civil Engineering Department-
Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering.
(xi) University Engineer – Convener
(xii) A retired Chief Engineer / Superintending Engineer (Civil) of CPWD/ State PWD / Public Sector Undertaking.
(xiii) Superintending/Executive Engineer (Electrical) CPWD of State PWD
(xiv) Superintending/Executive Engineer (Public Health) of CPWD or state PWD-
Executive Engineer, Jal Nigam
(xv) Senior most architect of the Universuty (where it exists) otherwise a Chief Architect or person of equal status from a neighboring University/ College-
Chairman, Department of Architecture
(xvi) Chief Architect / Deputy Chief Architect or person of Equivalent status from a Central or state Department.
(xvii) Senior most Landscaping Expert of the University (where it exists otherwise from some neighboring institution/ Government Department/Public Sector Undertaking or to be hired as consultant by the University for a limited period-
Member-In-Charge Lands Garden & Parks Department
Special Invitees (s)
(i) Chairman Sub-Committee of Building Committee,
(ii) Any other invitee if required under the approval of the Chairman of the Building Committee.
Provided further that the:
(i) Half of the member of Building Committee shall from the quorum for holding meeting of the Building Committee However presence of at least three Engineers and one Architect is essential.
(ii) Proposals for construction / Renovation / Repair casting more than Rs. 75.00 lacs will be sent to UGC for examination by the standing committee.
Note:- University may consider paying reasonable remuneration to the hired experts so that they devote the required time and make valuable contributions-
The Ta/DA will be paid to the member’s from outside A.M.U. Aligarh, out of the head “ General TA Code FAD CSG-13” as per University Rules.