पेरियोडोंटिक्स एंड कम्यूनिटी डेन्टिस्ट्री का विभाग
उल्लेखनीय पूर्व छात्र
World no Tobacco Day 2024
The Department of Periodontia and Community Dentistry at Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College and Hospital, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, marked World No Tobacco Day with a comprehensive week-long series of events aimed at raising awareness about the ill effects of tobacco use and advocating for the protection of children from the tobacco industry's interference. The culmination of the week-long observance was on May 31, 2024, World No Tobacco Day.
In a ceremonious event, the college welcomed the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Naima Gulrez, along with other dignitaries, including the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Seema Hakim. Madam Vice-Chancellor flagged off a tobacco awareness vehicle set to cover a 10 km radius, spreading the anti-tobacco message further into the community.

Dental Screening and Treatment Camp for Visually Challenged Students OF Ahmadi School Aligarh, April 30 2024
World Oral Health Day 2024 , Dental Camp 0n 20 march 2024 at Missionaries of Charity

Dental Camp at Sarojni Naidu Hall on 15 Feb 2024

Dental Camp ,ASRA (Aligarh Self-Reliance Alliance for Women), situated at Sultan Jahan Manzil, 21 Dec 2023
Dental checkup and awareness camp at Sultan Jahan Public School on 11-nov-2023

Dental Camp at Khadija Public School, on 21 Oct 2023
Dental camp at Heritage International School ,11 Oct 2023
Anti-Tobacco Awareness Drive on September 11, 2023,
Dental Camp Organized at Pradeshik Armed Constabulary by ZADC Aligarh, September 9 2023
World No Tobacco Day, 31 May 2023

world oral health day ,20 march 2023 , dental camp at railway station Aligarh
"World Cancer Day" (04-02-2023) screening and awareness camp at the main OPD building of the trauma centre JNMCH.

National Tooth Brushing Day “07-November-2022 at M.R. Public School New Dhorra by pass, Ali Nagar Sub Station Road, Aligarh
Dental camp organized for the school children and staff at SMP Higher Secondary School Kasimpur Road Jawan on 20 -Oct-2022
“Swach Mukh Abhiyan” on 3 Oct-2022

