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This is the Alphabetical List of Subscribed/Open Source Dental e-Journals. Click on the link to browse the Journal. 



Acta Odontológica Latinoamericana

Acta Stomatologica Croatica

Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Al-Rafidain Dental Journal

Angle Orthodontist

Annals of Dentistry University of Malaya

Annals of International medical and Dental Research (AIMDR)

Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery

APOS Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society

ARC Journal of Dental Science

Archives of Craniofacial Surgery

Archives of Dentistry

Austin Journal of Dentistry

Australian Dental Journal

       British Dental Journal (Limited Access)

BDJ Open (British Dental Journal)

BDJ Team

Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry

BMC Oral Health

Brazilian Dental Journal

Brazilian Dental Science

Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences

Brazilian Oral Research

Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College

Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene

Case Reports in Dentistry

Caspian Journal of Dental Research

Clinical and Experimental Dental Research

       Clinical & Investigative Orthodontics (Formerly: Orthodontics Waves)

Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research

Clinical Oral Implants Research

Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry

       Community Dental Health

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology

Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry (Free            Registration Required to access)

Contemporary Clinical Dentistry

Dental and Medical Problems

Dental Hypotheses

Dental Materials Journal

Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics

Dental Research Journal

Dental Traumatology


Dentistry 3000

Dentistry and Medical Research

Dentistry Journal


European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry

European Endodontic Journal

European Journal of Dental Education

European Journal of Dentistry

European Journal of General Dentistry

European Journal Of Oral Sciences

European Journal of Orthodontics

European Journal of Pediatric Dentistry

European Oral Research

Evidence-Based Dentistry

Frontiers in Dental Medicine

Frontiers in Dentistry

Frontiers in Oral Health

Imaging Science in Dentistry

Implant Dentistry

Indian Journal of Dental Research

Indian Journal of Dental Sciences

Indian Journal of Dentistry

Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine

Inside Dental Hygiene (Free Registration required to access)

Inside Dental Technology (Free Registration required to access)

Inside Dentistry (Free Registration)

International Dental Journal

International Journal Of Dental Hygiene

International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences

International Journal of Clinical Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

International Journal of Dental Medicine

International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research

International Journal of Dentistry

International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Health

International Journal of Experimental Dental Science

International Journal of Implant Dentistry

International Journal of Interdiciplinary Dentistry

International Journal of Medical Dentistry

International Journal of Oral Implantology & Clinical Research

International Journal of Oral Science

International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry

International Journal of Scientific Research in Dental and Medical Sciences

Iranian Endodontic Journal

ISRN Dentistry

Japanese Dental Science Review

Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics

Journal of Applied Oral Science

Journal of Baghdad College of Dentistry

Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

       Journal Of Clinical Periodontology

Journal of Conservative Dentistry : JCD

Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Research

Journal of Dental and Craniofacial Research

Journal of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Journal of Dental Biomaterials

Journal of Dental Biomechanics

Journal of Dental Health and Oral Research

Journal of Dental Hygiene Science

Journal of Dental Implants

Journal of Dental Materials and Techniques

Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions

Journal Of Dental Research And Jdr Clinical & Tran

Journal of Dental Research and Review

Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects

Journal of Dental Sciences

Journal of Dentistry

Journal of Dentistry (Tehran, Iran) — now published as Frontiers in Dentistry

Journal of Dentistry and Dental Medicine

Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science

Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry

Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences

Journal of IMAB: Annual Proceeding

Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology

Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry

Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society

Journal of Indian Prosthodontics Society

Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry

Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology

Journal of International Dental and Medical Research

Journal of International Oral Health : JIOH

Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry

Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry — now published as European Oral Research

Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery

Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research (JOMR)

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research

Journal of Oral Health and Oral Epidemiology

Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health

Journal of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery

Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology

Journal of Oral Microbiology

Journal Of Oral Rehabilitation

Journal of Oral Research

Journal of Oral Research and Review

Journal of Oral Science

Journal of Orofacial Sciences

Journal of Orthodontic Science

Journal of Orthodontics & Endodontics

Journal of Osaka Dental University

Journal of Osseointegration

Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science

Journal Of Periodontal Research

Journal of Periodontology

Journal of Prosthodontic Research

Journal Of Prosthodontics

Journal of Public Health Dentistry

Journal of Research in Dental and Maxillofacial Sciences

Journal of Research in Medical & Dental Science

Journal of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology — now published as Anesthesia Progress

Journal Of The Anatomical Society Of India

Journal of the Canadian Dental Association (JCDA)

Journal of the Indian Prosthodontic Society

Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization

Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal

Molecular Oral Microbiology

National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery

Newsmonthly. American Dental Society of Anesthesiology — now published as Anesthesia Progress

Odovtos - International Journal of Dental Sciences

Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

Open Dentistry Journal

Open Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine

Open Journal of Stomatology (OJST)

Oral & Implantology

Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases

Oral Health and Dental Management

Oral Health Case Reports

Orthodontic Journal of Nepal

Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research

Pediatric Dentistry

Periodontics and Prosthodontics

Periodontology 2000

Progress in Orthodontics

Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences

Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics

Saint's International Dental Journal

Saudi Dental Journal

Saudi Endodontic Journal

Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental Research

SOJ Journal of Dentistry, Oral Disorders & Therapy

South African Dental Journal

Special Care In Dentistry

The American Journal of Dental Science

The Dental Register

The Dental Reporter
— now published as
The Dental Register

The Japanese Dental Science Review

The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics

The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society

The Journal of Iranian Dental Association

The Open Dentistry Journal

The Saudi Dental Journal

Turkish Journal of Orthodontics

Update Dental College Journal

World Journal of Dentistry