Department of Paediatric Surgery
News and Publication
Shagufta Wahab, Prabhash Chandra Jha, Rizwan Ahmad Khan, Zeeba Zakaur Rab, Kumari Chitra. Different MRI sequences and spectrum of findings in pediatric brain infections in North Indian population. International Journal of Contemporary Medicine Surgery and Radiology. 2019;4(4):D124-D127.
R.A. Khan, R. Ara, Sh. Wahab, I. Ahmad Ultrasound in pediatric intestinal obstruction: Assessing its full potential Pediatric Surgery Ukraine 2019: 2019 4(65):19024
Neurofibromatosis type 1: a rare cause of parotid swelling in a child: Rizwan A. Khan, Shagufta Wahab and Tariq Mansoor. Annals of Pediatric Surgery 2017, 13:155156
Neonatal Intestinal Obstruction: When to Suspect Duplication Cyst of Bowel as the Cause. Rizwan Ahmad Khan, Shagufta Wahab, and Imran Ghani. J Neonatal Surg. 2016 Oct-Dec; 5(4): 52.
The department organized the UP chapter of Indian association of Pediatric Surgeons Conference UPIAPSCON2017 in March 2017.
Prof RS Chana Attended and Chaired a scientific session in the XL Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons (UPASICON 2014) of India Held at Aligarh, India from 14th- to 16th Nov.2014
Dr. Rizwan A Khan Attended and Chaired a scientific session in the XL Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons (UPASICON 2014) of India Held at Aligarh, India from 14th- to 16th Nov.2014
Dr. Reyaz Ahmad Attended and Chaired two scientific session in the XL Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons (UPASICON 2014) of India Held at Aligarh, India from 14th- to 16th Nov.2014
Prof RS Chana Attended and Chaired a scientific session in the 40th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Held at ooty, Tamil Nadu from 9th- to 12th Oct.2014
Prof R S Chana- Attended and chaired a Scientific session in II Annual conference of Uttar Pradesh- Uttarakhand Chapter of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 5th& 6th April 2014, Mathura.
Prof. Imran Ghani Attended and chaired a Scientific session in II Annual conference of Uttar Pradesh- Uttarakhand Chapter of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 5th& 6th April 2014, Mathura.
Prof. Imran Ghani Delivered the C.M.E. Lecture on antenatal diagnosis fetal Surgery in II Annual conference of Uttar Pradesh- Uttarakhand Chapter of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 5th& 6th April 2014, Mathura.
Dr. Reyaz Ahmad attended and presented papers titled Transperineal Ultrasonography versus Invertography and Augmented pressure distal colostography (APDC) for evaluation of Anorectal Malformations (ARM) in children, in II Annual conference of Uttar Pradesh- Uttarakhand Chapter of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 5th& 6th April 2014, Mathura.
Dr. Reyaz Ahmad attended and presented papers titled Outcome of tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in hypospadias, in II Annual conference of Uttar Pradesh- Uttarakhand Chapter of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 5th& 6th April 2014, Mathura.
Prof Imran Ghani Attended and Chaired a scientific session in the 39th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Held at Bhubaneswar from 7th- to 10th Nov.2013
Prof RS Chana Attended and Chaired a scientific session in the 39th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons Held at Bhubaneswar from 7th- to 10th Nov.2013
Prof I.Ghani - Attended and chaired a Scientific session the 38th Annual Confrecnce of IAPS held at Bhopal in Nov 2012.
Prof R S Chana-Attended and chaired a Scientific session the 38th Annual Confrecnce of IAPS held at Bhopal in Nov 2012.