पादप संरक्षण का विभाग
प्रमुख वक्ताओं
Details of Eminent Scientists/Speakers who had visited Department of Plant Protection on different dates
Date of visit |
Name of Scientist/Speaker |
16.05.2001 |
Prof. R.P. Diwedi Head, D/O Plant pathology CSAUAT, Kanpur |
Dr. Divjendra Singh Sr. Assistant Director & Head |
16.08.2001 |
Dr. Q.H. Baqri Joint Director-Incharge Zoological Survey of India Regional Station, Jodhpur |
19.10.2001 |
Dr. R. K. Anand Pr. Scientist Dr. S. I. Gupta Sr. Scientist |
02.12.2001 |
Dr. Pradyumn Kumar Pr. Scientist (Agr. Entomology) NCIPM, IARI, New Delhi |
04.12.2001 |
Dr T.P. Trivedi Principal scientist NCIPM,IARI New Delhi |
5.12.2001 |
Dr. Gajendra Singh Deptt. of Entomology G.B Pant University Ag. & Technology Pantnagar (Udham Singh Nagar) |
8.12.2001 |
Dr. B.P. Singh Joint director Central Potato Research Institute Modipuram, Meerut |
14.01.2002 |
Dr Udit Narain CSAUAT, Kanpur, Kanpur |
25.01.2002 |
Prof. V.S. Pundhir, Associate Professor Department of Plant Pathology G.B. Pant University of Ag & Tech |
15.05.2002 |
Dr A. Dixit Professor Department of Botany University of Allahabad |
16.05.2002 |
Dr. V.K Singh Principal Scientist ,Div of Horticulture CISH, Rehman khera P/O Kakori, Lucknow |
18.05.2002 |
Dr. Devendra Pandey Sr. Scientist, Division of Horticulture CISH, Lucknow |
20.05.2002 |
Dr. O.P. Pandey Head Division of Plant Protection CISH, Lucknow |
21.05.2002 |
Dr D. Singh Dy. Director & Head Division of Entomology CIMAP, Lucknow |
27.07.2002 |
Dr. Najmul Hasan Pr. Scientist Indian Grassland & Fodder, research institute, Jhansi |
20.12.2002 |
Dr. M. Arif Sr. Scientist, DARL, |
21.12.2002 |
Dr. K.P. Singh Professor & Head BHU varanasi |
21.12.2002 |
Dr. O.P. Dubey ADG ICAR ,New Delhi |
18.01.2003 |
Dr. B.K. Goswami Pr. scientist IARI, New Delhi |
31.03.2003 |
Dr. S.D. Misha Pr. Scientist & project coordinator AICRP,IARI, New Delhi |
12.03.2003 |
Dr. P.K. Garg Asstt. Director B. R Ahmbedkar university,
13.05.2003 |
Dr. B.K Pandey CISH, Lucknow |
14.05.2003 |
Dr. Santosh Kumar Associate Professor Division of Horticulture college of Agriculture G.P .Pant university, Pantnagar |
16.05.2003 |
Dr. Paras Nath D/o entomology &ag zoology BHU, Varanasi |
17.05.2003 |
Dr. H.N .Singh Asstt. Director Division of entomology CIMAP, Lucknow |
15.07.2003 |
Dr. Anand Prakash Pr. Scientist & Head Division of Entomology CRRI ,Cuttack |
21.1`0.2003 |
Prof . K.P. Singh G.B. Pant University, Pantnagar |
22.10.2003 |
Dr. S.S. Ali Pr. Scientist IIPR, Kanpur |
20.11.2003 |
Prof V.K.Sehgal Ludhiana Punjab |
15.12.2003 |
Dr. Vishwa Dhar Head, Division of Crop Production IIPR ,Kanpur |
17.12.2003 |
Dr. Anupan dixit D/O Botany ,University of Allahabad |
24.04.2004 |
Dr. J.P. Singh Plant protection Officer Faridabad |
26.04.2004 |
