वाणिज्य का विभाग


Dept. data last updated on :11/03/2025

Industrial Visit

STEP1: Seeking Permission

1. Contact HR Manager to coordinate the visit.

2. Forward a tentative schedule of visit, number of visitors, advantages of the visit to the students.

STEP2: Notification and Approval

1. After receiving a positive reply from the HR team, information/notice is put on the department noticeboard regarding visit and interested students are asked to submit consent form (signed by parents) by stipulated date.

2. An Approval is taken from the University for availing the transportation facility and refreshment of students and faculty members who are going for the trip.

3. Approval must also indicate the exact schedule of the visit.

STEP3: Going for Visit

1. The concerned transporter is informed by giving letter/order for hiring his services to provide transport on the stipulated date, place and time.

2. The attendance of the students is collected prior to start of travel.

3. The concerned person or organizers are contacted and necessary formalities are completed.

4. After the visit, a detailed report about the visit along with photos is submitted to the Chairperson’s office.

Grievance Redressal

Step-1: The complainant needs to drop the complaint in the grievance box or they may submit it directly to the chairman’s office.

Step-2:The Chairman will direct the head of the concerned committee (constituted at departmental level) regarding its redressal.

Step-3:The head along with the other committee members will look into the matter and inform the Chairman about every minor detail regarding the issue.

Step-4:At the last step, the Chairman along with the committee members will take appropriate action for resolving the matter.

Placement and Carrier Counselling

  • The department has Training & Placement Office (TPO) cell which is associated with Training & Placement Office (General) of the University.

  • The TPO cell invites speakers from the industry/organization for the Guidance & Motivation of the students.

For further detail: https://amu.ac.in/training-and-placement/general

TPOs for various Programmes in Department

  • Prof. Nawab Ali Khan

  • Prof. Imran Saleem

  • Prof. Sheeba Hamid

  • Dr. Mohd. Shamim Ansari

Career Counselling Committee

  • Dean, Faculty of Commerce (Chairman)

  • Chairman, Department of Commerce (Convener)

  • Prof. M. Mohsin Khan (Member)

  • Prof. S. M. ImamulHaque (Member)

  • Prof. Mohd. Shamim (Member)

  • Dr. Mohd. Shamim Ansari (Member)

  • Dr. NaghmaAzhar (Member)

Seeking Leave

Step-1:All the employees are required to download the pro forma for leave available at the University’s website.

Step-2:They should submit the filled pro forma in the Chairman’s office.

Step-3:The casual leave will be approved by the Chairman according to university leave rules.

Seeking Contingency Grant

The students/faculty seeking contingency from their respective fellowships/individual projects can avail the contingency grant through following procedure.

Step-1:Placing the order.

Step-2:Procure the items for which the permission was taken as per the guidelines of General Finance Rules (2017), Govt. of India.

Step-3:Mention/attach the item(s) procured.

Step-4:Also mention the amount spent and the vendor’s details (account).

Step-5:Process the bill as per university guidelines.
Step-6:Payment to the vendor is done by the appropriate section/authority of the University.

Maintenance & Cleaning Work

Administrative Block Cleaning



Empty trash receptacle


Mop floor & dust mop


Dust mop and wet mop entire floor


Wipe down window ledges


Wet mop tile floors


Dust ceiling area and light fixtures


Wash trash receptacle


Teacher’s Block Cleaning



Disinfect all sinks and fixtures


Disinfect all toilets, urinals and fixtures


Disinfect all door and partition handles


Empty trash and sanitary receptacles


Replace trash liners and fill dispensers


Clean all horizontal surfaces


Sweep and wet mop(disinfect) floors


Clean mirrors


Spot clean walls, doors, jams and windows


Wash trash receptacles


Clean Grills


Dust ceiling and light fixtures


Class Room Cleaning



Dust mop tile floors


Disinfect door handles (inside and outside)


