शिया धर्मशास्त्र का विभाग
Usool ut Tafsir Wal Uloom ul Quran
Islamic Economics
Interfaith Dialogue
Depending on availability
Refer to Guide to Admission
http://results.amucontrollerexams.com/courses/faculties/guides/Guide-2020-21.pdfCOURSE.COURSE :
Refer to Guide to Admission
http://results.amucontrollerexams.com/courses/faculties/guides/Guide-2020-21.pdfCOURSE.JP :
1. To develop fundamental background and training in scientific research in Shia Theology including Intra- Faith And Inter-faith Study.
2. To provide opportunities to students to learn Religious Views such as SanatanDharm ,, Jainism, Buddhism, And Semitic Religion to study original sources .
3. To encourage students to share their researches and invite suggestions in Seminars and publish their papers in the Journal of the Department and other institutions
4. To identify new areas of research particularly various aspects of Human Right ,women Right and Ethic Base Issue researches
Students can pursue career as Assistant Professor in Universities, colleges and Research Institutes.
Students can pursue career as Teachers In School
Students can become Madrasas teachers as well as enlightened imams or khateebs . Moreover, due to proficiency in Arabic and Persian, they have job prospects in the Gulf as well
PhD scholars seek to pursue career PhD scholars seek to pursue careers in higher education institutions and research-oriented organizations in aboard.
1.Create Scholars with Ethical and scientific approaches.Ability to think critically, observes and analyse situations and Issues, and understand religious Issues.
2. Create a conductive academic environment by introducing latest pedagogical paradigms and research cultures in their respective work-places
3. To stimulate the initial spurt of learners in appreciating and speculating the concept of human rights, national values, moral-ethical values, sustainable development, historical, philosophical and sociological perspective of theology and the zeal for social reconstruction.