Dr. A. K. Mishra Pr. Scientist CISH, Lucknow |
27.04.2004 |
Dr. R. V. Singh Pr. Scientist IARI, N. Delhi |
01.05.2004 |
Dr. M. Yaseen Associate Professor Beej Bhawan M. P,. Seed Crop, Mother Teresa marg, Bhopal |
12.08.2004 |
Prof. P.C. Trivedi Head, D/ O Botany, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur |
14.08.2004 |
Dr. R. D. Gautam Pr. Scientist IARI, New Delhi |
14.08.2004 |
Dr. F.R. Niyazi Pr. Scientist CAV, Division of Mycology, IARI, New Delhi |
21.08.2004 |
Dr. R. M. Khan Sr. Scientist CISH, Lucknow |
22.08.204 |
Dr. G.C. Tiwari ADG, ED & D Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi |
19.10.2004 |
Dr. H. S. Caube G.B. P. U. & Tec, Pantnagar |
30.10.2004 |
Prof. V. S. Verma Railway Road, Aligarh |
21.12.2004 |
Dr. Vidhta Sagar Singh Pr. Scientist & Head, IARI, New Delhi |
22.12.2004 |
Dr. Abul Hasan NDAUAT, Faizabad |
04.01.2005 |
Dr. H.P. Shukla Head, D/ O. Plant pathology CSA, U. & Tech, Kanpur |
01.06.2005 |
Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Head FRI, Dehradun |
01.06.2005 |
Dr. Kumud Kumar Prof & Head CSAUAT, Kanpur |
09.07.2005 |
Dr. J.P. Singh Plant protection Officer Division NH IV, Faridabad |
25.08.2005 |
Dr. Hem Saxena Pr. Scientist IIPR, Kanpur |
29.08.2005 |
Dr. Abul Samad Assistant director CIMAP, Lucknow |
29.08.2005 |
Dr. Naved Sabir Sr. Scientist IARI, New Delhi |
31.08.2005 |
Dr. H. S. Gaur Division of Nematology IARI, New Delhi |
19.12.2005 |
Prof. S. K. Singhal, D/o Entomology Haryana Agr. Univerity, Hissar, Haryana |
19.12.205 |
Prof. U. S. Singh GBPUA&T, Pantnagar |
21.12.2005 |
Dr. D. B. Parakh Sr. Scientist NBPGR, IARI,campus, New Delhi |
22.12.2005 |
Dr. Shamshad Ali Associate Professor D/ O Entomology NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad |
18.05.2006 |
Dr. P. Kumar Principal Scientist Directorate of Maize, IARI, New Delhi |
23.05.2006 |
Dr. A. K. Ganguly, IARI, New Delhi |
24.05.2006 |
Dr. D. Prasad Pr. Scientist Div. of Nematology IARI, New Delhi |
24.06.2006 |
Prof. Shiv Kumar Singhal Prof. Entomology Haryana Agr. University, Hissar, Haryana |
26.07.2006 |
Dr. R.P Shukla Principal Scientist CISH, Lucknow |
06.09.2006 |
Dr. Y.P. Singh Sr. Scientist FRI, Dehradun |
06.09.2006 |
Dr. Naeemuddin Sr. Scientist IIPR,Kanpur |
17.12.2006 |
Prof. R.K. Jain Project coordinator ,AICRP Nematode IARI, New Delhi |
20.12.2006 |
Dr. Javed A.Khan Scientist Division of Virology NBRI,Lucknow |
02.05.2007 |
Prof. C.S. Prasad Sardar Vallab Bhai Patel University of Ag &Tech Modipuram Meerut |
06.06.2007 |
Dr. Abdul Rashid Pr. Scientist IISR, Lucknow |
17.05.2007 |
Prof H.M. Singh Head N.D. University of Ag &Tech |
17.05.2007 |
Dr. Mansoor Alam Scientist-F C.I.M.A.P,P.O.C.U.I- M.A.P. Lucknow |
21.05.2007 |
Prof S.M.A .Rizvi Ex Director Research, Lucknow |
21.05.2007 |
