पादप संरक्षण का विभाग

पूरा अनुसंधान परियोजनाओं

Dept. data last updated on :14/08/2024

Project Title :

"Integrated management of plant nematodes/soil pathogens in pulse based cropping systems"

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Studies on Meloidogyne incognita, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum disease complex of Mentha arvensis and its management through integrated approach,

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

19.67 lakh

Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Management of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Linn.) on cabbage with inter/trap cropping of host/non host plants and application of neem insecticides

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

6.28 lakh

Principal Investigator :

Dr. M.S.Ansari

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Integrated management of Diamondback Moth, Plutella xylostella (Linn.) on cauliflower with inter/trap cropping and application of biopesticides

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

3.01 lakh

Principal Investigator :

Dr. M.S.Ansari

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Studies on the biological management of mono- and multi-pa-hogenic diseases of chickpea and pigeonpea caused by Fusarium and Meloidogyne species

Funding Agency :

Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology

Funding Amount :

18.0 lakh

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Studies on the effect of sulphur dioxide and Alternaria species, singly and jointly on the indigenous germplasm of black mustard

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Integrated management of wilt disease complex of pigeonpea caused by Fusarium udum and Meloidogyne incognita

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

8.0 lakh

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Collection of indigenous isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes from mango growing districts in U.P. and development of EPN mass production technology for the management of mango fruit fly.

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

5.0 lakh

Principal Investigator :

Dr. Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Dr.M.S. Ansari

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Management of root-knot nematode and wilt complex, and their interaction in vegetable crops using organic amendments and bio-control agents

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

9.04 lakh

Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

National Agriculture Technology Project on " Integrated Management of Plant Nematodes/ Soil Pathogen in pulse Based cropping system"

Funding Agency :

ICAR, New Delhi

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

AP Cess Fund Scheme project on Studies on Meloidogyne incognita, Rhizoztonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum disease complex of Mentha arvenisis and its management through integrated approach

Funding Agency :

ICAR, New Delhi

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Competitive Agriculture Research Project on Management of root-knot nematode and wilt complex, and their interaction in vegetable crops using organic amendments and bio-control agents

Funding Agency :

UPCAR, Lucknow

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

AICRP Centre for Plant Parasitic Nematodes with Integrated Approach for their Control

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Voluntary Centre of AICRP Chickpea- Nematodes, Indian Institute of Pulses Research

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Voluntary Centre All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP- Pigeonpea) on Pigeonpea- Nematodes

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Voluntary Centre, All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP- MULLaRP) on "MULLaRP- Nematodes"

Funding Agency :

IIPR, Kanpur

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Effect of elevated levels of CO2 on the sensitivity of cucurbits to SO2 and susceptibility to powdery mildew fungus and root knot nematode

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Prof. Shabbir Ashraf

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Studies on the Bio Control of Alternaria Leaf Spot and Fusarium Wilt diseases of Withania somnifera (Dunal) With Indegenious Isolates of Trichoderma herzianium, T. virens and Aspergillus niger

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Shabbir Ashraf

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Occurrance of Sheath Blight (Rhizoconia solani) an Root Knot (Meloidogyne graminicola) in Major Rice Growing District in UP and their Integrated Management

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Mujeebur Rahman Khan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

All India Coordinated Research Project on "Plant Parasitic Nematodes with Integrated Approach for their Control" (AICRP-Nematodes)

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Voluntary Centre- All India Coordinated Research Project on Chickpea-Nematodes

Funding Agency :

IIPR, Kanpur

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Voluntary Centre- All India Coordinated Research Project on Pigeonpea- Nematodes

Funding Agency :

IIPR, Kanpur

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Voluntary Centre- All India Coordinated Research Project on MULLaRP- Nematodes

Funding Agency :

IIPR, Kanpur

Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Akhtar Haseeb

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Incidence and management of fruit fly, Bactrocera spp. in guava ecosystem in Western Uttar Pradesh

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. (Mrs.) Masarrat Haseeb/ Prof. P. Q. Rizvi

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Chairman and Professor