पादप संरक्षण का विभाग
कैरियर सहकारी समिति
Dept. data last updated on :11/03/2025
Career Counselling Committee
Consequent upon the OM L.D.No. (C)/5703 dated May 26, 2017, a "Career Counselling Committee" is constituted of the following members in the department of Plant Protection.
1. Prof. Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Chairman (Convener)
2. Prof. Parvez Qamar Rizvi
3. Prof. Masarrat Haseeb
4. Dr. Raees Ullah Khan
Constitution of Career Counselling Committee
The Career Counselling Committee has been constituted with the following faculty members for capacity building;
1. Prof. M. R. Khan
2. Dr. R.U. Khan
3. Prof. P. Q. Rizvi (Convener & Chairman).

Chairman and Professor