Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of MCA-II Semester (2024-25) | | |
Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-II Semester (2024-25) | | |
Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of B.Sc. (CA)-II Semester (2024-25) | | |
Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of B.Sc. (CA)-IV Semester (2024-25) | | |
Attendance Report upto 28.02.2025 of B.Sc. (CA)-VI Semester (2024-25) | | |
Attendance Report for Open Elective Subject (CAMS4491) from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025 | | |
Attendance Report for MCA II Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025 | | |
Attendance Report for M.Sc. (CS & DF) II Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025 | | |
Attendance Report for B.Sc. (CA) VI Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025 | | |
Attendance Report for B.Sc. (CA) IV Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025 | | |
Attendance Report for B.Sc. (CA) II Semester from 09.01.2025 to 09.02.2025 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (Computer Applications)-V Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (Computer Applications)-III Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (Computer Applications)-I Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024 | | |
Attendance of MCA-III Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024 | | |
Updated Attendance Report of MCA-I Semester from Beginning upto 20.11.2024 | | |
Attendance Report of MCA-I Sem for the Month of October-2024 | | |
Attendance Report of MCA-III Sem for the Month of October-2024 | | |
Attendance Report of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Sem for the Month of October-2024 | | |
Attendance Report of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Sem for the Month of October-2024 | | |
Attendance Report of B.Sc. (CA)-I Sem for the Month of October-2024 | | |
Attendance Report of B.Sc. (CA)-III Sem for the Month of October-2024 | | |
Attendance Report of B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem for the Month of October-2024 | | |
Attendance of MCA-III Sem. for the Month of September-2024 | | |
Attendance of MCA-I Sem. for the Month of September-2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Sem. for the Month of September-2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Sem. for the Month of September-2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem. for the Month of September-2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-III Sem. for the Month of September-2024 | | |
Updated Attendance record of B.Sc. (CA)-I Semester for the Month of September-2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-V Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-III Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-I Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024 | | |
Attendance of MCA-III Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024 | | |
Attendance of MCA-I Sem. from Beginning upto 30.08.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-VI Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-IV Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024 | | |
Attendance of B.Sc. (CA)-II Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-II Semester from Beginning upto 29.02.2024 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023 | | |
Attendance of MCA-III Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023 | | |
Attendance of MCA-I Semester from 1.09.2023 to 30.09.2023 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-III Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023 | | |
Attendance of M.Sc. (CS & DF)-I Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023 | | |
Attendance of MCA-III Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023 | | |
Attendance of MCA-I Semester 2023-24 till 31.08.2023 | | |
MCA 1st Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 MCA 1st Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 | | |
MCA 5th Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 MCA 5th Sem Attendance from 01.08.2019 to 31.08.2019 | | |
Attendance MCA Ist Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 Attendance MCA Ist Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 | | |
Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 | | |
Attendance BCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 Attendance BCA IIIrd Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 | | |
Attendance BCA Vth Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 Attendance BCA Vth Sem. from 03.08.2015 to 30.09.2015 | | |
Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 31.03.2015 (Subjectwise) Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 31.03.2015 (Subjectwise) | | |
Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 28.02.2015 Attendance of MCA IVth Sem from begning upto 28.02.2015 | | |
Attendance of BCA IIIrd Sem. from Begining upto 05.12.2014 Attendance of BCA IIIrd Sem. from Begining upto 05.12.2014 | | |
Attendance for BCA IIIrd Sem. upto 30 september, 2014 Attendance for BCA IIIrd Sem. upto 30 september, 2014 | | |
MCA-Ist Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014 MCA-Ist Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014 | | |
MCA-Vth Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014 MCA-Vth Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014 | | |
MCA-IIIrd Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014 MCA-IIIrd Sem. Attendance Report from 04.08.2014 to 30.09.2014 | | |
Attendance of MCA IV Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014 Attendance of MCA IV Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014 | | |
Attendance of MCA II Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014 Attendance of MCA II Sem from 01.02.2014 to 28.02.2014 | | |
Attendance MCA IVth Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014 Attendance MCA IVth Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014 | | |
Attendance MCA IInd Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014 Attendance MCA IInd Sem. from 13.01.2014 to 31.01.2014 | | |
MCA IIIrd Sem. Attendance from 01.11.2013 to 31.10.2013 MCA IIIrd Sem. Attendance from 01.11.2013 to 31.10.2013 | | |
MCA Ist Sem. Attendance form 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013 MCA Ist Sem. Attendance form 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013 | | |
Attendance for PGDCP & PGEDP Courses from 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013 Attendance for PGDCP & PGEDP Courses from 01.10.2013 to 31.10.2013 | | |
Attendance of MCA Ist Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 Attendance of MCA Ist Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 | | |
Attendance of MCA IIIrd Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 Attendance of MCA IIIrd Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 | | |
Attendance of MCA Vth Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 Attendance of MCA Vth Sem. from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 | | |
Attendance for PGEDP & PGDCP Courses from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 Attendance for PGEDP & PGDCP Courses from 01.09.2013 to 30.09.2013 | | |
MCA Ist Sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 MCA Ist Sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 | | |
MCA Vth sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 MCA Vth sem. Attendance from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 | | |
Attendance of PGEDP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 Attendance of PGEDP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 | | |
Attendance for PGDCP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 Attendance for PGDCP Course from 16.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 | | |
Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 Attendance MCA IIIrd Sem. from 13.08.2013 to 31.08.2013 | | |