Dr. Shashi Sharma Pr. Scientist, Lucknow |
25.05.2007 |
Prof B. Roi D/O Botany, BHU Varanasi |
27.05.2007 |
Dr. R. Ahmad Pr. Scientist Division of Crop Protection IIPR,Kanpur |
28.05.2007 |
Dr. A.K. Dubey Sr. scientist IARI, Pusa ,New Delhi |
30.05.2007 |
Dr. A.K. Singh Pr. Scientist Division of horticulture CIST, Kakori Rehman khera, Lucknow |
26.11.2007 |
Prof B.S. Yadav Udaipur, Rajasthan |
27.12.2007 |
Prof .H.K. Bajaj D/O Nematology CCS Haryana Ag University, Hisar |
19.01.2008 |
Prof S.P. Singh Secretary ICFRE,FRI P/O/New Forest Dehradun, uttarakhan |
28.01.2008 |
Dr. Razi Ahmad Pr. Scientist IIPR, Kanpur Dr. Pradyuman Kumar Pr. Scientist IIPR, Kanpur |
19.02.2008 |
Prof. K.R. Kanaujia Division of entomology G.B. Pant university of Ag &Tech, Pantnagar |
14.06.2008 |
Dr. C.P. Srivastava D/O Zoology& Ag Entomology institute of Agriculture, BHU, Varanasi |
13.08.2008 |
Dr. A.K. Ganguly Pr. Scientist, Division of Nematology LBS, Building, IARI ,New Delhi |
14.08.2008 |
Prof. N.N. Tripathi D/O Botany, Gorakhpur University |
14.08.2008 |
Dr. Ashraf Husain N.D.U.H, Faizabad, |
08.11.2008 |
Prof. M.A. Khan Head ,G.B. Pant Ag &Tech, Pantnagar |
22.12.2008 |
Prof. A.N. Srivastava Head ,division of Nematology IARI, New Delhi |
17.01.2009 |
Dr. S.C. Dubey Pr. Scientist Division of Plant Pathology IARI ,New Delhi |
8.04.2009 |
Dr. Dwijiendra singh FRES ,Scientist Dy. Director & Head Entomology division CIMAP, Lucknow |
15.05.2009 |
Shri shashi Sharma Pr. Scientist D/O Crop Protection CISH ,Lucknow |
15.05.2009 |
Dr. D. Sukamaran Scientist, Dy. Director Division of entomology Defense Research Establishment Jhansi Road ,Gwalior |
15.05.2009 |
Prof. A.N. Sharma Pr. Scientist National Research Centre for soybean ,Khanda Road ,Indore |
25.05.2009 |
Dr. R.S. Kanwar CCS Haryana Ag University,Hisar |
02.06.2009 |
Dr. S.D. Mishra Scientist emeritus SS,MIG,ADA Flat Govindpur Allahabad |
23.06.2009 |
Dr G.P. Rao Sr. Scientist officer Sugarcane research station, Gorkhpur |
23.10.2009 |
Prof. P. Willian D/O PLANT PROTECTION Allahabad Ag Institute Allahabad |
30.01.2010 |
Prof Jamal Uddin Emeritus scientist-CSIR Rani Durgawati university Jabalpur(M.P) |
02.02.2010 |
Prof. L.P. Avasthi Head ,D/O Plant Protection ND University Ag &Tech Kumarganj, Faizabad |
04.02.2010 |
Dr. R.K. Thakur Head division of forest entomology Forest research institute P/O New Forest ,Dehradun |
13.04..2010 |
Prof S.C. Chattergi Pr. Scientist Division of Plant Pathology IARI New Delhi |
07.06.2010 |
Prof. K.R.Dubey Sr. Nematologist CCS Haryana Ag University, Hisar |
08.06.2010 |
Dr. Naygar Azim Associate professor D/O Zoology Kashmir university Srinagar(J&K) |
10.06.2010 |
Prof. K.K.Verma D/O Nematology Haryana Ag university ,Hisar |
11.06.2010 |
Dr. Rakesh Pandey Asstt Director CIMP, Lucknow |
