Proctor's Office
Mission & SOP
1. The Aligarh Muslim University under the provisions of its Act has established the office of the Proctor.
2. The statute 12 (1) of the AMU Act 1920 as amended time to time provides that the Proctor shall be appointed by E.C. from among teachers of the university not below the rank of Associate Professor on the recommendation of the Vice Chancellor.
3. The Proctor shall exercises such power and is supposed to perform such duties which may be assigned to him time to time by the Vice Chancellor.
Mission Statement:
· To maintain law and order in the campus.
· To reform and rehabilitate students through mediation, conciliation and counselling.
· Zero tolerance of indiscipline in the University campus and its maintained centres.
· To ensure constituent units of the University carry out academic activities smoothly.
· To foster moral as well as social values amongst students.
· To prevent the students from indulging in any antisocial activities in and around the campus.
1. To facilitate sustainable congenial atmosphere to the students for teaching, learning and research.
2. To ensure all academic and sports events organized by the university are conducted hassle free in the campus.
3. To prevent unwanted elements in the campus by restricting the entry at the main gates of the campus.
4. To address the grievances of the students and employees of the University as per the rules of the university.
5. To assist smooth conduct of all examinations, admissions in various courses of the university.
6. To resolve dispute among students through mediation and conciliation as far as possible.
7. To liaison with the District Administration for better law and order in the University campus.
8. To help and facilitate foreign students in AMU.
9. To ensure safety and security of university assets and establishments.
SOP for Grievance Redressal of Students
The following procedure is adopted while dealing with grievances of students:
On the receipt of complaint, inquiry Committee and /or inquiry Officer is appointed to inquire into points of complaint /report.
The inquiry Committee/ inquiry Officer on the basis of complaint calls the complainant through call slips on a specified date and time.
The person against whom complaint of misconduct is received is issued Show-Cause Notice on the basis of complaint to explain his /her position within specified time.
The complainant is given full opportunity to narrate incident leading to complaint.
The complainant is provided fair opportunity to bolster his complaint by giving evidence of facts and circumstances.
The inquiry Committee/ Officer makes all possible effort to bring conciliation through counseling.
Thereafter inquiry Committee/Officer prepares detail report on the basis of facts, circumstances, statement of complaint witness fixing responsibility and report is sent for further cause of action.
In view of complaint, counter report of delinquent student if prima-facie case of serious misconduct is made out, the matter is referred to the Discipline Committee.
The accused is given full chance to defend himself/herself before Discipline Committee.
If the charges framed are proved in the Discipline Committee, the delinquent student is subjected to the appropriate penalty as per rules of the University.
Any student feeling aggrieved from the order of the Vice-Chancellor has right to appeal before the Executive Council (referred hereinafter as E.C.) under section 36 (B) of Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act 1981 within three months from the date of service of the order/office memo.
SOP for Security Staff
The entry/exit gates are manned 24 × 7 and the vehicles with Campus Pass are allowed in campus. The entry of vehicles without Campus Pass are allowed only after entry in the Register with the purpose of visit mentioned therein.
The entry of the students/employees are allowed after verifying the identity card issued by the University. The entry of visitors is allowed only after entry in the Register mentioning the purpose of visit and contact details.
The patrolling cars of the security personnel of the Proctors’ office take round of the University to ensure no unwanted elements are in the campus.
The internal intelligence unit in plain cloth co-ordinate with the security personnel and apprise them with any probable security issue.
The security guards posted at various academic buildings and facilities ensure full security of buildings in his /her charge.
In case of any accident the security personnel in supposed to immediately inform the duty writer posted at the office for the urgent availability of the ambulance/first aid box and subsequent medical help available in the trauma centre of the University hospital (JNMC).
The Ambulance for transporting sick/injured student/employee of University is kept ready 24 × 7 at Proctor’s Office.
The security personnel posted at JNMCH, AMU Aligarh have to ensure round the clock security, cleanliness and peace in and around the hospital for the smooth/efficient working of the hospital.
In case of any dispute/argument/fighting among the students the security personnel on getting information immediately rush on spot and try to amicably settle the issue and report the matter immediately to the Proctorial team members’ necessary help, guidance/instruction having regard to the nature of the problem.
In case of any serious law and order problem the security personnel bring the matter to the notice of Proctor on an urgent basis for taking necessary action which may be in the form of
disciplinary nature and/or whatever he deems fit and necessary in given circumstances.
Security Officer
To plan and ensure execution of Security arrangements as required by the University.
