मुख विकृति-विज्ञान/मुख चिकित्सा एवं विकिरण-चिकित्सा विज्ञान का विभाग
समाचार और प्रकाशन
Conferences (2012)
= DR NASIR A SALATI presented a paper titled "ROLE OF OPN as a biomarker- IHC methods" in 17th National conference of Indian Association Of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists IAOMP IN Goa,2012
Papers guided in Conferences (DR NASIR A SALATI & DR KAUSER J KHWAJA)
="Oral Manifestations of endocrine disorders" at 31 th UP state dental conference held on 23 to 25 November,2012 in Jhansi
Seminars, CME & Symposium attended (2012)
=DIAGNOSING ORAL CANCERS: A Quantitative Malignancy Index Diagnostic System, by Prof. Ahmed Waseem Dept. Of Clinical & Molecular Sciences, London, at Z.A. Dental College, AMU., Aligarh, on 7th Feb,2012
=Seminar on ADVANCED PHARMACOVIGILANCE, organised by Department of Pharmacology, JNMC, A.M.U., Aligarh on October,2012
=National symposium on MEDICAL ETHICS: CHALLENGES& FUTURE PROSPECTS, organised by MEDICAL Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, A.M.U., Aligarh
=An update on commonly potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity, organised by SUBHARTI DENTAL COLLEGE, Meerut on Feb,2012
1 2001 Teething Disorders-An Overview Journal of Indian Dental Association, Salati et al No
2 ,2003 Diagnostic potential of epithelial biomarkers in oral diseases -immunohistochemical basis International
Organisation of Scientific Research-journal of dental and medical sciences Salati et al No
3 2010 Role of physiotherapy in treatment of certain oro facial disorders Bioscience Biotechnology Research
Communication Dr Anshul Aggarawal
4 2011 Role of Osteopontin in Diagnosis and Prognosis of various Malignant Disorders , Guident Salati et al
5 2011 Sturge Weber Syndrome : A case report and review of literature Indian Dentist Research and Review
Dr.Osama Sherwani Dr. Shane Rafi . Dr.Nabeel Khan , Dr. Kauser Khwaja
6 2011 Systemic Sclerosis-A Case Report and Review of Literature Int.Journal of Contemporary Dentistry
Shamimul Hassan , Rashid Khan , Mohammad Asad Haroon , Kauser J. Khwaja , Md. Minhaj Anwer
7 2011 Large dentigerous cyst associated with impacted canine -A Case Report Guident Salati et al No
8 2011 Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma Guident Dr. Shamimul Hassan, Dr. Kauser Jahan Khwaja
9 2011 Sturge Weber Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of LIterature Journal of Oral Health and Research
Dr. Shamimul Hassan, Dr. Kauser J. Khwaja
10 2011 Oral Malodor Guident Dr. Ruby Khan, Dr. Mohd Haroon Khan, Dr.Kauser Khwaja
11 2011 Role of Osteopontin in Diagnosis of Various Malignant Disorders Guident Dr. Nasir A. Salati,
Dr. Kauser J.Khwaja, Mohammad Abbas Khan
12 2011 Eagles Syndrome: A case report and review of literature Indian Dentist Research & Review Dr.
Shammimul Hassan, Dr. Sameer Ahmad , Mohd Rashid Khan, Dr. Kauser Khwaja
13 2011 Large Dentigerous Cyst Associated With An Impacted Canine Guident Dr. Nasir A Salati, Dr. KauserJ
Khwaja, Mohammad Abbas Khan
14 2011 Idiopathic Bells Palsy Guident Dr. Shamimul Hassan, Sarah Asif, Dr. Kauser Khwaja
15 2011 Apoptosis & Its Role In Oral Diseases Guident Dr. Nasir A Salati, Dr. Kauser J. Khwaja, Mr. Mohammad
16 2011 Sturge Weber Syndrome: A case report and review of literature Indian Dentist Research and Review
Dr. Osama Sherwani Dr. Shane Rafi, dr. NabeelKhan , Dr. Kauser Khwaja
17 2011 Giant submandibular sialoliths: A report of two cases General Dentistry. Dr Anshul Aggarawal
18 2011 Oral Lumenoscopy: An Adjuvant in Early Screening of Oral Cancer Journal of Indian Academy of Oral
Medicine and Radiology. Dr Anshul Aggarawal
19 2012 Human Pathologies Related To Defective Apoptotic Proteins-Molecular Basis International journal of
Advancements in Research and Technology Salati et al
20 2012 Molecular Mechanisms in Etiopathogenesis of OSMF Guident Salati et al
21 2012 Pathogenesis of potentially Malignant Disorders- A Review Guident Salati et al
22 2012 Lateral Periodontal Cyst-A Case Report & Review Of Literature , Guident Salati et al
23 2012 Application of Monoclonal Antibodies in Oral Cancer Indian Journal of Genetics and Molecular Research
Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 63-66
24 2012 Pathogenesis of Potentially Malignant Disorders- A Review Guident Dr. Nasir A. Salati, Dr. Kauser J.
