Prof. Akhtar Haseeb
M.Phil., P-G.Nematology, Ph. D.
Diseases of complex etiology of crops, Integrated Pest Management, Biological contro.l
C-779, GTB Nagar, Kareli Scheme, Allahabad (U.P.)
Prof. Akhtar Haseeb M. Sc,. M. Phil., Ph. D. (Botany), Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, , Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (Ex-Vice Chancellor, NDUAT, Kumar Ganj Faizabad )
Thrusts areas of research:Diseases of complex etiology of crops, Integrated Pest Management, Biological control.
Academic Positions and experience:
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (May, 2004-Sept., 2006; Aug., 2014-20th Oct., 2014), Chairman, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Science, AMU, Aligarh (Sept., 2000-Sept., 2003; May, 2007-May, 2010; May, 2013-20th Oct., 2014),
Head, Section of Plant Protection, Institute of Agricultural Sciences (March, 1997-Sept., 2000), Professor of Plant Protection, F/O, Agricultural Sciences, AMU, Aligarh (March, 1997-till date),
In-charge, P. G. Diploma in Pest Management, Centre of Professional Courses, AMU, Aligarh (April, 1998-Sept., 2003; May, 20007-May, 2010; May, 2013-Oct., 2014),
In-Charge P.G. Diploma in Horticulture, Centre of Professional Courses, AMU, Aligarh (April, 2000-Sept., 2003; May, 2007-May, 2010; May, 2013-Oct., 2014),
Officer-in-charge, AICRP-Nematodes, ICAR, New Delhi, AMU Centre, Aligarh (November 2005 to 20th Oct., 2014).
Head, Section of Nematology, Division of Plant Pathology, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP, CSIR), (June, 1983 to March, 1997),
Scientist-B, (June, 1983-1988), Scientist-C (1988-1993) and Scientist-E (1993-March, 1997).), CIMAP-CSIR, Lucknow; JRF, 5th Five Year Plan, UGC (1976-81) and SRF CSIR (1981-83).
Administrative Positions/Experience:
Vice-Chancellor, Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (21st October, 2014-20th February, 2018).
Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, AMU, Aligarh;
Chairman, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, A MU, Aligarh.
Head, Section of Plant Protection, Institute of Agricultural Sciences;
Officer-in-charge, AICRP- Nematodes, ICAR, New Delhi, AMU Centre, Aligarh,
In-charge, P-G Diploma in Pest Management, Center of Professional Courses, AMU, Aligarh;
In-charge, P-G Diploma in Horticulture, Center of Professional Courses, AMU, Aligarh.
Controller of Examinations and Admissions, AMU, (April 2007, July 2007).
Officer-on-Special Duty (Development), A. M. U., Aligarh (June 2010-March 2012).
Officiating Registrar A. M. U., Aligarh from time to time (June 2010-March 2012).
Member-in-charge, Dawakhana, Tibbiya College, A. M. U., Aligarh (October 2008-Feb., 2012).
Head, Section of Nematology, Division of Plant Pathology, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow.
Honours and Awards: 30, to mention few of them:
Vigyan Gaurav Award, 2007-8 Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh (UPCST),
CSIR, Technology Award (As Team Member) 2009,
Recognition award Gold medal, 2008,
Life Time Achievement Award-2009,
Late Shri P. P. Singhal Memorial Award, 2009-10,
Outstanding Scientist Award, 1999,
Plant Pathology Leadership Award, 2012,
Plant Nematology Leadership Award, 2013,
Prof. V.P. Bhide Memorial Award Lecture, 2000,
Rishi ? Nematode Management, Honour of Distinction, 2003,
Young Scientist Award, 1993,
Most Active Teacher and Life Time Achievement Award, 2010 of AMU,
Bioved-Ratna Award, 2015, 3rd National Uttar Pradesh Education Award, 2015 for Excellent Contributions in Education Sector, Sangam Ratna Award, 2016, Academic Excellence Award-2017 , Jhunjhun wala ,P.G. College , Faizabad, NIER?s National Excellence Award -2017, Director General, Victoria Global University Turkers & Cashos.
Best Educationist Award -2017, International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi,, ?Azra Honarary Fellowshiop Award-2018",
Patent: International Patent (U.S. Application Serial No. 08/855,768, Patent No. PP 10935, dated 16-01-1999) . [As Member of the Team.].
International visits for academic purpose: Visited the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, North Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida, USA, as a Team Leader under National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP).
Special recognition: Served as, President/Vice President, Director, Chairman, Coordinator, Member, State/National Level High-Powered Committees/Bodies/Academic Institutions/Organizations, e.t.c.):
Ex-President, Technical Committee, Uttar Pradesh Government,
Ex-Vice President, U. P. Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
Ex-Director, Board of Directors, Ex-U. P. Beej Vikas Nigam;
Nominated Member Spices Board (Union Govt./UP Govt.);
Ex-Member, Board of Management, Uttar Pradesh Council of Agricultural Research;
Ex-Member, U. P. Council of Science and Technology;
Ex-Member, Uttar Pradesh Bhoomi Sudhar Nigam;
Ex-Member India Literacy Board; Ex-Member, State Level Executive Committee National Livestock Mission, Lucknow;
Ex-Member, Board of Management, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun;
Ex-Chairman, RAC, Regional Directorate, C B W E, Ghaziabad, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India;
Ex-Member, Advisory Committee for publication of Hindi Magazines of ICAR, New Delhi;
Ex-Member Scientific Advisor in Scientific Advisory committee of the Bioengineering and Biological Sciences, Varanasi;
Ex-Member, BOS and a number of academic and administrative bodies at A. M. U., Aligarh and other academic institutions/research institutions.
Fellow of 10 and Life Member of 13 Scientific Societies of national and international levels; Ex-elected President Nematological Society of India (2016-18); Ex-Editor, Member of Editorial Board, Referee of several National and International Journals of Nematology, Plant Pathology and Plant Protection Sciences;
Publications: 393 publications including 144 research papers published in national and international journals (USA, UK, Italy, France, China, Bangladesh etc.) and 20 book chapters, 221 abstracts in the proceedings of seminars/symposia/workshops.
Research guidance: supervised many M. Sc. (Ag.) Plant Protection dissertations, one M. Phil. and three, Ph. Ds., R. As. and T.A.s in research projects
Research Projects supervised: 16 (12 Extra-Mural Research Projects of major prestigious funding agencies like, ICAR, NATP, DBT, UPCAR, UPCST, etc with lakhs of funding)., 6 completed as a Scientist at CIMAP, Lucknow and 10 at A.M.U., Aligarh with Principal Investigator in 10 and Co-PI in 2 and , Officer-in-Charge of 4 including the prestigious project of national importance, AICRP-Nematodes, Aligarh Centre and NATP, an offered project.
Extension: Contributed immensely in the demonstrations, popularization and transfer of agro-technologies.
Participated in more than 100 Seminars/Symposia/Workshops etc., Associated in various capacities in the organization of various Seminar/Symposia/Conferences/Training Programmes, etc.