To look after all the Security arrangements in the Campus.
To supervise and control the work of Security personnel.
To monitor CCTV cameras as and when required.
To assist the University Authorities in maintaining Law and order.
To assist the University Hostel Administration in day to day functioning i.e. eviction of unauthorise occupants/ intruders.
To attend distress call and help the caller within rule frame of the University.
To attend fire incidents and other calamities & incidents on the campus and update all records related to fire incidents.
To keep a portable public address system standby to meet out the emergent circumstances.
To ensure lodging of FIR on behalf of the University and keep records of all FIR/FR’s obtained from concerned Police station(s).
Security Inspector
Security Inspector(s) work in three shifts round the clock as shift In – Charge with following responsibilities:
To ensure that all shift personnel reporting in time.
To inspect the uniform and appearance of all Security personnel reported for the duty in shift before their deployment to their respective points.
To deploy Security Personnel at various points and Patrolling/ Checking inside the campus.
To supervise all Security personnel in the shift.
To take frequent rounds of the campus during the shift.
To keep an eye on any incident/miss-happening inside the campus and respond accordingly.
To assist the Officials in collecting the information regarding Security breach/ Law & Order problem.
To forward the complaints/ reports of students and employees to the concerned Police as per the directives of the Proctor, AMU.
To report matters to the Police as per directions of the authorities as and when required.
To investigate the incidents/ cases as assigned by his seniors.
To make arrangements of security during VVIP/ VIP movements inside the campus in consultation with seniors.
To ensure security of residential areas, departments and Property of the University.
To ensure proper Traffic Management at Gates and inside the campus.
To reach and attend the student’s related problems & inform to the concerned Officials and act accordingly.
To ensure that all concerned records of their shift are maintained properly by duty room staff.
To apprise the seniors of any Good act and indiscipline by the Security personnel.
To ensure that Duty Writer prepares a leave forecast of Security personnel of the shift for smooth functioning of the shift.
To perform any other duty assigned him from time to time.
Security Supervisor/Assistant
To be deployed at important places (i.e. Vice – Chancellor Escort, Patrolling cars, Admin block and gates etc.) and to act as Team Leader.
To assist Shift Inspector to manage traffic at the gates and inside the campus.
To perform duty on patrolling car and to keep sharp vigil/ watch on anti social elements inside the campus and inform the concern officials for needful action if any.
To perform duty on a patrolling car will make necessary announcement on the portable Public Address System as and when required as per directives from the seniors.
To attend the incident/ accident and will apprise the seniors timely.
To gather information related to security breach/ law & order problem and convey to his seniors.
To escort the VVIP/ VIP visiting AMU as per the directives of the Proctor.
To provide the suitable help to the needy students/ employees in crisis.
To take rounds of the campus and ensure that the stray animals are clear from the area/ campus.
To perform any other duty assigned to him from time to time.
Duty Writer
A Security Supervisor/ Security Assistant being deployed to carry out the duty of Duty Writer in Proctor’s Office with following responsibilities:
To act as in-charge of duty Room.
Duty writer(s) works round the clock (24X7) in three shifts routine.
To act as an in charge of Duty Room (Control room) for all security purposes.
To attend calls on official mobile Number 9837000614 and an intercom 1291 of duty room.
To ensure timely reporting of all personnel in the shift.
To ensure timely maintenance of the portable public address system and allocate the same on a Patrol Car.
To check the Uniform/ Turnout of all security personnel in shift before deployment on duty.
To instruct all personnel according to the duty points with special instruction from time to time, if any.
To deploy suitable security personnel as per the requirement of the point(s) as per their experience.
To instruct security personnel to keep an eye on for any incident/ mishappening and inform the duty room.
To collect information of any incident/ mishappening inside the campus and respond accordingly.
To inform the concerned official(s) / staff about any incident/ mishappening inside the campus and coordinate in attending the same.
To implement of orders/ instructions issued by officials inside the campus.
To provide the suitable Security to the VIP/VVIP’s visiting AMU as ordered by the Proctor.
To provide assistance/ help to the students as well as employees in crisis.
Duty Writer to arrangement of Security personnel for smooth functioning of university functions and Exams.
To ensure that all concerned records of the shift are maintained properly.
To prepare a leave forecast of Security personnel in the shift in consultation with Shift Security Inspector(s) for smooth functioning of the shift.
To instruct all security personnel deployed at various points to clear the stray animals from the campus.
To perform any other duty assigned him from time to time.