Electrical Engineering Section

समाचार और प्रकाशन

Dept. data last updated on :12/03/2025


1. Dr. Mohd. Faisal Khan appointed as Training and Placement Officer in July 2020, University polytechnic, A.M.U., Aligarh.

2. Dr. Mohd Faisal Khan awarded by Best paper award at IEEE PESTSE 2016, BENGALURU, INDIA...

3. Dr. Mohd. Faisal Khan appointed  as 
admission coordinator in 2020, Centre for professional Courses, A.M.U., Aligarh.


5.  Patent Published by Dr. Mohd Faisal Khan in Nov,2015.

6. Dr. Mohd Faisal khan Received 
Review Contribution Certificate by John Wiley, UK 2018 and 2020..

7. Dr. Mohd Faisal Khan delivered Invited lecture at IFTM university muradabad 2016 and 2018.

8. Dr. Mohd Faisal Khan delivered 
Expert lecture at University Pilytechnic, AMU 2016.

9.  Dr. Mohd Faisal Khan delivered
Invited Lecture at ZH College of Engg. & Tech..2018

10. .Dr Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam awarded Ph.D degree in August 2019 by A.M.U., Aligarh.

11. Dr Imdadullah awarded Ph.D degree in 2020 by A.M.U., Aligarh.

12. Dr. Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam appointed as Member board of observers, CBSE, New Delhi.

 Dr. Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam appointed as Member board of observers, National testing agency, Ministry of higher education,         Govt. of india  New Delhi.

14. Dr Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam also serving as Assistant  Superintendent of Examination, University Polytechnic,        A.M.U.,                 Aligarh.

15.. Dr Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam also served as warden/ general warden/acting provost in different halls.

16. Dr Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam also served as coding officer, scrutinizer and verifying officer, office of Controller of Examination,          A.M.U., Aligarh.

17. Dr Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam also working as tubulator, centre for professional courses A.M.U., Aligarh since 2019.

18. Mr. Mohd Naved qureshi  appointed as Assistant Superintendent of Examination, university Polytechnic A.M.U.., Aligarh

19. Dr Mohd. faisal Khan awarded Ph.D degree in 2016 by A.M.U., Aligarh..

20. Mr Imtiaz A Khan,Asstt. Prof.is working as Warden/Dinning Hall Incharge, MM Hall, AMU, Aligarh.

21.. Mr Imtiaz A Khan,Asstt. Prof. also elected member of A.M.U staff Association. Aligarh since 2018.

22. Students of final Year Diploma in Engg (Electronics)visited HPT, AIR on 30.1.14.

Recent Publications:


2. M. Faisal Khan, M. Rizwan Khan, Atif Iqbal and Moidu Thavot, "Determination of Magnetizing Characteristic of a Single-phase Self Excited Induction Generator", Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference (QF-ARCâ??14), November 18-19â?? 2014 Qatar, UAE. (accepted)

3. M. Faisal Khan, M. Rizwan Khan, â??Affect of Resonance on the Performance of a Single-Phase Two Winding Self Excited Induction Generatorâ??, 5-7 Decâ??2014, IEEE PIICON 2014, New Delhi, India (Accepted).

4. M. Rizwan Khan, M. Faisal Khan, â??Affect Of Magnetizing Inductance On The Dynamic Performance Of A Self-Excited Induction Generator For Wind Energy Applicationâ??, Grand Renewable Energy Congress 2014 (GRE 2014), Tokyo, Japan, Julyâ??26-Augâ?? 2014.

5. M. Faisal Khan, M. Rizwan Khan, â??Evaluation of Excitation Capacitance for a Single-Phase Two Winding Self Excited Induction Generatorâ??, IEEE PEDES 2014, 16 -19 Decâ??2014, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.(accepted)

In-Charge and Associate Professor