अंतर-अनुशासनिक मस्तिष्क शोध केंद्र
इंटरडिसिप्लिनरी ब्रेन रिसर्च सेंटर, फैकल्टी ऑफ़ मेडिसिन
इंटरडिसिप्लिनरी ब्रेन रिसर्च सेन्टर
Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre
Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre (IBRC) in Faculty of Medicine was established in 1976 by Late (Padamshree) Prof. Mahdi Hasan (Dept. of Anatomy) and was subsequently approved by the Academic and Executive Council of Aligarh Muslim University in 1978 and 1982 respectively. IBRC was the first centre in India solely dedicated to brain research and has been actively engaged in research since then.
IBRC has secured several research grants from various funding agencies such as DBT, DST, ICMR, UGC and CST-UP. Several alumni of this centre are leading scientists in national and international institutions. The centre has contributed to 26 Ph.D, 12 M.Phil. and 14 M.D. in collaboration with the Faculty of Life Sciences, Science and Unani Medicine. The researchers at IBRC have published numerous papers in various national and international journals. At present, more than ten departments from three faculties i.e. (Medicine, Life Science and Sciences), are working and collaborating with IBRC.
Neurosciences have been one of the thrust areas of most funding agencies of Govt. of India involved in developing academic and research centres as well as human resource development. There is a paucity of scientists and trained human resources in this field. So, there is clamant need to encourage young students to take up the challenges of neurosciences. Being the first centre in India solely dedicated to brain research, IBRC at AMU is committed to fill in this gap and is very much capable to answer the riddles related to normal brain functioning and mechanisms of advance cognitive impairments through extensive research if positively supported and fostered. We are highly thankful to the Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for permitting IBRC to initiate its own independent PhD (Neurosciences) programme.
New initiatives
IBRC started academic teaching and research programs Ph.D. in Neurosciences in 2013.This opens an opportunity for the young researcher in life sciences to undertake cutting edge research in neuroscience and get PhD degree in Neurosciences. Since 2013 four Ph.D. (Neuroscience) has been awarded from IBRC. IBRC is also planning to start M.Sc (Neuroscience) from the session 2022-23. In addition, IBRC has partnerships with like-minded federations of scientific societies such as Indian Academy of Neurosciences, Society of Neurochemistry and International Brain Research Organization/institutes/Centers (NBRC, Manesar, Gurgaon, AIIMS, New Delhi) to identify priorities and help bridge gaps in knowledge and resources in the field of the brain and related diseases, from development to ageing.
To achieve the leading position in Neurosciences by Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research, Education and Innovation that transforms to clinical application for the betterment of society vis a vis Nation.
- To develop Innovative therapeutic future medicinal approach towards Neurodegenerative disorders and Neuro-oncology.
- To promote the use of gene editing and micro-RNAs based technologies as possible therapy for the Neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours.
- To promote identification of molecular bio-markers for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders and brain tumours.
- To determine possible therapeutic targets of cell signalling pathways in neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours.
Ph.D. (Neuroscience): Programme Outcomes (POs)
- Opportunity to join as Post-doc fellow / Young Scientist / Research Associate in India & abroad.
- Faculty position in various Neurosciences Departments / Centers of India & abroad.
- Opportunity to join the various pharmaceutical companies in Research and Development (R&D) areas.
- Initiate own startup to identify biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours.