वास्तुकला का विभाग

उल्लेखनीय पूर्व छात्र

Dept. data last updated on :21/01/2025

Rural Housing Design and Construction Awareness

One week outreach programme entitled ‘Rural Housing Design and Construction Awareness’  was conducted in Chhatri village in the mid of January 2019. Two faculty members viz Dr. Mohd Khalid Hassan and Dr. Mohammad Farhan Fazli along with the students of M.Arch conducted this program. The visiting team interacted with the locals which included commoners and elites on problems relating to their settlements and mansons addressing their problems and issues relating to structures, services and facilities. Matters relating to ageing of buildings and ailments in services like dampness, wear-tear, stormwater disposal, sewage disposal and solid waste management were discussed and solutions relating to each were suggested.

Chairperson and Professor