
Faculty of Theology


The Office overall supervises all administrative works under the direction of the Dean as follows :

It holds Faculty and CASR meetings.
Convenes Selection Committee for Assistant Professor (Contractual), Guest Teachers etc.
Students of UG courses, PG courses and Ph.D. program are enrolled in the office of the Dean.
Registration and continuation forms of all the courses are submitted in Dean’s office for record.
It also keeps the record of the results of the students UG and PG.
Examination forms of PG applicants collected and are sent to the office of Controller of Examinations.
Leaves are sanctioned to the Ph.D. Students.
Special Casual Leaves are sanction to the faculty members by the Office.
Drafting, typing and maintaining of proformas for various university purposes.
It monitors and expedites UGC non-net and other fellowships for the students
It maintains and displays the attendance record of the UG/PG students
The Office provides support for all Department Entrance Tests and Admissions
Elections of AMUSU and AMU Court Membership are conducted under the Supervision of Dean.