08.09.2010 |
Prof. Ramji singh Head Modipuram, Meerut |
09.09.2010 |
Dr. D.P. Abroal Prof. & Head Deptt. Of Entomology, SKUAST, Jammu (J & K) |
23.10.2010 |
Prof. R.V. Singh Div. of Nematology IARI, New Delhi |
23.10.2010 |
Dr. Abdul Samad Sr. Scientist CIMAP, Lucknow |
22.12.2010 |
Prof. Satosh Sachan Head Div. of Entomology SVBPU A&Tech, Modipuram, Meerut |
23.10.2010 |
Prof. N.P. Singh D/O Zoology University of Rajasthan, Jaipur |
02.04.2011 |
Prof. Shiv Kumar Singhal D/O Entomology CCSHAU, Hisar Haryana |
20.06.20114 |
Prof. Jagbir Singh D/ O Zoology, Punjab University, Patila, Punjab |
04.07.2011 |
Prof. C. K. Varshney Former Dean |
02.07.2011 |
Dr. M. I. Shah Prof & Head Div. of Entomology, SKUAT, Jammu (J & K) |
30.07.2011 |
Dr. I . J. Paruthi Nematologist CCHAU, Hisar |
20.09.2011 |
Dr. Seema Wahab Advisor Deptt. Of Biotechnology Ministry of Science, New Delhi |
28.12.2011 |
Dr. M. A. Khan Scientist- E, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, New Delhi |
29.12.2011 |
Prof. R.K. Saibni D/O Entomology CCSHA,
10.05.2012 |
Dr. R.D. Gautam Professor Division of Entomology IARI, New Delhi |
30.05.2012 |
Dr. R. K. Sharma Pr. Scientist Div. of Entomology, IARI, N. Delhi |
14.07.2012 |
Dr. G. T. Gujar Head Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi |
01.10.2012 |
Dr. Zaka Ullah Khan Sr. Scientist Div of Plant quarantine NBPGR, Pusa campus, New Delhi |
23.01.2013 |
Dr. H. K. Sharma Principal Scientist Div of Nematology, IARI New Delhi |
18.05.2013 |
Dr. BP Dhyani Associate professor D/O soil science SVBP University of Ag &Tech Modipuram Meerut |
20.05.2013 |
Dr. S.K. Sachin, Department of Entomology S.V.B.P.U.A.T., Modipuram, Meerut |
28.05.2013 |
Prof Karuna Vishunawat Department of Plant Pathology GBPUAT, Pantnagar |
30.08.2013 |
Dr. Mukesh Sahgal Project Coordinator NCIPM,IARI,New Delhi |
20.11.2013 |
Prof. Ramesh Arora D/O Entomology Punjab Agri. University Ludhiana,Punjab |
28.12.2013 |
Dr. Anil Sirohi Pr. scientist Division of Nematology IARI, New Delhi |
28.12.2013 |
Dr. Subhash Chaudra Pr. Scientist Division of entomology IARI, New Delhi |
22.12.2013 |
Prof. F.A. Zaki D/O Entomology SKUAST, Srinagar |
15.05.2014 |
Prof. Sandeep Malhotra D/O Zoology Allahabad University, Allahabad |
17.05.2014 |
Dr. R.K. Sharma Pr. Scientist Division of Plant Pathology IARI, New Delhi |
23.05.2014 |
Dr. Chitra Singh Pr. Scientist D/O Entomology IARI, New Delhi |
24.05.2014 |
Prof. L.P. Awasthi N.D. University of Ag &Tech Kumarganj, Faizabad |
29.05.2014 |
Dr. N.P. Singh Head ,D/O Zoology Rajasthan university,Jaipur |
07.06.2014 |
Prof. Faizan Ahmad Director, CIRBS Jamia Millia Islmia |
10.06.204 |
Dr. R.K. Sharma Pr. Scientist Division of Entomology IARI, Pusa New Delhi |
10.06.204 |
