अंतर-अनुशासनिक नैनोटेक्नोलाजी केंद्र
Interdisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre was established in December 2016 as one of the centres of excellence in Aligarh Muslim University. The faculty of the centre is drawn from different field of science and technology. The aim of the centre is to develop State-of -the art facilities for the Research and Development of interdisciplinary research on various current aspects of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Nanotechnology can produce objects with unpredictable architectures and it is unique not only for its derivative in every area of science and technology, but also for its economic and social consequences.Physicists, chemists and biologists often refer to different size ranges, but they all agree that the nanoworld is characterized by a utter change in physical, chemical or biological properties of the objects. It should thus come as no surprise that nanoscience & nanotechnology find many often cross-disciplinary applications in area as varied as electronics & information systems, energy, optics, materials and nanomedicine. So nanoscience is neither physics, nor chemistry, nor biology but all these disciplines at the same time, as they converge toward the nanoscale.
Aims and Objectives of the Interdisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre:
- To create and develop world class R&D infrastructure for Nanotechnology.
- To emerge as a Faculty of International Level for teaching and training postgraduate and research students
- To provide complete nanotechnology training and education to the students and equip them to play a leading role in serving the mankind at National and International levels.
- To promote collaboration research with scientist in other R&D Institutions and Industry in the Country.
- To provide a National and International forum for deliberations on important areas in Nanotechnology.
- To organize National and International Conferences and periodic Winter and Summer Schools for scholars and teachers.
- To provide excellent facilities for talented young students to carry out research projects in Nanotechnology.
- To provide facilities to visiting scholars and faculty from other Institutions in India and abroad.
- To publish monographs and reports on front-line research areas in Nanotechnology.

Director and Professor