Empty trash receptacle


Straighten and clean furniture


Clean chalk boards and chalk trays


Dust monitor/overhead projector


Check for burned out lights


Damp mop floor of classroom


Wipe all horizontal surfaces, including students’ desks


Wash trash receptacles


Dust light fixtures and clock


Computer Lab & Seminar Cleaning



Dust mop tile floors


Wet mop on floors


Empty trash/waste pot


Straighten and clean furniture


Clean all working surfaces


Dusting of machine/equipment


Clean walls, doors and windows


Wash trash receptacles


Dust ceiling and light fixtures


Corridor and Staircase Cleaning



Clean and disinfect drinking water cooler


Empty trash receptacle


Mop floor


Dust Grills


Clean doors, horizontal surfaces, windows and walls


Clean mats and grids under mats(if any)


Dust ceiling area and light fixtures


Clean Staircase


Entrance and Lobby Cleaning



Empty trash receptacle


Dust mop floors


Dust all horizontal surfaces


Mop floors(wet)


Disinfect door handles (inside and outside)


Dust mop and wet mop entire area


Clean floor grills


Dust ceiling area and light fixtures


Wash trash receptacle


Garden/Lawn Cleaning



Sweep all surfaces including footpath

As per requirement

Collection of struck off leaves, stems etc.

As per requirement

Empty trash receptacle


Cutting of grass, shrubs, herbs etc.

As per requirement

Dumping of plant waste

As per requirement

Office of the Chairperson

The Office is fully Wi-Fi enabled, along with the facility of printer, scanner, Xerox Machine, Cabinets and racks for keeping office-related items. The office hours are 08:00 A.M to 04:00 P.M with a one-hour lunch break. On Fridays the office timings are 8.00 A.M to 12.30 P.M.

               The Chairperson’s Office, Department of Commerce operations include:

  1. The task of giving appointments and arranging meetings of the Chairperson, Department of Commerce
  2. Keeping record of attendance of Research Scholars and Staff.
  3. Maintaining records of teaching staff related to leave, salary, or any other application.
  4. Receiving and dispatching official letters to the concerned departments/offices.
  5. Filing, maintaining and record-keeping of all the official documents.
  6. Preparing agenda and minutes of Departmental meetings.
  7. Managing admission and examination related procedures and maintaining its documents.
  8. Consolidating and compiling the attendance of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  9. Facilitating Ph.D. Scholarship and maintaining files of research scholars.
  10. Providing individual timetable as per Chairperson’s directive.
  11. Maintaining personal files of teaching and non-teaching staff.

Guidelines for Office Maintenance:

  1. No one is permitted to have access to the computer system of the office except the authorized person.
  2. Keeping the office neat and clean and regular clearing of unused documents is the responsibility of the office in charge.
  3. Talking, shouting, listening to music and excessive use of mobile phones are not allowed in the office.
  4. The staff is responsible for saving electricity and ensuring energy conservation in the department.
  5. COVID 19 protocols should be strictly followed while performing routine tasks and visiting the department.

NOTE: In case of any clarification the students/ staff may contact the Office, Department of Commerce during office hours or email chairmanincommerce@gmail.com and phone: 0571-2703661 (Ext. 3505).

Project Reports:


1.   The topics of the project reports are allotted from the office of the Chairman. The supervisors are also assigned from the same office.

2.   The students need to prepare the project reports in consultation with the assignesupervisor.

3.   After getting the assigned supervisor approval, the student needs to submit the dissertation to the Chairman’s office.

4.   The office of the Chairman sends the project report to the Controllers Office for further processing.

5.   Office of the Controller of Examinations sends the project reports to the concerned supervisor for evaluation.

6.   The supervisor evaluates the project report out of 70 marks and conducts the viva voce of 30 marks.

7.   Afterward, the supervisor submits the final marks in the Chairman Office, and the office sends them to the RP Unit for further processing.