Undergraduate students took the initiative to perform a Nukkad Natak at UHTC(Urban health training centre AMU )on 6-Aug-2022
National Oral Hygiene Day “01-August-2022 at Ahmadi School for the Visually Impaired, AMU.
“National Public Health Dentistry Day “ 19-June-2022
Oral Health screening and Treatment camp at Begum Azimunnisa Hall, on 06-06-2022
DENTAL HEALTH CAMP Aligarh, May 18, 2022
world no tobacco day-31st may 2022
oral cancer awareness program at Angarwadi Kendra Rambagh Panjipur Aligarh, 05-01-2022,on the ocassion of world cancer day
On the occasion of “World Cancer Day” (4th-Feb-2022), The Public Health Dentistry section of the Dept. Perio and Community Dentistry conducted a oral cancer awareness program at Angarwadi Kendra Rambagh Panjipur Aligarh,on 05-01-2022. The camp was organized for the general people who visited the Angarwadi Kendra. In this camp awareness was spread regarding the sign and symptom of oral cancer and the long term deleterious effects of tobacco consumption. The attending doctors and interns also educated the regarding the same and pasted stickers spreading awareness on the ill effects of tobacco and alcohol consumption.
We explained the importance of oral hygiene and oral care thought electronic media to 48 people. Most of the people were suffering from dental caries along with poor oral hygiene. Oral hygiene instructions were given verbally to each patient and brushing technique was also explained with the help of model and brush.
The program was guided by Dr Neha Agarwal(Professor) under the supervision by Dr. Pramod Kumar Yadav (Assistant Professor) and Dr. Syed Amaan Ali (Assistant Professor). Interns posted in the department were actively involved in the successful implementation of the program.
Awareness Programmes held To Mark the World Cancer
An awareness programme was held at the Department of Periodontics and Community Dentistry, Dr ZA Dental College underlining the “World Cancer Day”.
Prof R K Tewari (Principal, Dr Z A Dental College) informed that a Nukkad Natak (skit), focusing on the multiple ways to educate people regarding the ill effects of tobacco on health, was organized. Efforts were also made by using the electronic media to spread awareness regarding the signs and symptoms of oral cancer and ways to prevent the long term deleterious effects of tobacco consumption.
Aligarh Muslim University News
World Cancer Day observed at UHTC AMU
Aligarh, February 5: Various activities were organised to observe World Cancer Day, 2022 at Urban Health Training Centre, JNMC, AMU on 4th and 5th February. The theme was “Close the Care Gap”.
Chairperson, Department of Community Medicine, Prof Anees Ahmad and the Chief Medical Officer (UHTC), Dr Suboohi Afzal spoke on early detection and prevention of common cancers among females and emphasised on the awareness about cancer amongst the public is the need of the hour.
Prof Saira Mehnaz informed that various activities took place at UHTC as a part of Swachhta Ka Pakhwada; A Health Talk at UHTC was organised among the patients to create awareness about the early symptoms and prevention of cancer. Dr Asra Saqib (JR-2) emphasised on Breast Cancer and explained Breast Self-Examination.
Various posters were prepared by the interns for IEC materials. Focussed group discussion at Anganwadi centre was conducted by Dr Fazeelah Tasleem (JR-2). Various common cancers signs and symptoms, and early detection were discussed.
There was also a demonstration through a model of lung cancer by Dr Jubair Shamsi (JR-2), depicting the harmful effects of smoking on lungs.
Health Talk at field visit area of Patwari ka Nagla was held , where deliberation on lung, oral, breast and cervical cancers were discussed by Dr Fazeelah Tasleem (JR-2), Dr Jubair Shamsi (JR-2) and Dr Digvijay Gupta (JR-1).
Nukkad Natak on Oral Cancers by interns and residents of ZADC was performed. The postgraduate residents, interns and staff participated with full zeal.
At the conclusion of the program the public and other stakeholders took pledge to create awareness about the ill effects of tobacco.
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
“World Oral Health Day” (20th March-2022)
World Oral Health Day 2022 – REPORT
On the occasion of “World Oral Health Day” (20th March-2022),
the Dept of Periodontics and Community Dentistry,Dr. Z A Dental college AMU
conducted a Oral Health awareness program at the
Dr. Z A Dental College OPD reception area. The
camp was organized for the OPD patients and attendants who were present at
the college premises. In this program awareness was spread regarding the sign
and symptoms of oral health problems and long term deleterious effects of
tobacco consumption.. The attending doctors and interns also educated the importance
of oral hygiene and oral care. Oral hygiene instructions were given verbally to
each patient and pamphlets listing the guidelines of oral health were also distributed.
program included Nukkad Natak (skit) focusing on the multiple ways on how to
take care of one’s oral health. Brushing technique was also explained
with the help of model and brush.
The programme was guided by Dr.R K Tiwari (Professor & Principal ZADC,AMU) under the supervision of Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma (Proffessor and Chairman), Dr. Neha Agarwal (Professor),),Dr. Pramod Kumar Yadav (Assistant Professor), Dr. Syed Amaan Ali (Assistant Professor) and Dr. Ansari Munazza (Junior Resident) . Undergraduates posted in the department- Ashraf Khan,Wazahat Ibrahim,Ayushi Kejriwal and Abeer Aftab were actively involved in the successful implementation of the program.
World Oral Health Day -2022
“World Cancer Day” (4th Feb-2022)
World Cancer Day -2022