Prof S.B. Agarwal Coordinator, Environment Science D/O Botany, BHU,Varanasi |
05.12.2014 |
Prof Nimal De D/O Soil Science Ag Chemistry Institute of Ag Science BHU Varanasi |
26.12.2014 |
Dr. D.B. Parakh Pr. Scientist NBPGR, New Delhi |
30.12.2014 |
Dr. Neeraj Agarwal Head Division of Entomology CSA University of Ag &Tech ,Kanpur |
25.04.2015 |
Dr. Iqbal Ahmad Chief scientist Fiber Toxicology Division Indian Institute of Toxicology Lucknow |
26.05.2015 |
Dr. R.K. Walia D/O Nematology CCHAU, Hisar Haryana |
13.06.2015 |
Dr. Mohd Yousuf Scientist-G FRI, Dehradun |
22.12.2015 |
Dr. D. Ahuja Pr. Scientist Div. of Entomology, ICAR-NCIPM- IARI, New Delhi |
02.05.2016 |
Dr. Subhash Chandra Pr. Scientist Div of Entomology, IARI, N. Delhi |
16.05.2016 |
Dr. P. Kumar Pr. Scientist Directorate of Maize IARI, N,. Delhi |
20.05.2016 |
Dr. Anju karma Pr. Scientist Div. of Nematology IARI, pusa New Delhi |
28.05.2016 |
Prof. M. S. khan D/o Entomology GBPU , Pantnagar |
24.05.2017 |
Dr. Vishwajeet Paul Div of Entomology IARI, N. Delhi |
25.05.2017 |
Dr. M. K. Dhillon Div of Entomology IARI, N. Delhi |
25.05.2017 |
Dr. Uma Rao Pr. Scientist Div of Nematology IARI, New Delhi |
16.09.2017 |
Dr. Dinesh Singh Pr. Scientist Div of Plant pathology, IARI, New Delhi |
07.12.2017 |
Dr. A. K. Chaube Professor CCSU of Agr. Meerut |
08.12.2017 |
Prof. R.S. Kanwer Head D/O Nematology CCHAU, Hissar, Haryana |
13.12.2017 |
Dr. Vinay Kalia Div of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi |
10.02.2018 |
Dr. B.K. Goswami Director Amity Centre for biocontrol and plant disease management campus (AUVP),J1/LG-11 Amity university sector 125,noida |
12.05.2018 |
Prof Vipin Prakash Scientist, FRI, Dehradun |
14.05.2018 |
Dr Rashmi Aggrawal Head, Division of plant pathology IARI, New Delhi |
14.05.2018 |
Dr. M.S. Khan
GBP University of Ag & Tech, Pantnagar |
15.05.2018 |
Dr. Debjani dey Pr. Scientist Division of entomology IARI, New Delhi |
25.06.2018 |
Prof Karam Husain Division of Agronomy CSA university of Ag &Tech, Kanpur |
10.01.2019 |
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar D/O Plant Pathology Banda University of Ag & Tech , Banda |
14.01.2019 |
Dr. Rashid Parvez IARI, New Delhi |
23.04.2019 |
Dr. Sharad Mohan Pr. Scientist Division of nematology LBS Building IARI, New Delhi |
29.05.2019 |
Prof Rakesh D/O/Zoology ,DU, Delhi |
17.06.2019 |
Dr. Abus Samad Pr. Scientist CIMAP, Lucknow |
24.07.2019 |
Dr. M. Atique A. Khan Sr. principal scientist CSIR, Lucknow |
02.08.2019 |
Dr. A.K. Chaubey D/O Zoology CCSU ,Meerut |
04.12.2019 |
Dr. D.V. Singh D/O Entomology SVBP University of Ag & Tech , Modipuram |
22.02.2020 |
Dr. Kamlesh Malik Pr. Scientist
03.03.2020 |
Prof Shyam Saran Vaish D/O Mycology & plant Pathology Institute of Agricultural Sciences BHU, Varanasi |