वाणिज्य का विभाग

पदक और पुरस्कार

Dept. data last updated on :11/03/2025
2.4.4 Total number of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government/Govt. recognised bodies during the Academic year 2023-24.

Prof. Sheeba Hamid 2023 Professor Outstanding Paper Award Emerald Certificate
Dr Mohammad Shahid 2024 Asst. Prof. Best Paper Award AGBRP LSTRCT- 2024 Committee, Singapore Certificate


Name of the teacher awarded national/ international fellowship/financial support
Name of the award/fellowship Year of Award Awarding Agency
Dr. Mohd Nayyer Rahman BRICS Economic Forum, BRICS 2020 Russia Chair
2020 Economic Research Coouncil of the Russian Federation, BRICS 2020 Chair, Russia
Dr. Mohd Nayyer Rahman BRICS International School, 2019
National Committee on BRICS Reserach and Gorbachov Foundation, Russia
Dr. Mohd Nayyer Rahman BRICS International School, 2018 National Committee on BRICS Reserach and Gorbachov Foundation, Russia
Prof. Imran Saleem
Entrepreneurhsip Program
2018 Zhejiang Guangyintong New Material Technology Co. Ltd.
Prof. Mohd Shamim
Consultancy Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU 2018 Dawakhana Tibbiya College, AMU

Chairman and Professor