Land and Gardens
De-weeding and NPK application in seasonal beds
Mowing of lawn and application of urea in lawns
Cutting of Bougainvillea & other shrubs, budding of Rose
Preparation of Republic Day celebrations at Strachey Hall, cleaning the whole campus
Sale of plants round the year
Sowing of summer season annuals
Reporting and propagation of Coleus plants
Planting of cutting of hedge and other plants
Planting of Chrysanthemum suckers of different variety
Mowing of lawns and maintenance of sessional beds
Preparation of Annual Flower Show
Organising Annul Flower Show
Application of Chlorpyriphos in lawns and beds for termite controls
Planting of hedge and other plants
Repotting of indoor plants and succulents
Planting of summer annuals in pots and beds
Seeds collection of inter annuals according to colour and variety
Sowing of seeds of trees and shrubs in beds and polybags
Collection of dried leaves from the campus and then dumping in trenches for composting
Seeds collection of winter annuals and to keep in boxes
Application of Chlorpyriphos in lawns and beds for termite control
Sowing of rainy season annuals
Filling of polybags for hard and soft cutting
Layering of creepers and shrubs
Air layering of shrubs and creepers
Planting the cutting of shrubs and creepers in polybags and beds
Planting the seedling of trees and shrubs in polybags
Plantation of trees and shrubs in the campus
Transfer single Chrysanthemum in pots from beds
Cleaning the whole campus for preparation of Independence Day celebrations
Plantation of trees and shrubs in the campus
Transplanting of Coleus in pots and polybags
Potting of air layered plants in pots and polybags
Transplantation of Coleus in pots and polybags
Thrashing of leaf mould for winter annuals
Anti-termite treatment of lawns and trees
Preparation of beds for sowing of winters annuals
Sowing of winter annuals in beds
Pruning of Rose and hoeing of Rose beds
Planting of cuttings of Desi Rose
Planting of rootstock Rose for budding
Application of farmyard manure and fertilizers in Rose beds
Preparation of beds for planting annuals and manuring
Preparation of Sir Syed Day celebration and cleaning of whole campus
Plantation of annuals in beds and small pots
Staking and disbudding of Chrysanthemum
Preparation of Chrysanthemum, Coleus and Rose Show
Cleaning of pots
Organizing Chrysanthemum, Coleus and Rose Show
Repotting annuals in pots
De-weeding of lawns and application of Chlorpyriphos
This department provides a support role to other departments and deals with the day-to-day supply of plant-related resources and facilities.
- Correspondence with all departments of the University regarding the work in the campus.
- Maintaining proper accounts as per the audit requirements.
- Maintenance of files of correspondence related to finance (budget/grant), auction work, weed out etc.
- Permission from the forest department for the removal of trees.
- Preparation of attendance/salary of the staff.
- Stock entry, issue or transfer record maintenance of permanent and consumable items.
- Preparing and keeping the database of all the staff.
- Organising mega events such as Sir Syed Day, Convocation, Flower Shows etc.
- Auction of the agricultural crops.
- Staff should limit personal telephone calls and other communications to essential matters.
- When absent from the office, staff should provide information as to where they can be contacted if necessary.
- Cleanliness should be maintained in the office at all times.