Special Functions
E-I Naaz Rezedency new Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh 202002 India.
I did M.Sc. from the Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 1996. Later on, I joined the Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh as a research scholar and completed my M.Phil. and Ph.D. in the year 1998 and 2002 respectively in the area commonly known as special functions. My research interest includes applicable analysis, special functions especially generating functions, and integral transforms. I am teaching graduate and post-graduate classes since 2003. I have more than 92 published research papers in many national and international journals including Competes Rendus Mathematique, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, ANZIAM Journal, Journal of Integral Transform and Special functions, South east Asian bulletin of mathematics Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Rivista Mathematica Della Universita Di Parma, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology. I am the principal investigator of the SERB major research project on the Study of generating functions of new families of special polynomials by means of innovative techniques and establish their Properties with reference no. MTR/2017/000821 by Science and Engineering Research Board Department of Science Technology, Government of India. I have supervised five Ph D. students and two students are pursuing Ph. D. under my supervision. I am the recipient of the University Fellowship (JRF & SRF) (1998-2002) and the ISCA best paper award (2005) by the Indian Service congress Association. I am a member of various Indian Mathematical Societies. I have worked as a referee and reviewer of various research journals. I have served the university as an elected member of AMU Court (2011-2014). I also served the university as an Assistant Proctor and Assistant Dean Student Welfare from May 2013 to April 2015, from July 2016 to July 2019, warden Allama Iqbal Hall, Assistant Superintendent of the exam at ZHCET, and academic counselor for MCA and BCA courses of IGNOU AMU center. Presently, i am serving as a deputy proctor in the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh since February 2020.