वास्तुकला का विभाग

सेमिनार / कॉन्फ्रेंस / कार्यशालाएँ

Dept. data last updated on :21/01/2025
Special Lecture | Architect Piyush Agarwal, Design Evolution Pvt. Ltd. and Architect Adarsh Kapoor, EX-HOD (EIL) have kindly agreed to interact with the students of architecture on 02-05-2024 at 11:00 am.


International Conference on “THE LEGACY OF TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE” , organised by the Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University on 27th April 2024.

International Conference on “THE LEGACY OF TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE” , organised by the Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University on 27th April 2024.

Two weeks Training and faculty development program on "Research Design & Analysis", scheduled in the department of architecture from 21st feb 2024 to 2nd March 2024




National Conference on Legacy of Islamic Architecture, 26th February 2023

A National Conference on Legacy of Islamic Architecture was organised by the Department of Architecture, Z.H.C.E.T, Aligarh Muslim University on 26th February 2023. The Conference witnessed enthusiastic participation of the academicians, Researchers, practitioners and delegates from various Institutions around the country like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala and the Capital of the country in good numbers. The Conference aimed at bringing the views of experts, researchers, academicians and students on the Islamic Architecture. A total number of fifty abstracts were accepted after blind peer review and were published in the Conference proceedings.

The Inaugural Session of the Conference was presided over by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tariq Mansoor where he emphasised upon the Islamic architecture in the different regions of the world like, Middle East, Turkey and Europe, with a special mention of Islamic architecture in Qatar and Spain. He also enlightened on the contribution of Dara Shikoh in the Islamic architecture through several examples like Pari Mahal garden palace in Srinagar. Prof. S.M. Akhtar, Ex-Dean Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics, J.M.I, New Delhi and Prof. Jagbir Singh, Director Amity School of Architecture who were the Guests of Honour also expressed their regards and congratulated the department of architecture for organising the conference on an interesting theme which invited people from various states of the country. The Dean Z.H.C.E.T, Prof. Mohammad Altamush Siddiqui also shared his views regarding the Conference and the achievements of the faculty. Prof. Mohd. Khalid Hassan enlightened everyone with his words explaining about the vision of the conference which aims at providing an excellent platform to the participants for systematic, scientific and methodical discussions and exchange of information for understanding the features, forms and techniques of the Islamic Architecture developed in different parts of the world. The Convener of the program, Prof. Sharmin Khan briefed the gathering about the Islamic architecture with the intention of discovering the real self of the theme, that stands beyond a mere representation of certain notional architectural features and elements and has much more to express. The proceedings of the Conference was released by the honourable dignitaries. The Inaugural session ended with the Vote of thanks delivered by Prof. Mohammad Farhan Fazli, organising secretary of the conference, followed by flower pots presented as token of gratitude to the dignitaries by the guest faculties of the Department, Ar. Mushfiq Humam, Ar. Farida Husain and Ar. Sadaf Faridi.

publication publication

The technical sessions of the conference on various themes were conducted in the Department of Architecture. The themes for the session included- Ideology conflict -Islamic or Muslim Architecture, Islamic architecture and sustainability, Principles and elements of Islamic Architecture, contemporary Islamic Architecture and Construction techniques in the Islamic architecture. The academicians and students presented their abstracts on the various above-mentioned themes and a healthy discussion took place between the session chairs and the participants.

The Valedictory Ceremony for the Conference witnessed the gracious presence of Prof. Mirza Salim Beg, Chairman NIRF Ranking Committee as the Chief Guest and Prof. I.H. Farooqui, Chairman Department of Civil Engineering as the Guest of Honour. The Academicians, practitioners and researchers were awarded under the category of Best paper Award and the student participants were awarded under the category of Best paper presentation. This was followed by a feedback session from the participants about their experiences in the University and the conference. The participants acknowledged the successful organisation of the conference and their wonderful experience in the University campus. Prof. Sharmin Khan concluded the event by expressing gratitude towards all the participants, delegates, organising committee and the students for successfully conducting the Conference. The event was successfully conducted by tireless efforts of Architect Faraz Farooq, who managed the technical issues together with a team of brilliant students.



Short-term training programme on Rejuvenating Traditional Construction

The Heritage Cell of the Aligarh Muslim University organized a one-week short-term training programme on "Rejuvenating traditional construction materials and techniques", in collaboration with the Department of Architecture.

