कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान का विभाग
स्नातक के तहत
Computer Science
60+5* (*N.R.I.)
Refer concerned academic ordinances
TCS, Wipro, Accenture, HCL, etc.
PEO1: To produce computer science graduates who will be used as feeder candidates for higher studies in the field of computer science and information technology.
PEO2: To produce graduates who will be effective in multidisciplinary and diverse IT environment.
PEO3: To produce computer science graduates who can work as entry level IT professionals.
The student will be able to
PO1: Demonstrate a fundamental/systematic/coherent understanding of the field of Computer Science, its different learning areas and applications, and its linkages with related disciplinary areas/subjects.
PO2: Demonstrate procedural knowledge that creates different types of professionals related to the disciplinary/subject area of Computer Science, including professionals engaged in software development, research and development, teaching and government/public service; skills in areas related to ones Specialization area within the disciplinary/subject area of Computer Science and emerging developments in the field of Computer Science.
PO3: Demonstrate the ability to use Computer Science skills and identifying and applying appropriate Computer Science principles and methodologies to solve a wide range of problems.
PO4: Recognize the importance of mathematical modeling and computing, and the role of approximation and mathematical approaches to describing the Computer Science world.
PO5: Plan and execute Computer Science -related experiments, analyze and interpret data/information collected using appropriate methods, including the use of appropriate software such as programming languages and purpose-written packages, and report accurately the findings of the experiment/investigations while relating the conclusions/findings to relevant theories of Computer Science.
PO6: Demonstrate relevant generic skills and global competencies such as problem solving skills that are required to solve different types of Computer Science -related problems with well-defined solutions, and tackle open-ended problems that may cross disciplinary-area boundaries.
PO7: Demonstrate communication skills involving the ability to listen carefully, to read texts and research papers analytically and to present complex information in a concise manner to different groups/audiences; personal skills such as the ability to work both independently and in a group.
PO8: Demonstrate professional behavior such as (i) being objective, unbiased and truthful in all aspects of work and avoiding unethical behavior such as fabricating, falsifying or misrepresenting data or to committing plagiarism; (ii) the ability to identify the potential ethical issues in work-related situations; (iii) appreciation of intellectual property, environmental and sustainability issues; and (iv) promoting safe learning and working environment.
COURSE.currl :