गृह-विज्ञान का विभाग
प्रमुख वक्ताओं
Mental Health talk By Dr. Poonam Batra
A talk on mental health was organized 11 October 2019 by Dr. Saba Khan, Assistant Professor ,Department of Home Science. Dr. Poonam Batra, the Psychological counsellor was the invited speaker who discuss different aspect related to productive mental activity and focused on suicide prevention.
As the home department imparts knowledge on all aspects of human nutrition, health care, environment and livelihood, the department conducts various programme which aims at enhancing the quality of student's family and social life.
Some of the important events that have been conducted during the current session are as under:
- Prof.S.K.Mann, Former Dean, College of Home Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, addressed the
students and delivered lecture on the topic Nutrition and aging on 25th July 2012.
- Prof.Rajalakhmi Sriram,Deptt. Of Human Development and Family Studies, Maharaja Rao University Baroda delivered a
lecture on the topic Children and stress, to the students on 27th September 2012.
- Workshop on Personality Development was conducted by Mr. Saad Hameed, Centralized training and placement Officer
on 1st March 2012
- Group discussion and workshop on, How to Face an Interview on 12th March 2013 was organized by Mr. Saad Hameed,
Centralized training and placement Officer.
- A pedilite fevicryl Workshop on Art and Craft conducted by Mrs. Neelam Batra super teacher from Roorkee, on 12th
March 2013.
- Prof. Kalpana Gupta, Head of Deptt. Home Science, B.H.U., Varanasi delivered a lecture on Prospects of Home Science
to the students on 30th March 2013.
- Prof. Sunita Mishra, Dean, Faculty of Home Science, Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedker University, Lucknow delivered a
lecture on Antioxidant and Agieng in the Department of Home Science on 27th April 2013.
.-Prof. Suman Bhanot, Dean & professor, N.D University Agriculture & Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad.
-Prof. Sunita Mishra, Professor, Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar University Lucknow.
-Prof. Asha Kawatra - Professor and head, Deptt of Food and Nutriton College of Home Science CCS Haryana Agricultural
University, Hissar Haryana.
-Prof. Sunita Mishra, Professor, Baba Saheb BhimRao Ambedkar University Lucknow on 07 August,2014 delivered a
lecture on recent research trends.
- Prof. Reeta Raghuvanshi, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Pant Nagar University on 30.09.2014 delivered a
lecture on career opportunities in the filed of Home Science.
-Mr.Mirza Tauseef Baig ,Program Officer ,Save the Children Haridwar on 18.03.2017 delivered a lecture and taken an
interactive session on "Job opportunities in NGO sector"
-Prof.Rameshwari Pandaya,Head D/O Extension and communication F/O Family and Community Sciences, Maharajha Sayajirao,.University Baroda,Vadodra, Gujrat on 20.03.2017 has delivered a lecture and taken an interactive session on"Communication Approaches and strategies in Extension work"
- Dr. Salman Khalil, Department of Community Medicine, JNMC on 21.02.2018 delivered a lecture on Selection of the
topic, sampling, formulation of hypotheses, types of error and inferential statistics.
- Mr. Saad Hameed, TPO General on 27.02.2018 delivered a lecture on Job and Career and emphasis on introspection
and setting up goals as well as striving hard to achieve.