Department of Mechanical Engineering

उपयोगी डाउनलोड

Dept. data last updated on :06/02/2025
Higher Studies 2023-24

5.2.3 Higher Studies AQAR 2023-24

3.7.1. MOU Signed AQAR 2023-24

3.4.1 Plagiarism AQAR 2023-24

3.1.3 Fellowship AQAR 2023-24

1.1.2 Syllabus Revision AQAR 2023-24

5.2.2 Placement list AQAR 2023-24

5.2.1 GATE List AQAR 2023-24

4.4 Computer list AQAR 2023-24

3.4.3 Patents AQAR 2023-24

2.3.3 Mentors list AQAR 2023-24

5.1.2 AQAR 2022-23 (Career Counselling)

5.2.3 AQAR 2023 Higher Studies

3.3.3 AQAR 2023

3.4.1 AQAR 2023 AQAR (2022-23)

5.2.2 (AQAR 2022-23)

1.4.1 & 1.4.2 (AQAR 2022-23)

6.3.3 (AQAR 2022-23)

5.2.1 (AQAR 2022-23)

4.4 Total number of computers (AQAR 2022-23)

4.3 (AQAR 2022-23)

4.3.1 (AQAR 2022-23)

3.6.3 (AQAR 2022-23) (AQAR 2022-23) (AQAR 2022-23)

3.2.3 (AQAR 2022-23)

2.4.4 (AQAR 2022-23)

2.3.3. Mentors (AQAR 2022-23)

5.2.3 Higher Studies 2021-22

5.2.2 Students' Placement List 2021

5.2.1 GATE List M.Tech. 2021-22

5.2.1 GATE List B.Tech. 2021-22

3.7.1 Collaborative Activities 2021-22

3.3.3 Awards Received by Students

2.3.3 Mentor list 2021-22

1.3.4 Industrial Internship 2021-22

List of Candidates Provisionally Selected for Admission to M. Tech. (Robotics and Automation)(2020-21)

List of Candidates Provisionally Selected for Admission to M. Tech. (Mechanical Engg.)(2020-21)

Answer Key for M.Tech Robotics and Automation (2020-21) Paper series -A

Answer Key for M.Tech Robotics and Automation (2020-21) Paper series -B

Answer Key for M.Tech Mechanical (2020-21) Paper series -A

Answer Key for M.Tech Mechanical (2020-21) Paper series -B

Students benefited by scholarships (MED) (5.1.2)

List of candidates having GATE Score 500 and above and are exempted to appear in the Departmental Admission Test of (Robotics and Automation) 2020-21 List A

List of candidates provisionally allowed for Admission Test of M.Tech (Robotics and Automation) 2020-21 List B

Linkage-Internship (MED) (3.7.2)

Field projects, Internships (MED) (1.3.4)

Structured Feedback (MED) (1.4.1, 1.4.2)

JRF, SRF etc. (MED) (3.1.4)

Funding Agencies (MED) (3.1.6)

Collaborative activities (MED) (3.7.1)

Machine Design Labs

Students Participation Ext. Activities (MED) (3.6.4)

e-content Developed (MED)-3.1.5

Value Added courses (MED) (1.3.3)

ICT Use (MED) (4.3.1)

New Courses Introduced-Syllabus-(MED)-1.2.1

Students Innovation Awards (3.3.3)

Placement (MED) 5.2.2

Ph. D Degree Awarded (MED) (3.4.4)

combine pdf 3.4.6

Financial Support Teachers (MED)-6.3.2

Blood donation camp (MED) (3.6.3)

FDP-STP-Refreher Courses Attended (MED)-6.3.4

Seed money (MED) (3.1.2)

Awards (MED) (2.4.4)

6.3.3 Part B

BOS Minutes (1.1.2) (MED)

6.3.3 Part A

Syllabus PhD (MED) (1.1.2)-2017-18

Syllabus PhD (MED) (1.1.2)-2018-19

HANDBOOK On Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

Syllabus M.Tech (MED) (1.1.2) (2015 Onwards)

Syllabus M.Tech. (MED) (New-2019 onwards)

Students Participation and activities (MED) (5.3.1)

International fellowship (MED) (3.1.3)

Non-govt Grants (MED) (3.2.1-3.2.3)

IPR (MED) (3.3.2)

BOS Minutes (MED) (1.2.1)

GATE list MED 5.2.1

No of Candidates eligible for M.Tech (Mechanical Engg. 2020) Test (List B) : 254

No of Candidates eligible for direct admission for M.Tech (Mechanical Engg.) based on GATE (List A) : 50

No of Candidates who are ineligible for admission for M.Tech (Mechanical Engg 2020) (List C): 1

M.Tech Mechanical (2020-21) Admission Key Modification

Syllabus B.Tech (1.1.2) (New-2017 onwards)

Syllabus B.Tech. (1.1.2) (Old-Before 2017)

Syllabus M.Tech. (MED) (1.1.2) (Old-Before-2015)

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Aerodynamics Laboratory

Research Policy

Student progression to higher education (MED) (5.2.3)


Chairman and Professor