मुख विकृति-विज्ञान/मुख चिकित्सा एवं विकिरण-चिकित्सा विज्ञान का विभाग
स्नातक के तहत
Oral Medicine And Radiology
Oral Pathology And Microbiology
Senior Secondary certificate examination (medical)
BDS second and third year university examination
Oral medicine and radiology has a curriculum envisaged with oral mucosal lesions, tumors, oral manifestation of systemic diseases, radiographic imaging principles and techniques and its interpretation, palliative care and treatment modalities . Majority of Oral medicine specialists work in clinical settings, such as hospitals, dental clinics, outpatient surgical centers. Directly after graduating, oral medicine specialists also join as teaching faculty at various universities and dental schools
Able to identify precancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity and refer to the concerned
specialty for their managementShould have an adequate knowledge about common laboratory investigations and interpretation of their results.
Should have adequate knowledge about medical complications that can arise while treating systemically compromised patients and take prior precautions/ consent from the concerned medical specialist.
Have adequate knowledge about radiation health hazards, radiations safety and protection.
Competent to take intra-oral radiographs and interpret the radiographic findingsGain adequate knowledge of various extra-oral radiographic procedures, TMJ radiography and sialography.
Be aware of the importance of intra- and extra-oral radiographs in forensic identification and age estimation
Should be familiar with jurisprudence, ethics and understand the significance of dental records with respect to law
Oral pathology and microbiology
The specialty of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, aims at acquiring adequate knowledge and the necessary skills to carry out investigative procedures and the ability to interpret laboratory findings
To help the dental and medical practitioners in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of anomalies and diseases of the oral and maxillofacial regionCOURSE.PO :
After the completion of three year training (during third, fourth year & Internship) of BDS Course the students come up with proper treatment protocols of the following maxillofacial aspects.
1) Precancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity
2) laboratory investigations ,chair side investigation and biopsies for diagnosing oral lesions
3) How to handle medical emergencies
4) How to take and interpret various intra- and extra-oral radiographs required for proper diagnosis
5) Sound knowledge about radiation health hazards, radiations safety and protection
6) Familiar with jurisprudence, ethics and understand the significance of dental records
with respect to law.
To provide adequate knowledge on development,
structures and functions of the teeth, jaws and supporting tissues in the head
and neck
· To provide adequate knowledge of anomalies, lesions and diseases affecting the orofacial region and the importance of etiology and pathogenesis in oral disease.
· Through knowledge, skill and scientific background, to evaluate various clinical findings, imbibe the ability to carry out and interpret various investigative procedures to establish definitive diagnosis and institute proper treatment.
· To promote oral health and prevent oral diseases.
COURSE.currl :
The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology aims to develop and maintain standards of excellence in teaching, histopathological interpretation, diagnosis, and research. The department has good collection of books related to the specialty. This department offers an under-graduate degree recognised by the Dental Council of India. ORAL PATHOLOGY: The undergraduate curriculum involves didactic lectures, discussions, interpretation of histological slides and practical training for second year and third year BDS students. Students are taught interpretation of oral diseases in their varied clinical manifestations, and their corelation with histological appearances. The aim and objective of the curriculum is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely and effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral disease.
COURSE.currl :