PROJECT REPORT FORMATTING GUIDELINES Project Report Checklist & Key Features

When submitting your report, please include the items below, and please do a final check of the report before submission for completeness and accuracy.

Typeface: Times New Roman

Text Font size: 12 point (except headings) Line Spacing: 1.5

Page Margins: Normal (1 inch on all sides) Heading styles:


New Roman, Font size 14

     Number 2 Heads Should Be Bold (Sub Headings), Title Case, Times New Roman, Font size 13

     Number 3 Heads Should Be Bold (Any other additional headings under Sub Headings), Title Case, Italic Times New Roman, Font size 12

Length of the Project Report: 50-60 pages (excluding item 1,2,4 and 4 given under Format


Format Checklist

1.   Cover Page (see the sample on next page)

2.   E-certificate/ scanned certificate from the Supervisor

3.   Acknowledgement (optional)

4.   Contents

5.   Chapter 1: Introduction (key concepts, historical background, objectives of the study, research methodology, limitations of the study, significance of the study etc.)

6.   Chapter 2: Review of Literature (general review, specific review, etc.)

7.   Chapter 3: Conceptual/Theoretical  Framework (definitions, conceptual models, theories, etc.) 

8.   Chapter 4: Main Body of the Report (title to be decided by the Supervisor as per thtopic)

9.   Chapter 5:  Analysiand Interpretation/Discussion (statistical  analysis, graphical representation, hypothesis testing, data visualization, etc.)

10. Chapter 6: Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions

11. References: As per AmericaPsychological  Association 7th  Edition (Link:  APA CITATION GUIDELINES (smu.ca))

12. Annexures (if any)

Note: The sequence of Chapter 2 and 3 can be changes as per discussion with the supervisor if the topic demands so.

  • Refer to the Template on next page.

Summer Training Report:

SOP for Summer Training Report

1.   The Chairman Office appoints Training & Placement Officer for all professional master programs.

2.   The Training & Placement Officer issues a letter of recommendation to the students for summer training in various government/private organizations.

3.   After completing the training, all the students need to prepare summer training reports based on their training outcomes.

4.   They submit their reports in the Chairman Office.

5.   In the last stage, the Chairman Office schedules an open presentation before an evaluation committee consist of one internal as well as one external evaluator.

6.   The students need to defend their training reports before the evaluators and marks are also allotted based on training report as well as presentation.


Training Report Checklist & Key Features

When submitting your report, please include the items below, and please do a final check of the report before submission for completeness and accuracy.

Typeface: Times New Roman

Text Font size: 12 point (except headings) Line Spacing: 1.5

  • Page Margins: Normal (1 inch on all sides) Heading styles:
  • Number 2 Heads Should Be Bold (Sub Headings), Title Case, Times New Roman, Font siz13
  • Number 3 Heads Should Be Bold (Any other additional headings under Sub Headings), Title Case, Italic Times New Roman, Font size 12

Length of the Training Report: 40-50 pages (excluding item 1,2,4 and 4 given under Format


Format Checklist

  1. Cover Page (see the sample on next page)
  2. E-certificate/ scanned certificate/ scanned letter of completion (If any)
  3. Acknowledgement (optional)
  4. Contents
  5. Chapter 1: Introduction (key concepts, historical background, brief profile of the company, etc.)
  6. Chapter 2: Conceptual/Legal Framework (legal status of the company/firm, about incorporation, vision, mission, business environment, etc.)
  7. Chapter 3: Main Body of the Report (title to be decided by the student as per the topic, administration, management, work undertaken, problems, challenges, etc.)
  8. Chapter 4: Training Outcomes/ Conclusion (conclusion, skills learned, knowledge acquired, suggestions for the company/firm, etc.
  9. References: As per American Psychological Association 7th Edition (Link: APA CITATION GUIDELINES (smu.ca))
  10. Annexures (if any)

Maintaining & Utilizing Computer Labs:


Department of Commerce

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh




Teacher In Charge  :-Dr. Mohammad Shahid

Lab Assistant            :-Mr.MohdKazim

SOP 1.1- Computer Lab


To book time slot as per availability of system in the Lab

1. Make an entry in advance in the Log Book available in computer lab with ID Card.

2.  Maximum time up to 1 Hour per day is allotted. The same may be extended with the permission of Lab Assistant if system is free.