In his address, Prof. M.M. Sufyan Beg, Principal, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology (ZHCET) congratulated the organizers and students for organizing the training programme and appreciated the efforts and creativity exhibited by the students. He stressed the role of students as responsible human beings in shaping the future of the country and becoming the flag bearers of the University. He urged them to serve humanity with a good cause.

Prof. Sabeeh Akhtar, Member, Heritage Cell discussed the vision and objective of the cell which aims to restore the legacy of the past and conserve it for future generations. He also threw light on the salient features of the training programme and the achievements of the Heritage Cell.

The convener of Heritage Cell and programme organizer, Prof. Mohammad Farhan Fazli showcased the work of the students through videos, accomplished during the training programme and admired their enthusiasm and interest that led to the successful organization of the training programme.

Architect Farida Husain briefly explained the content of the one-week training programme, giving an overview of the construction techniques, with special emphasis on the construction of arches, lime mortar preparation, carving on the lime panels, calligraphy, sketching, painting and poetry. The creative works of the students were displayed in the construction yard of the department.

The student participants were given prizes for various categories including the best architect of the year, best free-standing architect, best calligraphy, best poetry, best photography, best painting and the best performance in the programme.

A book, written by Prof. Mohammad Farhan Fazli and Prof. Mohd. Khalid Hassan on the heritage boundary wall of the University was also released by the guests including the Principal, ZHCET, Prof MM Sufyan Beg, the Controller of Examination, Mr Mujibullah Zuberi, Officiating Registrar, Mr Aijaz Masood, Finance Officer, Prof Mohammad Mohsin and Dr. Syed Mohammad Noman Tariq. 'An eye of perception', another book authored by Mohd. Ayan, son of Prof. Farhan Fazli was also released on the occasion.


Upcoming Event - National Conference on "Legency of Islamic Architecture", February 2023

Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav - Photography Competition




Swachhtha Pakhwada 2021 - Poster Making Competition


A five-day training programme titled “Research Methodology & Innovative Statistical Applications" was organized by the Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University.

Modern researchers are using various tools and techniques, most of which are now dependent on ICT. The applications of such technology in research has far reaching implications, not only on the ease of data collection and presentation, but also on the framing of the methodology itself. Knowledge and a working understanding of such tools and approaches is essential for a researcher today. In light of the same, the Dept. of Architecture at the Aligarh Muslim University is organising a one week training program on Research Methodology and Innovative Statistical Applications. The training program is being conducted in an online mode, covering topics such as 

Research Design,

Application of Search Engine, 

Literature Review, 

Research Ethics, 

Qualitative and Quantitative

Methods, Analytical Model of Research, Application

of Inferential Statistics, Application of SPSS, etc.

Dept. of Architecture(AMU) is organized a Special Lecture

Dept. of Architecture(AMU) is organized a Special Lecture on Project Planning in large scale projects by Taiq Ali Khanpublication

Dept. of Architecture(AMU) is organized a Special Lecture

Indian Independace and Architectureal Expression by Prof. S. M. Akhtarpublication

National Online One-Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Resilience in Architecture and Planning on 2 Sept to 6 Sept 2021

National Online One-Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on 

Resilience in Architecture and Planning on 2 Sept to 6 Sept 2021 in association with Council of Architecture - Training and Research Centre, Bhopal.

[Sub Themes] Resilience in :-

Building Design

Vernacular Architecture

Urban and Regional Planning

Transport Planning

Construction Practices and Techniques

Heritage Cell, Aligarh Muslim University in collaboration with Centre for Excellence in Islamic Architecture, Department of Architecture,

Heritage Cell, Aligarh Muslim University in collaboration with Centre for Excellence in Islamic Architecture, Department of Architecture, AMU has organized a one week Short Term Training Programme on â??Traditional & Modern Materials and Techniques of Façade Adornment in Islamic Structureâ?? from Feb 9-14 Feb. 2015. This hands on training was an initiative to train its participants on preparing the lime mortar with the traditional materials and inlay of Islamic Calligraphy with different materials in lime and stone, preparation of stone Jali, cleaning of internal wall of Jama Masjid, AMU, sketching, painting and photography of Heritage buildings of AMU. Artesians from TajMahal, Agra & Jaipur and Conservation consultants from, New Delhi & Gwalior have provided the hands on training to the participants in this Training Programme. The valedictory function of this Training Programme was organized in the Department of Architecture in the evening of 1st of March 2015. Honorable Vice Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah, Registrar, Dr Asfar Ali Khan, Prof. Hkm. Syed Zillur Rahman, Proctor Dr. Jamshed Siddiqui and various other dignitaries presided over the function. The participants work was displayed under the lime light and was very much appreciated by all the guests. The Vice Chancellor was very much concerned about conserving the heritage of this great seat of learning and has appreciated the work of Heritage Cell for the same. Mr. Mohammad Farhan Fazli, Convener of Heritage Cell said,â?? I have spent the last 10 years of my life striving to explain the importance of our heritage and more importantly to conserve it for our future generations. Because if God forbid we lose even a part of it, we will lose a part of the unique character of our university, a part of our own identity.â?? Chairman Department of Architecture, Ar. Sanjeev Maheshwari and coordinators of the Training programme Prof. Sabih Akhtar and Ar. Mohd. Khalid Hasan were also positively delighted at the success of the function. The programme was pleasantly ended with ghazals performed by Mr. Farrukh Baig, the owner of the Album â??Dastakâ?? released by Mr. Mahesh Bhatt and Venus records.