On the occasion of “World Cancer Day” (4th Feb-2022), the Department of Periodontics & Community Dentistry, Dr. Z.A. Dental College, AMU, Aligarh organized an awareness program at the college premises. The program included Nukkad Natak (skit) focusing on the multiple ways on how exposure to tobacco affects the health of people worldwide. Awareness was spread regarding the sign and symptom and prevention of oral cancer and the long term deleterious effects of tobacco consumption, the attending doctors and interns also educated people regarding the same. We explained the importance of cancer prevention and oral care through electronic media.
The programe was guided by (Dr) R.K.Tewari (Principal) under the supervision of Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma (Professor & chairperson), Dr. N.D. Gupta (Professor),Dr Afshan Bey(Professor), Dr Neha Agrawal (Professor),Dr. Pramod Kumar Yadav (Assistant Professor) and Dr. Syed Amaan Ali(Assistant Professor) .
National Dentist Day -6th March 2022 - REPORT
National Dentist Day 2022 - REPORT
On the occasion of “National Dentist
Day” (06th March), the Dept of Periodontics and Community
Dentistry, Z A Dental college AMU conducted a Oral Health Treatment camp at
District Jail Aligarh, on 07-03-2022. The camp
was organized for the jail prisoners who were currently residing in the district
Jail. In this camp awareness was spread regarding the sign and symptoms of oral
cancer and the long term deleterious effects of tobacco consumption. Oral
cavity examination was done among the patients. The attending doctors and interns
also educated the importance of oral hygiene and oral care. We diagnosed 556
patients with various oral health related issues and under the collaboration of
the Dept of Conservative and Endodontics and the Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, 28 patients were provided non-surgical extractions and 44 patients
were given permanent restorations ,5 patients also showed sign and symptoms of
oral cancer .Most of the patients diagnosed were suffering from dental caries
along with poor oral hygiene. Oral hygiene instructions were given verbally to
each patient at the time of diagnosis and brushing technique was also explained
with the help of model and brush.
The programme was guided by Dr.R K Tiwari (Professor & Principal ZADC,AMU) under the supervision of Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma (Proffessor and Chairman), Dr. Neha Agarwal (Professor),Prof. Dr G S Hashmi (Professor),Dr S K Mishra( Professor),Dr. Pramod Kumar Yadav (Assistant Professor) and Dr. Syed Amaan Ali (Assistant Professor). Interns posted in the department were actively involved in the successful implementation of the program
आदरणीय महोदय,
आज दिनांक 07 मार्च 2022 को कारागार में निरुद्ध बंदियों के हितार्थ डॉ जेड एच डेंटल कॉलेज अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम
यूनिवर्सिटी, अलीगढ़ के सौजन्य से जिला कारागार अलीगढ़ में एक वृहद
चिकित्सा शिविर का आयोजन किया गया जिसका उद्घाटन प्रभारी वरिष्ठ अधीक्षक/जेलर श्री
पी.के. सिंह व डेंटल कॉलेज के प्रिंसिपल डॉ आर.के.तिवारी जी के द्वारा संयुक्त रूप
से किया गया। उक्त आयोजित डेंटल कैंप में डा.जेड एच. डेंटल कॉलेज अलीगढ़ से प्रिंसिपल
डॉ तिवारी के साथ प्रोफेसर डॉ.एस.के. मिश्रा, प्रोफेसर डॉ विवेक कुमार शर्मा, प्रोफेसर
डॉ जी.एस.हासमी, प्रोफेसर डॉ नेहा अग्रवाल, असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर डॉ प्रमोद यादव, असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर डॉ सैय्यद आमान अली, द्वारा अपने अधीनस्थ चिकित्सकों के साथ सक्रिय रुप से प्रतिभाग किया गया। शिविर
में कुल 556 बंदी लाभान्वित हुए जिसमें 28 एक्सट्रैक्शन व 44 बंदियों की फिलिंग की गई। सभी बंदियों को विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सकों
द्वारा परामर्शित उपचार जेल चिकित्सालय से तत्काल उपलब्ध कराया गया। शिविर के सफलता
पूर्वक आयोजन में जेल अस्पताल के वरिष्ठ चिकित्सा अधिकारी डॉ शाहरुख रिज़वी, डिप्टी जेलर श्री आफताब अंसारी, श्री राजेश राय, श्री सुरेश कुमार, श्री प्रिय कुमार मिश्र व फार्मासिस्ट श्री आनन्द कुमार
पाण्डेय व श्री दिनेश कुमार वर्मा द्वारा सराहनीय योगदान दिया गया। शिविर के सफलता
पूर्वक सम्पन्न होने पर प्रभारी वरिष्ठ अधीक्षक/जेलर श्री पी.के. सिंह द्वारा डॉ जेड
एच डेंटल कॉलेज अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी के प्रिंसिपल डॉ तिवारी को विशेष रूप से
आभार व्यक्त करते हुए धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया गया। प्रिंसिपल डॉ तिवारी द्वारा भविष्य
में भी इस तरह के चिकित्सा शिविर जेल में आयोजित कराते रहने हेतु आश्वस्त किया गया।
Oral Health Screening and Awareness Programme, Kasimpur power plant
World Oral Health Day celebrated on 20th March 2021
Press Release
“Prevention is better than cure”
The World Oral Health Day
was celebrated on 20th March 2021 by the Department of Periodontics &
Public Health Dentistry, Dr. Z.A. Dental College, AMU, Aligarh. It is an
international day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote
worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance of oral
hygiene to looking after everyone old and young. The programme was inaugurated by
Prof. Rakesh Bhargav, Dean (Faculty of Medicine), in the presence of Prof. N.D.
Gupta (Acting Principal), Prof.
Bey (chairperson), Prof. Vivek Kumar Sharma, Dr. Neha Agrawal (Associate Professor)
and Dr. Pramod Kumar Yadav, (Assistant Professor) along with other faculty
members of Dental college, with demonstration of brushing method using suitable
models and charts. Also demonstrated Hand washing and educated about preventive
methods to Fight against Corona Virus (COVID
19). Interns posted in the community department were actively involved in
the successful implementation of the program. A team of Interns visited Urban
Health Training center (UHTC), Satellite center, in Dental treatment van
displaying oral health posters for the awareness among common public. OPD
patients of UHTC were given demonstration of tooth brushing technique, oral
hygiene maintenance, use of other oral hygiene aids like mouth wash & gum
Theme- ‘Be Proud of Your Mouth’
