अहमदी स्कूल फ़ॉर द विज़ूअली चैलेंज्ड
Admission Requirements
Admissions are open to the visually challenged boys and girls of the age group of 6 to 9 years in the Sensory Development Class (Nursery). Candidates with earlier schooling may apply for admission in other classes also. Eligible candidates may be considered for admission on the recommendation of screening committee of the school. They need to apply for admission on the prescribed form. The following relevant documents/certificates are to be produced at the time of admission.
Medical Certificate of Blindness issued by the Chief Medical Officer.
Five passport size photographs.
Date of Birth Certificate issued by the competent authority.
Transfer Certificate in case of earlier Schooling at the time of admission.
Income Certificate of the parents.
Address proof (Copy of Ration Card/ Driving License/ Copy of Passport/ Adhaar Card /Voter ID Card/ Bank Passbook/ Employment ID Card)
Photograph of candidate with parents
Any other relevant document.
Application Form for admission to Ahmadi School for the Visually Challenged can be obtained/downloaded from the controller's website: www.amucontrollerexams.com or from the School website.
Prospective students may contact the school in person for the same or alternatively enquire through email: ahmadischool368@gmail.com