Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and Dental Anatomy

On Going Research Projects

Dept. data last updated on :17/03/2025

Project Title :

Comparative Evaluation of salivary metal ions and 8-0HdG levels in patients undergoing fixed orthodontics mechanotherapy with and without adjunct chlorhexidine mouthrinse.

Funding Agency :

Dr.Dannis Brij (2021-2024)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor:- Prof.Mohammad Tariq Deptt o

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor-Dr.Shagufta Moin Professor Deptt of Biochemistry JNMC, Dr.Saif Khan Assistant Professor Depttof Periodontology, Arbab Anjum Assistant Professor Deptt of Orthodontics

Project Title :

Dysbiosis of oral microbiome during fixed orthodontics treatment with fixed and removable acrylic appliance –an in vivo study.

Funding Agency :

Dr.Ameen Ashraf MP (2021-2024)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor- Prof.Sandhya Maheshwari Dept

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor-Prof.Haris.m.Khan Deptt.of Microbiology JNMC AMU.,Dr.Saba Khan,Deptt of Orthodontics

Project Title :

Evaluation of rate of canine retraction and expression of pain marker in GCF after the administraton of i-PRF


Funding Agency :

Dr.Huma Azad (2021-2024)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor:- Prof.Sanjeev Kumar Verma De

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor-Dr.Sufia Naseem,Assistant Professor Deptt of Biochemistry JNMH, Dr.Saba Khan Assistant Professor Deptt of Orthodontics

Project Title :

Comparative Evaluation of Periodontal Status and Level of Salivary MMP-8 during Orthodontic tooth movement in subjects with Healthy and Compromised periodontium – An in Vivo Study.

Funding Agency :

Dr.Ansari Munazza Shamiem (2022-2025)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor- Prof.Sandhya Maheshwari, Dep

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor- Dr.Shagufta Moin, Prof.of Biochemistry JNMC, Prof.N.D.Gupta, Dept. of Periodontics Community Dentistry Dr.Z.A.Dental College A.M.U.,Aligarh.

Project Title :

Analysis of Antibacterial Efficacy of Stainless steel Orthodontics Bracket Coated with TiO2 Nanoparticles and cytological changes in the Adjacent Oral Mucosa.

Funding Agency :

Dr.Debdeep Kuila (2022-2025)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor- Prof.Sanjeev Kumar Verma, De

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor- 1)Dr.Arbab Anjum Assistant Professor Deptt of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics Dr.Z.A.Dental College AMU Aligarh.AMU 2) Dr.Nazish Fatima Associate Professor Deptt of Microbiology JNMC AMU.

Project Title :

Effect of the folic acid supplementation on periodontal status, gingival biotype and keratinized gingival width in subjects undergoing fixed orthodontic therapy.

Funding Agency :

Dr.Iman Ahmad (2022-2025)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor- Prof.Mohammad Tariq Dept. of

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor- Dr.Shagufta Moin, Prof.of Biochemistry JNMC, Dr.Saif Khan Assistant Professor Dept. of Periodontics Community Dentistry Dr.Z.A.Dental College A.M.U.,Aligarh.

Project Title :

Effect of Vitamin-D Supplementation on Salivary Opiorphin Level, Pain Perception and Tooth Movement in Patients Undergoing Fixed Orthodontic Mechanotherapy

Funding Agency :

Dr.Mariya Afreen (2023-2026)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor- Prof.Mohammad Tariq Dept. of

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor- Dr.Shagufta Moin, Prof.of Biochemistry JNMC, Dr.Saif Khan Assistant Professor Dept. of Periodontics Community Dentistry Dr.Z.A.Dental College A.M.U.,Aligarh.

Project Title :

Valuation of the Orthodontic Miniscrew Surface Topography and It’s Stability After Utraviolet Photofuctionalization, A Randomixzed Controlled Trial.

Funding Agency :

Dr.Taikhum Fakhri Palgharwala (2023-2026)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor- Prof.Sandhya Maheshwari, Dep

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor- 1)Dr.Shraddha Rathi (Assistant Professor)Dept.of Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge, Dr.Z.A.Dental College A.M.U.,Aligarh, UP 2)Dr.Arbab Anjum (Assistant Professor) Dept. of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Dr.Z.A.DentalCollege A.M.U.,Aligarh.

Project Title :

Analysis of metal ions leached from orthodontic biomaterials and its cytotoxic effects: an invitro study

Funding Agency :

Dr.Aiswareya.G (Batch 2020- to 2023)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor-Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Verma,Dep

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor-1) Prof.Izharul Deptt. of Civil Engineering,2)Prof.Mohd Owais Deptt. of Interdisciplinary Biotechnology, Dr.Saba Khan Deptt. of Orthodontics AMU

Project Title :

Assessment of Genotoxic And Cytotoxic Effects of BisGMA in Methacrylate Based Orthodontic Adhesives:An InVivo Study.

Funding Agency :

Dr. Nabeela Ibrahim (Batch 2020-2023)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor-Prof.Mohd Tariq Deptt. of Ort

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor-1) Dr.Yasir,Deptt.of Zoology,2)Dr.Arbab Anjum Dr.Z.A.Dental College A.M.U.,Aligarh.

Project Title :

Effect of Torque Prescription on Maxillary Central Incisor Using Various Wire-Bracket Combination :A Finite Element Study

Funding Agency :

Dr. Saherish Farhan (Batch 2020-2023)

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Supervisor-Prof.SandhyaMaheshwari Deptt.

Co- Principal Investigator :

Co-Supervisor-1) Prof.Abid Ali Deptt.of Mechanical Engineering, 2) Dr.Arbab Anjum Deptt. of Orthodontics Dr.Z.A.Dental College A.M.U.,Aligarh.