एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम सेंटर फॉर स्टेम एजुकेशन एण्ड रिसर्च
APJ Abdul Kalam Center for STEM Education and Research
To facilitate mutual understanding, educational reforms, and economic development by engaging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) professionals from USA and India in academic collaboration at the APJ Abdul Kalam Center for STEM- ER, a joint undertaking between the Ohio State University (OSU) and the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).
To foster cutting-edge multi-disciplinary research and teaching in diverse areas of STEM disciplines, and to provide mentorship to underprivileged STEM learners for achieving excellence in related careers.
To meet the educational
and career needs of STEM learners by engaging in flexible learning spaces
through pioneering collaborative programs by the participation of faculty members and students from the colleges
Arts and, Sciences, Education, Engineering
and Medicine, with their AMU counterparts.
To mentor and train
prospective students from AMU as STEM faculty, with a novel dual-degree plan
for exceptional pedagogical skills for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and
research on
par with global standards of
excellence at top universities, as well as research on advanced scientific and
technological topics of global importance.
To provide a leading-edge outreach program to the diverse community of STEM learners and to remove gender variation and discrimination.
1. To promote STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine) education and research in India and in the U.S. through joint academic programs and projects devoted to scientific, technological, and engineering methodologies and pedagogies, such as an integrated degree in STEM disciplines in cooperation with STEM departments.
2. To submit research projects in STEM to national and international funding agencies for financial support, governmental and non-governmental, and private foundations and sources.
3. To offer research-based STEM courses and workshops for training undergraduate and post-graduate students to enable opportunities for higher studies in the USA.
4. To promote STEM education and research seminars and events including training in computational skills, simulations, and dynamics in STEM research.
5. To follow the rules and regulations of both universities, proposals for STEM education and research submitted under the auspices of the Center may specify a level of support for the Center to be negotiated individually or collectively for each project.
6. To promote online distance education certificate courses offered by OSU and AMU with particular attention to be directed towards women, minorities and disadvantaged groups at both institutions.
7. To support emerging institutions, high schools and colleges with courses and events locally and at the Center in STEM disciplines.
8. To reach out into disadvantaged communities with educational programs developed at the Center.
9. To fully exploit online distance education technology and modalities to extend widely to STEM students and professionals.
10. To develop the Center into an international entity through collaborative projects in STEM-ER with emerging nations, particularly in South Asia and the Middle East.
11. To collaborate with other national and international universities to develop similar STEM-ER Centers and programs.