कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान का विभाग

छात्रों की उपस्थिति रिकॉर्ड

Dept. data last updated on :22/03/2025
Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of MCA-II Semester (2024-25)

Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-II Semester (2024-25)

Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of B.Sc. (CA)-II Semester (2024-25)

Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of B.Sc. (CA)-IV Semester (2024-25)

Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of B.Sc. (CA)-VI Semester (2024-25)

Attendance Report for Open Elective Subject (CAMS4491) from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025

Attendance Report for MCA II Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025

Attendance Report for M.Sc. (CS & DF) II Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025

Attendance Report for B.Sc. (CA) VI Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025

Attendance Report for B.Sc. (CA) IV Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025

Attendance Report for B.Sc. (CA) II Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025

Attendance of B.Sc. (Computer Applications)-V Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (Computer Applications)-III Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (Computer Applications)-I Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024

Attendance of MCA-III Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024

Updated Attendance Report of MCA-I Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024

Attendance Report of MCA-I Sem for the Month of October-2024

Attendance Report of MCA-III Sem for the Month of October-2024

Attendance Report of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Sem for the Month of October-2024

Attendance Report of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Sem for the Month of October-2024

Attendance Report of B.Sc. (CA)-I Sem for the Month of October-2024

Attendance Report of B.Sc. (CA)-III Sem for the Month of October-2024

Attendance Report of B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem for the Month of October-2024

Attendance of MCA-III Sem. for the Month of September-2024

Attendance of MCA-I Sem. for the Month of September-2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Sem. for the Month of September-2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Sem. for the Month of September-2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem. for the Month of September-2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-III Sem. for the Month of September-2024

Updated Attendance record of B.Sc. (CA)-I Semester for the Month of September-2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-III Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-I Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024

Attendance of MCA-III Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024

Attendance of MCA-I Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-VI Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-IV Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024

Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-II Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-II Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023

Attendance of MCA-III Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023

Attendance of MCA-I Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023

Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023

Attendance of MCA-III Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023

Attendance of MCA-I Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023

MCA 1st Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019

MCA 1st Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019

MCA 5th Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019

MCA 5th Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019

Attendance MCA Ist Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance MCA Ist Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance BCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance BCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance BCA Vth Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance BCA Vth Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015

Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 31.03.2015 (Subjectwise)

Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 31.03.2015 (Subjectwise)

Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 28.02.2015

Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 28.02.2015

Attendance of BCA IIIrd Sem. from Begining upto 05.12.2014

Attendance of BCA IIIrd Sem. from Begining upto 05.12.2014

Attendance for BCA IIIrd Sem. upto 30 september, 2014

Attendance for BCA IIIrd Sem. upto 30 september, 2014

MCA-Ist Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014

MCA-Ist Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014

MCA-Vth Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014

MCA-Vth Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014

MCA-IIIrd Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014

MCA-IIIrd Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014

Attendance of MCA IV Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014

Attendance of MCA IV Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014

Attendance of MCA II Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014

Attendance of MCA II Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014

Attendance MCA IVth Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014

Attendance MCA IVth Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014

Attendance MCA IInd Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014

Attendance MCA IInd Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014

MCA IIIrd Sem. Attendance from 01.11.2013 to 31.10.2013

MCA IIIrd Sem. Attendance from 01.11.2013 to 31.10.2013

MCA Ist Sem. Attendance form 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013

MCA Ist Sem. Attendance form 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013

Attendance for PGDCP & PGEDP Courses from 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013

Attendance for PGDCP & PGEDP Courses from 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013

Attendance of MCA Ist Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

Attendance of MCA Ist Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

Attendance of MCA IIIrd Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

Attendance of MCA IIIrd Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

Attendance of MCA Vth Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

Attendance of MCA Vth Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

Attendance for PGEDP & PGDCP Courses from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

Attendance for PGEDP & PGDCP Courses from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013

MCA Ist Sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

MCA Ist Sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

MCA Vth sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

MCA Vth sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

Attendance of PGEDP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

Attendance of PGEDP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

Attendance for PGDCP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

Attendance for PGDCP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013

Chairperson and Professor