J.N. Medical College Library
पुस्तकालय संग्रह
The Faculty Library, JNMC features a multi-faceted collection supporting the educational, research and administrative information needs of faculty, staff and students. It has a rich collection of more than 50,000 print books and bound journals to pacify the increasing needs of the users.
The library subscribes about 72 International and National Journals in various specialties and maintains its archived collection of old journals ( Printed Bounded Volumes) at the ground floor of the new building. In addition, the users of Medical Library have access to thousands of electronic journals through online subscriptions and consortia-based access to ERMED and e-ShodhSindhu.
(As on 01.05.2023)
Collection (Printed) |
Volumes |
Books (Including bound volumes of journals) |
52883 |
Book Bank Collection |
6345 |
Gifted Books |
3551 |
Journals (Subscribed) |
43 |
Indian Journals |
36 |
Foreign Journals |
07 |
Collection (Online) |
Volumes |
E-Books |
639+ |
E-Journals |
1300+ |
Databases (Subscribed) |
08 |
Databases (Access Through ERMED Consortium) |
06 |
Databases (Access Through e-Shodhsindhu Consortium) |
04 |
The Library also provides access to enormous databases like J-Gate, Science Direct, ERMED, UGC Info-net, PubMed, PubMed Central, Biomedcentral, DOAJ and other open access resources:
Pubmed : It is a database of more than 25 million references/documents.
Pubmed Central : PMC is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
DOAJ : The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a free online directory of open access journals .
J-Gate : The J-gate Consortium provides current as well as archival access to more than 7500+ core and peer-reviewed journals and 10 bibliographic databases from 26 publishers and exaggerators in different disciplines.