Screening camps
75 |
7.1.11 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community during the last five years (Not addressed elsewhere) ( |
s.no |
Year |
Name of initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages |
Name of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community |
Date and duration of the initiative |
Issues addressed |
Number of participating students |
2013 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Primary Govt school Java |
1/07/2013 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries, periodontal diseases, oral cancer , oral hygienge instructions , oral health education |
7 |
2013 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
District jail |
3/08/2013 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases, oral cancer , oral hygienge instructions , oral health education |
6 |
2013 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Sadbhavma park |
3/10/2013 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
8 |
2014 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Green field |
3/03/2014 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
6 |
2014 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Vishvas meditatum centre pankham |
4/08/2014 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2014 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
A.M.U School |
28/09/2014 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2014 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Govt primary school chungi dhorra |
7/11/2014 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
6 |
2015 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Ahmadi school for blinds |
17/10/2015 One
day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2015 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
AMU college, |
21/12/2015 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
6 |
2016 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Green crescent school |
28/11/16 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2016 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
District Jail, Aligarh |
5/9/16 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
8 |
2016 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
BMD school |
14/12/16 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
4 |
2016 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Junior school jawan |
27/12/16 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
6 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
M. U. College, Aligarh |
27/2/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
8 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Primary School, Jawan |
05/03/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
6 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Bugum Sitara Memorial School |
18/3/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
5 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Prathmik Vidyalaya, Nagla Baijora |
21/3/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
6 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Poorv Madhyamik Vidyalaya |
23/3/17 One
day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
6 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Mothers Touch School, Aligarh |
18/9/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
PAC, Aligarh |
12/11/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
8 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Kasimpur Power Plant |
15/4/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2017 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
SSP Office, Aligarh |
12/11/17 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
8 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Kasimpur Power Plant |
14/2/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
V.M. Hall, AMU |
17/2/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
10 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Aftab Hall, AMU |
21/4/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
12 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
District Jail, Aligarh |
4/8/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
11 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Janta Inter-College, Chherat, Aligarh |
11/9/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
12 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Janta Inter-College, Chherat, Aligarh |
17/9/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
11 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Madhyamik and Primary School, Aligarh |
24/7/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
12 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
District Jail, Aligarh |
15/10/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
12 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Prathmik Vidyalaya, Nagla-2, Jawan |
25/10/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Primary Government School, Patwari Nagla, Aligarh |
12/12/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
7 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Tala Nagri, Crown Factory |
17/12/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
8 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Green Field School |
15/12/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
10 |
2018 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Government Primary School, Nagla Qila |
19/12/18 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
12 |
2019 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Saima Mansoor Public school , hathras |
30/1/19 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
13 |
2019 |
Oral health Screening and awareness camp |
Ismat literary and handicraft centre |
6/3/19 One day |
Commom oral health problems like dental caries periodontal diseases |
8 |