Khwaja, Md. Minhaj Anwer
25 2012 Molecular Mechanisms in Etiopathogenesis of OSMF Guident Dr. NasirA. Salati, Dr. Kauser J Khwaja,
DR. Islam Ahmad
26 2012 Giant Ameloblastoma of the Mandible-Report of a Case and Review of Literature Indian Dentist
Research and Review Dr. Shamimul Hassan, Dr. Monisha Gupta, Dr.Kauser Khwaja
27 2012 Lateral Periodontal Cyst Guident Dr. Minhaj Anwer, Dr. Kauser J Khwaja, Dr. Nasir A. Salati
28 2012 Herpetic Gingivostomatitis in an Adult Patient: Common yet Uncommon Indian Dentist Research and
Review Dr. Shamimul Hassan,Dr. Sameer Ahmad, Dr. Nabeel Khan, Dr. Kauser Khwaja
29 2012 Salivary Thiocyanate: A biochemical indicator of cigarette smoking in adolescents Oral Health and
Preventive Dentistry. Dr Anshul Aggarawal
30 2012 Epithelioid hemangioma (angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia) in the oral mucosa: A rare case
report Indian Journal of Dental Research. Dr Anshul Aggarawal
31 2012 Physiotherapy as an adjuvant therapy for treatment of TMJ disorders General Dentistry
.Dr Anshul Aggarawal
32 2013 Role of non-collagenous protein in metastasis-Pathological basis International journal of Advancements in
Research and Technology Salati et al
33 2013 Pigmented Large Nevus of oral Mucosa Dental Practice, Salati et al
34 2013 Micro Rna An emerging trend in Cancer diagnosis Journal of Indian Dental Association JIDA West
Bengal State Branch Arnab mukherjee, Parikshit Sharma, Masood hasan khan -
35 2013 Phenytoin induced gingival hyperplasia a Multidisciplinary approach to management a case report .
Journal of annals of dental specialty volume 1 issue 1 2013 Masood Hasan Khan,P Sharma,AN Khan,N
kumar -
36 2013 Pyogenic Granuloma: A Case Report and Review Journal of Dentofacial sciences P Sharma,Masood
Hasan Khan,N Kumar,F Samadi-
37 2013 Herpes zoster infection: A Case Report Journal of Dentofacial sciences N Kumar,P Sharma,Masood
Hasan Khan,Fahad Mansoor Samadi:
38 2013 Tobacco Associated Oral Mucosal Lesions Indian Dentist Research and Review Dr. Shamimul Hassan,
Dr.Vasundra Bhatt, Dr. Kauser Khwaja
39 2013 Sialadenosis- A Cause of Bilateral Parotid Gland Swelling- Overview of Literature Indian Dentist
Research and Review Shamimul Hassan, Nabeel Khan, Mohd Rashid Khan, Ayesha Siddiqui, Kauser
40 2013 Endo CBCT: Overpowering the guessing work of endodontist Dental Probe Journal IDA NAGPUR
BRANCH. Dr Anshul Aggarawal
41 2014 Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour of Mandible in a young Female Report Journal of Annals
of Dental Specialty Vol 2 Issue 4 Khan et al
42 2014 Role of Bone Proteins in Tumour Growth University Journal of Dental sciences Aligarh Muslim
University 21-27 Issue 1 Salati et al
43 2014 Ameloblastic Carcinoma of Mandible - A Case Report Journal of annals of dental specialty
Masood Hasan Khan, P Sharma,A N Khan,A Mukherjee
44 2014 Comparative evaluation of genotoxicity by Micronucleus Assay in the Buccal mucosa over Comet Assay in
peripheral blood in oral precancer and cancer patients Mutagenesis A katarkar ,S
mukherjee,Masood Hasan Khan, J G Ray ,K chaudhri
45 2014 Mental Nerve Paresthesia Secondary to Initiation of EndodonticTherapy ; A Case Report - 9
Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics RDE SMAndrabi,S alam,Afaf zia,Masood Hasan Khan -
46 2014 Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour of Mandible in a young Female A Case Report - Journal of
Annals of Dental Specialty Journal of Annals of Dental Specialty Masood Hasan Khan,Kausar J
Khwaja,N A Salati,M Anwar-
47 2014. Prevalence of different palatal rogue patterns in a sample Lucknow population Journal of Indian
Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology Asdullah M et al:
48 2014 Mucocele of lower lip Guident Asdullah M et al:
49 2014 Ectrodactyly Ectodermal dysplastic clefting(Eec) syndrome-a case report; THE CUSP Asdullah M et al:
50 2014 Mucormycosis of the palate-a case report THE CUSP Asdullah M et al:
51 2014 Chemoprevention of Oral Cancer(Abstract) Journal of oral biology & craniofacial research Asdullah M et a
52 2014 Odontogenic Myxoma A Case Report The Cusp Md. Asadullah, Kauser J. Khwaja, Nasir A. Salati
53 2015 Clinical and Prognostic Behaviour of Ameloblastoma after 8 years of Treatment : A Case Report 28-30
University Journal of Dental sciences Aligarh Muslim University Vol 1 Issue 2 Khan et al
54 2015 Clinico-Pathologic Evaluation & Medical Treatment Of Oral Leukoplakia International Journal of
Pharmacological Sciences and invention Salati et al
55 2015 Cracked tooth syndrome: Overview of literature International Journal of Applied Basic Medical Research,
Vol 5, issue 3, Hasan et al
56 2015 Clinical and Prognostic Behaviour of Ameloblastoma after 8 years of Treatment University Journal of
Dentalsciences Aligarh Muslim University Masood Hasan Khan,Nasir salati,Kausar Khwaja,Afaf zia -
57 2015 Role of Bone Proteins in Tumour Growth- University Journal of Dental sciences Aligarh Muslim
University Nasir salati,Kausar khwaja,Masood hasan Khan,Afaf zia
58 2015 An Unusual site of Adenoamatoid odontogenic tumour : A rare case report Scholars Journal of
Medical Case Report Anshul agarwal,Masood Hasan Khan,Kausar khawaja,Rati goyal 2015
59 2015 Hereditary Ectodermal Dysplasia A Case Report University Journal of Dental sciences Aligarh Muslim
University Masood hasan Khan,Anshul agarwal,Kausar khawaja,Nasir salati
60 2015 Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma -A Rare Case report Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences SJDS
Masood hasan khan Anshul agarwal Mahira kirmani Kausar khawaja-
61 2015 Endodontic Periodontic Lesions and Host Modulation - case series Journal of dentistry Indonesia vol 22
no 1 2015 25-28 Afaf Zia Afshan bey S M Andrabi Saif khan Masood Khan
62 2015 Sturge Weber syndrome A case reportUniversity Journal of Dental Science Asdullah M et al:
63 2015 Odontogenic Myxoma of oral cavity THE CUSP Asdullah M et al:
64 2015 Irritation fibroma of buccal mucosa Guident Asdullah M et al:
65 2015 Fibrosarcoma of the mandible A case report University journal of dental science Asdullah M et al:
66 2015 Pyogenic granuloma A case reportGuident Guident Asdullah M et al:
67 2015 Anhydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia University Journal of Dental Sciences Juhi Gupta, Kauser J Khwaja,
Vipul Jain
68 2015 Supernumerary Tooth On Hard Palate University Journal of Dental Sciences Anshul Aggarwal, Kauser J
Khwaja,Rathi Goyal
69 2015 Comparative Analysis of Mandibular Cortical Index in Orthopantomogram and Bone Mineral Density in Dual
Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Postmenopausal Females A Radiological Study in North Indian Population
Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. Dr Anshul Aggarawal
70 2015 supernumerary tooth on hard palate: an unusual case report University Journal of Dental Sciences,
Dr Anshul Aggarawal
71 2015 Clinical utility of dental CBCT:In planning & placement of implant the cusp journal , IDA Aligarh
BRANCH Dr Anshul Aggarawal
72 2015 An unusual site of adenomatoidodontogenic tumor: a rare case report Scholars Journal of Medical
Case Reports. Dr Anshul Aggarawal
73 2015 Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: a rare case report Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences. Dr Anshul
74 2016 Salivary duct carcinoma in the mandibular anterior region: The role of immunohistochemical markers in its
definitive diagnosis, Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology, Vol XX, Issue 3, Chandreshekar et al