3.    Logout from all the accounts used.

4.    Turn off computer on sleep mode.

5.     Close the entry in the register with exit time and signature.


1. Duties  of Lab Assistant

·   Each lab has Lab Assistant to look after the Lab.

·   Lab Assistant is responsible for assisting students with gaining access to computer, operating work, saving files etc.

· Lab hardware and software functions are inspected by lab assistants before the commencement of practical classes and examinations.

· Log books, hardware and software registers are regularly maintained by the Lab Assistants.

2. Facilities

· Computers are well equipped with all basic softwares/programs/applications, UPS inverters, web cam, printer, OHP and scanner.

· White board, air conditioners and CCTV Cameras for surveillance that are also subject to regular maintenance and sometimes further servicing and repairing.

·   For requirement of any software/hardware, an application signed by at least 50 per cent of students of a particular course has to be submitted to the chairman through Teacher In Charge (Computer Lab).

3. Access to the Computer Lab

·  Currently-enrolled students in all academic programs are allowed to use the computer Labs.

·      Unique Mail-ID /login ID and password with the institution domain name is given to the students on their admission in the course.

·    Individual system number is allotted to the student in their respective class schedule.

·   Log book is maintained in each Lab to record the student entry and exit time, system number, name, enrolment number, course in the lab.

·        Faculty/staff are also provided access to the Labs.

4. Operating Hours

·      Computer Labs are open on all working days from 8.00am to 5pm.

·    Students who have class-related assignments are given first priority to use the computers in the Labs.

·    Information about early closings during exams or any other maintenance work is posted in advance.

5.Lab Reservations

·  Labs are reserved for the orientations, workshops, and demonstrations one week in advance by the department based on the availability in the regular schedule.

6. Reporting Problems

·        Complaint Register is maintained in each labfor students.

·        Problems with hardware or software are reported to the Lab Assistant torectify immediately.

·      For any repair/maintenance/upgradation beyond the scope of the Lab Assistant, external agencies are called through the permission of the chairman.

7. Do's & Don'ts

·      Cell phones and other electronic devices are turned on silent or off mode before entering a Computer Lab.

·  Students are not allowed to unplug or disconnect any equipment to provide their laptops with power, network connectivity, or other such resources without permission.

·    Downloading or displaying obscene material, listening music, watching entertainment videos/movies, copyright infringements, and the transmittal of viruses are subjected to disciplinary action.

·        Printing is limited to department-related works for faculty and staff only.

·        All lab computers are banned for social sites e.g., Facebook, YouTube etc.

·        Eating, drinking, smoking and use of tobacco is prohibited.

·        Disruptive behaviour and shouting are prohibited.

8. Policy Abuse

·  Teacher In Charge (Computer Lab) has the authority to restrict Lab access for any person who abuses the computer Lab instructions with the permission of the Chairman.


Violation of preceding policies and guidelines will result in disciplinary action-

1. Student is given a verbal warning.

2. Student will be asked to leave a computer lab.

3. Student’s name will be given to the chairman office through Teacher In Charge (Computer Lab) for appropriate action, which could result in loss of privileges or being banned from the computer lab.



