Para Medical College
SOPs for Office
SOPs for Office
Receive & Dispatch:
· All the papers are received in the office of the college. Details of paper are entered in the receipt register.
· Papers are shown to the Principal for his comment.
· Principal returns the paper with his comment within three days.
· The paper are then placed in the respective file folders (Office file/Personal file/Circular file/ Notice Board file/NAAC/IQAC/File for Minutes of BOS).
· Papers are then circulated/put on the Notice Board or given to concerned Teaching and Non-Teaching staff.
· The details of all papers which are to be dispatched from the office are first entered in the dispatch register.
· They are then dispatched to the respective offices (Dean’s office/Principal’s office various section of Registrar office etc.)
Store: The store keeper is responsible for smooth functioning of store (financial matters and matters related to Purchase).
· Purchase of the following items will be done:
1. Equipment's
2. Departmental items (Fan, A/C, Furniture, Stationary etc).
· All purchase/repair of the amount ranging between 1 – 25,000 are done through Principal.
· Purchase ranging between 25,000 – 2.5 lakhs are to be done through the purchase committee.
· Purchase >2.5 lakhs are done through Finance office of the University.
Purchase of various items are done through the GeM portal .
The lowest cost quotation is considered, by the approval of Principal
Order is placed after Principal approval.
It should be procured at the earliest possible time.
The received items are entered in the stock register and kept in the store.
Then depending upon the requirements they are issued through the Indent book.
Indent book carries the following details:
· Name of indenter
· Name of items
· Quantity
Indent book is then approved / permitted / signed by the Principal
· Items are issued
The following registers will be maintained by the store keeper
· Register for record of all the instruments in the college.
· Register for equipment's.
· Register for stationary.
· Register for various items of the college.
· Register for record of repair of various items
· Register for day to day expenses.
· Miscellaneous
· Budget Control Register
· MAS Control Register
· Register for consumables items
· Register for Bank related work TA, DA.
SOPs for Paramedical College
SOPs for College in General
· Official Working Hours 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
· The concerned person will collect the keys from Principal and open the department at 7:45 AM followed by opening of office, Chambers of the staff etc.
· The extra lights switched on at night in the corridors, are switched off in the morning.
· Sweepers are responsible for cleaning the college and ambience. Indoor plants and water cooler are taken care of by the non-teaching staff and the particular committee constituted.
· All the staff members enter signature in the attendance register and “on leave” is written if anyone is on leave.
· Concerned staff update the Notice board. Members of cleanliness and Ambience committee as well as members of the college take care of cleanliness.
· Before closing the college all, the electrical switches and water taps are checked.
· The concerned person check the electrical points and water taps before leaving the lab.
1. To prepare teaching material as per prescribed syllabus of the allotted courses.
2. To prepare lecture plan and course file.
3. To upload his/her CV, time table, and teaching material on the section webpage.
4. To evaluate the assignments, quizzes and mid semester exam.
5. To encourage the students to participate in extra-curricular activities including games.
6. To engage the class in scheduled time.
7. To update their knowledge by attending FDP and short-term courses etc.
8. To involve in research and development activities.
9. To make efforts to organize various academic events like conferences, workshops etc.
10. To execute any work assigned by the Principal.
Non-Teaching Staff
1. To perform the duties/work allotted by Principal.
2. Maintenance of the personal files of teachers and employees.
3. Circulation of notices, circulars, and letters received from internal/external sources and to keep their records.
4. Dispatch of attendance statement of teachers and the employees to the principal office for the purpose of preparation of salary.
5. Maintenance and cleanliness of the premises of the college.
SOP for online classes for students
Getting started
1. Download the zoom client app from Google Play store in your Android phone,
iPhone, iPad, Android pad, laptop or desktop.
2. Once you download the app, sign in using your Google account.
3. Go to the Settings - profile page and set up your profile. Use your official name. Set a
profile picture. This is essential to mark your attendance in the class.
4. In the homepage, go to the join the meeting icon, choose your meeting as per the
schedule provided. You need to enter the meeting ID and password to join the meeting. This
information is available in the invite sent to you. Or simply join the meeting by clicking the
link provided in the official class WhatsApp group.
5. You are now part of the online class.
ABC of online classroom etiquette
When switching to online classes, you have many adjustments to make—including learning
how to navigate a virtual classroom. Following these etiquettes called netiquette can help
you to adapt smoothly and avoid embarrassment or misunderstandings. The alphabetical
guide below should assist you to become successful virtual classroom students and help you
during these difficult times.
Though you may be comfortable with using and reading common acronyms such as LOL
(laugh out loud) and TTYL (talk to you later), not all users are as familiar with these
abbreviations. Spelling things out will help to avoid confusion and misunderstandings with
your teacher and classmates.
While participating in online discussions, keep your answers short and on-topic. Students
can also note their opinions and answers by using the status indicators found in the zoom
app. Clicking the “thumbs up” button can get a point across just as well as typing a message
in the chat box.
Courtesy goes a long way in any setting, including virtual classrooms. Your good manners
should carry over to online meetings, too.
• Students should use their real names.
• Make sure you know how to raise their “virtual hands” and wait to be recognized
when responding to a question or comment.
• Please to address the teacher and other virtual school students in a respectful
manner, even when disagreeing.
• Avoid using all uppercase letters; this is often considered the equivalent of shouting.
Before a virtual classroom session begins, make sure you eliminate environmental
distractions that may divert your attention away from learning.
• Clear the room of playful pets or noisy siblings.
• Minimize background noise by turning off the TV and radio.
• Turn off cell phones. (No multitasking during class!)
• Please mute your microphones unless you are speaking.
It’s important that virtual students be prepared before class. Please download the necessary
software and connect and devices like microphones or laptops before the lesson begins.
Students should also exit other applications on their computers prior to launching the
classroom software.
Please remember the teacher and your classmates will be able to see you. So pay close
attention and:
• Focus on the classroom conversation and activities.
• Take notes on the information presented.
• Ask relevant questions to clarify the material covered or assignments given.
• Not join sideline chats with classmates when the teacher is speaking.
Please read and interpret virtual classroom messages with the assumption that teachers and
classmates have good intentions.
• Without seeing your facial expressions, other people may not know when you are
kidding or being sarcastic.
Reread your own messages for friendliness and respect before sending.
• A short or abrupt answer from a classmate (or teacher) probably doesn’t mean
anger—the other person might just be busy.
Opt for a quality headset to avoid the background noise. Avoid using your keyboard; pick up
your notebook and pen to take notes instead.
Try to eat a snack before your virtual class and avoid eating while discussing the class.
Adjust your work setup so that you face a window or are exposed to plenty of light. And
make sure your background is professional and work appropriate! This means:
• No beds (unmade or made) in the background.
• No messy rooms or open closets where everyone can see your clutter.
• Wear clean clothes and dress up neat.
Mute your microphone when you’re not talking. There’s nothing more frustrating than
hearing that alien echo noise from conflicting microphones. Save everyone from the earsplitting madness by joining the meeting while on mute!
Speak up! Don’t be afraid to project your voice. Your classmates will appreciate being able
to hear you without having to strain their ears or turn their volume all the way up.
These tips and tricks will help you to sail thru the digital classroom. Happy Learning