पेरियोडोंटिक्स एंड कम्यूनिटी डेन्टिस्ट्री का विभाग

On Going Research Projects

Dept. data last updated on :11/03/2025

Project Title :

Comparative evaluation of Dental Implants undergoing immediate loading v/s immediate restoration

Principal Investigator: Dr. Shraddha Rathi

Co-Investigator: Prof. N.D. Gupta

Department  of Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator:


                                  1.Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge (AMU)

                                   2. Periodontics & community dentistry (AMU)

Funds provided : 

34.56 lakhs



Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Shraddha Rathi

Co- Principal Investigator :

Prof. N.D. Gupta

Project Title :

Genotoxic assessment of exfoliated buccal eqithelial cells in patients with chronic gingivitis using chlorhexidine mouthwash.

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Saif Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Project Title :

Assessment and comparison of bone marker levels and bone density in PCOS subjects with or without Chronic Periodontitis before and after non surgical periodontal therapy 

Principal Investigator: Dr. Afaf Zia

Year of Award: 2016

Duration:03 years

Funds provided (INR in Lakhs): 23.7 Lakhs

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Afaf Zia

Co- Principal Investigator :

Project Title :

Patient centered evaluation of treatment of gingival recession associated with non-carious cervical lesion using coronally advanced flap and resin modified glass ionomer restoration with and without Platelet Rich Fibrin: randomized controlled clinical trial
Year of Award:2017
Duration of project :03 years
Department of Principal Investigator/ Co Investigator

                   1.  Department of Dentistry, AIIMS (Rishikesh)

                    2. Periodontics and Community Dentistry

SUBMITTED: 02/11/2019

Funding Agency :

CSIR- Govt.

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Lata goyal

Co- Principal Investigator :

Prof. N.D. Gupta

Chairperson and Professor