M.Sc., M.Phil,, Ph.D.
Special Functions & Integral Transforms
Hadi-Nagar, Dhaurra Mafi, Aligarh-202002 (U.P.), India.
I (DR. MOHAMMAD KAMARUJJAMA) am working as a Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Z.H College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. I joined this department in February-1998 as a Lecturer. I obtained Ph.D degree in Mathematics in 1993 from Aligarh Muslim University, India. During the Ph.D programme I was awarded by Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from CSIR, New Delhi. Subsequently I was appointed as a Research Associate (R.A) in the Department of Mathematics, AMU Aligarh. I have also served as a Lecturer in Ranchi University through Bihar State University Service commission (BSUSC). I have a very good teaching experience of 27 years including 5 years as foreign experience of Asmara (Eritrea) and Saudi Arabia. My research area is Special Functions (including Generating functions, Integral transforms, Orthogonal polynomials, Mathematical physics and Lie groups). I have keen interest in research work also. I have guided successfully two M.Phil and five Ph.D students in Applied Mathematics. Currently two students are enrolled in Ph.D program. I have also participated in several conferences (national & international) and short term courses. I have published about 60 research papers in the reputed national and international journals:
Key Publications: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Fractional integrals and derivatives formulas of generalized p-k Mittag- Leffler function (With N .U Khan & Owais khan*), The J. Analysis. (2019), 1-8. [Citation:11] 2. Computation of new class of integrals involving generalized Galue type struve function (With Owais Khan*), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (JCAM), 351 (2019), 228-236. [Citation:12] 3. A generalization of Voigt function involving the Generalized Bessel and Whittaker functions (With N.U Khan & M. Ghayasuddin*), Palestine Journal of Mathematics (PJM), (2) 4 (2015), 313-318. [Citation: 05] 4. On Laplace transform of generalized Whittaker function of multivariables (With Waseem A Khan*), Italian J. Pure and Appl. Math. (IJPAM), 32 (2014 ), 67-72. [Citation:03] 5. N fractional calculus of generalized H-function (With Y. Singh and N.A Khan*), The Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (SEAM) (China), 34 (2010), 181-184. [Citation:03] 6. Some representations of the unified Voigt functions (With D. Singh*) , Acta Math. Sinica (English Series) (China), 21 (2005), 865-868. [Citation:05] 7. On multiindices and multi-variables presentation of the Voigt functions (With M.A Pathan & M. Khurshreed Alam*), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (JCAM), 160 (2003), 251-257. [Citation:20] 8. A unified presentation of the generalized Voigt functions, ANZIAM J. , 45 (2003), pp. 289-293. [Citation:05] 9. Some unified presentations of the generalized Voigt functions (With H.M Srivastava & M.A Pathan), Commun. Appl. Anal: An Internat. J. Theory & Applications (USA), (1) 2 (1998), pp. 49-64. [Citation:32] 10. On partly bilateral and partly unilateral generating functions (With M.A Hussain & F. Aftab), Soochow J. Math. (R.O.C), (4) 23 (1997), 359-363. [Citation:07]
*Ph.D Students