Seminar Library


Department of Commerce

Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


Teacher In Charge :–Dr. Aslam Khan

Library Assistant- Mr. Hashim Ali

SOP 1.1:Seminar Library

SOP 1.1: Books and their Filing in Shelves


Step 1

Approval for book Purchase

  1. Submission of books recommendation by faculty members and students to the seminar Library.

  2. Recommendations are checked by Library Attendant for duplicate, availability, etc.

  3. Approval is taken for the recommended books by Departmental Purchase Committee.

Step 2

Order Placement and Physical Verification of Purchased Books

  1. The recommended list of books is sent to the Maulana Azad Library, A.M.U. for placing order.

  2. Physical verification: Annual physical verification by the internal staff of the department. In every 3 years, a committee of the central Library does this through physical verification.


Processing Bill

  1. Accessioning of books in the accession register of Seminar Library.

  2. Finally, the bill is processed and submitted to accounts section


Technical Processing

  1. Technical processing of the books including classification, cataloguing and indexing is done.

  2. Physical processing of the books including pasting of authority slips, placing the tags and stamping is carried out.

  3. Then the books are placed in shelves according to their call number by the Library staff.

SOP 1.2: Seminar Library

SOP 1.2: Stock Verification of Library Books


Step 1

Noting the Accession Number

  1. Staff notes down the accession numbers of books on the Library shelves.

  2. Separate sheets of paper are prepared for each Library shelf. Each member of the physical verification committee is given one set of sheets and is asked to note down the accession numbers of books in the Library shelves that is specifically assigned to him.

  3. While noting the accession numbers, book is physically checked and is taken out of shelf, if the book is damaged/beyond repair.

Step 2

Re-verifying the missing Books

  1. List of books again checked with collection.

  2. The final list of missing books is reported to the Chairperson for necessary action.

SOP1.3: Seminar Library

SOP 1.3: Book Issue and Return Policy of Seminar Library


PG Students

Issue of Books

  1. ID Card is submitted to the Dealing Assistant.

  2. Book is issued to read in the seminar only.

  3. Students return the book and collect their ID Card.

Research Scholars

Issue of Books

  1. ID Card is submitted to the Dealing Assistant.

  2. Book is issued to read in the Seminar only.

  3. Students return the book and collect their ID Card.

Faculty Members

Issue of Books

  1. Open Seminar account first by the permission of the chairman.

  2. Books are issued with the ID number given on opening account through chairman.

In case of loss/damage, the person concerned would bear the cost of the book OR would submit the latest edition of the book.


1.Duties of Dealing Assistant

  • Log books and registers for record of all activities are regularly maintained by the dealing assistant.

2. Facilities

  • Seminar Library is well equipped and fully furnished.

  • Separate portion for PG Students and Research Scholars is provided.

  • Air conditioners and CCTV Cameras for invigilation that are also subject to regular maintenance.

  • For requirement of book/books, application signed by at least 50 per cent of students of a particular course has to be submitted to the chairman through Teacher In Charge (Seminar Library).

3. Access to the Seminar

  • Teachers, currently-enrolled research scholars and PG students in all academic programs are allowed to use the seminar Library.

4. Operating Hours

  • Seminar Library is open on all working days from 8.00am to 5pm.

  • Information about early closings during exams or any other maintenance work is posted in advance.

5. Reporting Problems

  • Complaint Register is maintained in seminar.

  • For any repair/maintenance/upgradation beyond the scope of the dealing assistant, external agencies are called through the permission of the chairman.

6. Do's & Don'ts

  • Cell phones and other electronic devices are turned on silent or off mode before entering a seminar.

  • Eating, drinking, smoking and use of tobacco is prohibited.

  • Disruptive behaviour and shouting are prohibited.

7. Policy Abuse

·        Teacher In Charge (Seminar Library) have the authority to restrict seminar access any person who abuses the seminar Library instructions with the permission of the Chairman.


Violation of the preceding policies and guidelines will result in disciplinary action-

1. Student is given a verbal warning.

2. Student will be asked to leave a seminar Library.

3. Student’s name will be given to the chairman office through Teacher In Charge (Seminar Library) for appropriate action, which could result in loss of privileges or being banned from the seminar Library.

Chairman and Professor