Two Week Trainning Programme on Advance Software was held on September 12, 2019 - September 25, 2019

Two Week Trainning Programme on Advance Software was held on September 12, 2019 - September 25, 2019

Three days lecture series on "Research, Writing and Publishing in High Impact journals was held on August 17, 2019 - August 19, 2019 by Dr. M. Abdul Mujeebu, college of Architecture and Planning, Imam Abdurrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi

Three days lecture series on "Research, Writing and Publishing in High Impact journals was held on August 17, 2019 - August 19, 2019 by Dr. M. Abdul Mujeebu, college of Architecture and Planning, Imam Abdurrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arbia.

One day hands on training programme on EQUEST was held on April 27, 2019.

One day hands on training programme on EQUEST was held on April 27, 2019.

A lecture titles "My Odyssey into the curious thing called Architecture" by Ms. Smriti Sarawat is an Assistant Professor at the department of Architecture and planning at IIT Roorkee.

A lecture titles "My Odyssey into the curious thing called Architecture" by Ms. Smriti Sarawat is an Assistant Professor at the department of Architecture and planning at IIT Roorkee.

One Week Training Programme on Autodesk Revit & BIM was held on February 16, 2019 - February 21, 2019.

One Week Training Programme on Autodesk Revit & BIM was held on February 16, 2019 - February 21, 2019.

One week training programme on Traditional Materials and Techniques of Construction in Heritage Buildings was held on January 28, 2019 - February 01,2019.

One week training programme on Traditional Materials and Techniques of Construction in Heritage Buildings was held on January 28, 2019 - February 01,2019.

One week hands on training programme on Advanced Computer Applications in Architecture & Engineering was held on December 17, 2018 - December 21, 2018.

One week hands on training programme on Advanced Computer Applications in Architecture & Engineering was held on December 17, 2018 - December 21, 2018.

Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Computer Applications in Architecture was held on November 29, 2018 - December 1, 2018.

Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Computer Applications in Architecture was held on November 29, 2018 - December 1, 2018.

ALUMNI MEET 2018 was held on November 18, 2018

ALUMNI MEET 2018 was held on November 18, 2018

A lecture titles "Lime Mortar and its relevance in Heritage Building" by Ar. Ruknuddin Mirza, Senior Conservation Architect, INTACH, New Delhi.

A lecture titles "Lime Mortar and its relevance in Heritage Building" by Ar. Ruknuddin Mirza, Senior Conservation Architect, INTACH, New Delhi.

A lecture titles "Arch and its relevance in Heritage Building" by Ar. Richa Agarwal, Senior Conservation Architect, Vastudev Consultants, Noida.

A lecture titles "Arch and its relevance in Heritage Building" by Ar. Richa Agarwal, Senior Conservation Architect, Vastudev Consultants, Noida.

A lecture titles "Traditional Materials and Techniques in conservation in Heritage buildings of National monuments" by Mr. Azfar Ahmad, Heritage Associate, new Delhi.

A lecture titles "Traditional Materials and Techniques in conservation in Heritage buildings of National monuments" by Mr. Azfar Ahmad, Heritage Associate, new Delhi.

Students of Second year of B.Arch organised fresher's Party to First year students on 21st November 2015

Students of Second year of B.Arch organised fresher's Party to First year students on 21st November 2015

Students of Forth year of B.Arch organised Feveral Party to Final year students on 10th May 2014

Students of Forth year of B.Arch organised Feveral Party to Final year students on 10th May 2014

Academic Calendar 2014-2015

Academic Calendar 2014-2015

Chairperson and Professor