हादी हसन हॉल
Facilities Provided to the residents in the hall
01. Common Room has a Flat TV with Dish TV Service
02. Air Conditioner Reading Room are equipped with
Study Tables & Chairs
03. Fully WI-FI in each Hostels Facilities
04. T.T. Table, Badminton Court, Basket Ball Court,
Volley Ball Court, Cricket & Foot-ball Grounds.
05. Purified drinking water is available
round the clock through all available water coolers in every hostel and in
Dining Hall
06. Common Room, Reading Room, Dining Hall, Main Gate,
Gallery and Provost Office, connected to the Generator.
07. Geysers in each and every bathroom
08. Dinning Hall facilities upgraded recently
09. Roti Making Machine and Stainless Steel Ben
Merry provided for Dining Hall
10. Steam cooking system with vessels
11. Hall Canteen Facility
12. Automatic Laundry
13. CCTV Cameras