ए.आर.टी. केंद्र
ART Centre
The WHO estimates the overall prevalence of primary infertility in India to be between 3.9 and 16.8%, this translates around 50 lakh couples suffering from infertility. Childlessness has serious demographic, social and health implications. In view of above facts and also the reason that there was no ART Centre in government sector in western UP with a population of around 10 crores establishment of ART Centre in government sector was the need of the hour and at our tertiary care center, we strive to provide the best possible care to our patients.
Ø ART Centre at JNMCH was established in 2017 under the Chairmanship of Prof. Seema Hakim which is not only fulfilling the dreams of poor infertile couples but also providing quality training to medical students.
Ø The first healthy baby was delivered by in vitro fertilization in Jan. 2018.
Ø We have a well equipped operation theatre & embryology lab to provide cost effective management of infertile couples. The following services are provided at our ART Centre:
o IVF(In-Vitro-Fertilization)
o IVF- ICSI (In-Vitro-Fertilization with Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Insemination)
o IUI(Intra-Uterine Insemination)
o FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)
o Cryopreservation(Gametes),Embryos upto Blastocyst
o PESA (Precutaneous Epididymal sperm Aspiration)
o TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration)
Our motto is to serve the underprivileged and underserved infertile population with the best available technology in ART.