J.N. Medical College Library
मानक संचालन प्रक्रियाएं
SOPs of Faculty Library, JNMC
Selection of Books
Acquisition of books for the Faculty Library, JNMC is done centrally by Maulana Azad Library, AMU. However, selection of books is done by the faculty library, JNMC based on the suggestions/recommendations received from the faculty members, research scholars and students of different specialties/departments duly signed by the Chairman of the respective departments. A consolidated list of books is then prepared as per the availability of budget and after performing duplication checks from library catalogue/OPAC. The list is finally approved by the Principal and sent to the Central Library for acquisition.
Accessioning, Physical & Technical Processing
The Faculty Library, JNMC maintains its own Accession Register which is the basic record in the library about each document forming part of its collection. After receiving the accessioned books from Maulana Azad Library, the same is verified and entered in the Faculty Library Accession Register. The accession number is then written on the book with proper library stamp. The book is then sent for physical & technical processing i.e. classification, cataloguing/OPAC, labelling etc.
Procedure for Book Acquisition through Gift
The acquisition of books through Gift is an important source of library collection development. The selection of gifted books for possible inclusion in Library collection is based on their thought contents and usefulness which is determined by the library staff. After ascertaining their usefulness and relevancy, the gifted books are entered in the accession register of Gift and become the property of the library. An acknowledgement is usually sent to the donor.
With regard to Subscription of Journals for the upcoming year, the Faculty Library, JNMC receives a letter from Maulana Azad Library with previous year subscribed list of Medical journals and fund allocation. JNMC library then sends a letter to all concerned Dean/ Chairman/Director/Principal asking for the list of journals recommended by their respective faculty members. Based on the recommendations received from different departments, the Faculty Library prepares a consolidated list of journals and submitted to the University Librarian for further necessary action.
Process of Receiving Journals from Maulana Azad Library & Maintaining Stock Register
An authorized library staff usually receives the issues of subscribed journals from the Periodical Division of Maulana Azad Library and the details (i.e. volume, issue no. & date) are entered in the stock register maintained at Faculty Library, JNMC. A reminder is generally sent through Central library for missing issues, if any.
Students (to avail Book Bank Facility)
The membership application form for UG students (MBBS & BDS) to avail Book Bank Facility of Faculty Library, JNMC may be filled up online at https://amu.ac.in/libraries/j-n-medical-college-library/download-forms . A print out of the online filled form has to be submitted along with a passport size latest colored photograph to the concerned person in the library after duly attested by the Provost of the respective Halls during working hours from 9.00 AM to 4.00 P.M.
Teaching Faculty
All the teaching faculty of the College can get the membership of the Faculty Library after filling up a membership form duly attested by the Head of the Department/Office. The form is available at the office of the library or can be downloaded from https://amu.ac.in/libraries/j-n-medical-college-library/download-forms. A permanent faculty member can borrow 5 books at a time, whereas temporary faculty member can get 3 books on loan.
The collection of the library has been distributed in different floors, sections and divisions and is available in open access mode for students and faculties to browse and use within library premises.
Undergraduate students (MBBS & BDS) of Ist, IInd, IIIrd & Final year can get textbooks as recommended by their respective departments on nominal charges of 20% of the book cost for the entire session. The student has to submit a filled requisition form along with membership card to the concerned person in the library. The books are issued to the students only after getting the receipt of fee paid in the Principal office.
Teaching Faculty:
Teaching faculty both permanent and temporary can borrow five (5) and three (3) books respectively for seven days between 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The Faculty Library follows Open Access System in Stacks where users can browse books on shelves and select his/her book of interest. The selected book along with library card is then given to the library staff at the Circulation desk. The staff will note down the details of the book and the user and hand over the book to the user. .
All the documents issued from the library will be returned at the Circulation Counter of the Library from 9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. In order to return the book, the user present the book to the Library Staff available at the Circulation Desk and the staff after verification, inserts the book card back in the book and handed over the Library card to the user. A reminder is generally sent to those faculty members who do not return the books on time.