Public Relations Office
Standard Operating Procedure
Providing media coverage to all the academic research and outreach activities in national and local media to promote AMU as a brand by showcasing five parameters.
1.Teaching, Learning and Resources 2. Research and Professional Practices 3. Graduation Outcomes and 4. Outreach and Inclusivity 5. Perception
By collecting information about the activities of the faculties, researchers about their publication, seminars, symposiums, conferences, collaborations, patents, workshops, academic exchange programs, MoUs, major events organised, outreach programs and prepare a press release for mainstream/local media (electronic & print) ensuring publications of the news.
• Press releases in English, Hindi and Urdu are prepared and their transmission to print and digital media.
• Arrangement for photography/videography of the events and maintain records of newspaper clipping. Guidance to the visiting guests delegation etc.
• Publication of AMU Gazette
• Maintaining a record of material and photographs, archival importance in digital format
• Interacting with media houses
• Organising media meets