कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान का विभाग
Standard Operating Procedures
A. SOP of PG & UG Laboratories
Spacing and Seating
• The Department has two Research Labs with seating capacities of 28 and 25 students respectively.
• Switching on MCB to start power supply to the labs.
• Cleaning and preparing the lab for the day.
PG & UG Laboratories Services
• All computers are used for conducting practical sessions of the students enrolled in UG & PG programs as per their time table.
• All the students of PG and UG are provided computers to carry out their practical assignments, software development and project work as per their time table.
• These labs are also used for:
o conducting practical examinations
o lab assignments
o practical sessions of Workshops/ Conferences/FDPs organized by the Department of Computer Science
o Lab counseling sessions of CIT, BCA & MCA students of IGNOU in the evening hours.
• Smooth running of the labs is aided by the availability of the lab manuals and updated software which serve as a procedural framework that delineates the laboratory activities.