75 2016 Usefulness of special stains as a diagnostic tool in potentially malignant and malignant lesions of Oral cavity
Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy Vol 7,Issue 10 Page 40 Salati et al
76 2016 Mineral Trioxide aggregate obturation in retreatment with regenerative adjuncts ofBioceramic allograft in
large periapical defects - Indian Journal of Oral Sciences A zoya S Ali Masood Hasan Khan -
77 2016 Ultrasonography ;An effective screening tool for major salivary gland pathology : a pilot study
American journal of Pharmacy and Health Research Juhi gupta A agarwal Masood Hasan Khan
78 2016 Sero Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Among Dentists in Dental Colleges in Western UP India :Research
article J RES ADV DENT. Alpana Kanwar Masood Hasan Khan Rajan Rajput Eesha D Gajjar Monica
79 2016 Puberty Blues and Pyogenic Granuloma In Females- A Report Of Two Cases; Journal of Dentistry, Oral
Disorders & Therapy Afaf Zia, Huda Zubair, Shagufta Qadri, Mukhtar Andrabi, Masood Khan ;
80 2016 Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma of Maxilla: A Rare Case Report Annals of International Medical and Dental
Research Masood H Khan, N Huda, Nidhi Sinha, Mahira Kirmani
81 2016 Feeding Plate Prosthesis for an Infant with Cleft Lip and Palate: A Case Report Journal of Medical and
Dental Science Research Sabzar Abdullah G singh M khazir Amina Masood H Khan
82 2016 Role of CBCT in TMJ Imagine Guident Asdullah M et al:
83 2016 Herpes zoster - a case report and review University J Dent Scie Asdullah M et al:
84 2016 Ultrasonography an effective screening tool for Major salivary gland pathology A pilot study American
journal of pharmacy and health Dr Anshul Aggarawal
85 2016 Congenital Isolated Hemifacial Hypertrophy: Clinical & 3-Dimensional Radio-graphical Scanning Features
British Journal of Medical & Health Research Dr Anshul Aggarawal
86 2017 Prevalence & different shapes of Hallers Cells on panoramic radiograph
European journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical research 2017,4(2) Asdullahet al
87 2017 Radiographic Evaluation Of The Position Of Mental Foramen In Aligarh (Western U P) Population
European journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical research Asdullah et al
88 2017 Prevalence and different shapes of haller cells on panoramic radiographs
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical research EJPMR Dr. Md. Asdullah, Dr. Kauser J.
Khwaja, Dr. Anshul Aggarwal , Dr. Masood H. Khan, Dr. Nasir A. Salati, Dr. Saif Khan
89 2017 Radiographic evaluation of the position of mental foramen in Aligarh (Western U P) Population.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical research EJPMR, Dr Asdullah Dr Masood H Khan Dr
Nasir Salati Dr Kauser Khowaja Dr Anshul Agarwal Dr Sajjad Rehman
90 2017 Comparative Evaluation of the influence of pre treatment with CPP ACP and NOVAMIN on
dentinal shear bond strength with compsotive ; An In Vitro Study Journal of Annals of dental Specialty
Sadaf ghani Masood H Khan, Jindal MK Chaudhary S ,Manuja
91 2017 Prevalence& different shapes of Hallers Cells on panoramic radiograph- A Study Europian journal of
Pharmaceutical and Medical research Asdullah M et al:
92 2017 Radiographic evaluation of the position of mental foramen in Aligarh (Western U P) Population Europian
journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical research Asdullah M et al:
93 2018 Morphological Variations of Lingula & Prevalence of Accessory Mandibular Foramina in Mandibles A Study
National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Dr Asdullah Dr Masood H Khan
94 2018 Corelation between width of maxillary and mandibular incisors with length of index and little finger
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical research EJPMR, Sabzar Abdullah Masood H khan