Ph.D., M.Phil., NET, M.A.
Qur'anic Studies, Islam and Politics, Contemporary Islamic Thought
Dr. Abdul Majid Khan, teaches at the Department of Islamic Studies of the Aligarh Muslim University. He is a member of several national and international academic bodies. He has contributed to numerous prestigious conferences on historical, philosophical and theological themes. On the other hand he does extensive fieldwork, meeting and interviewing the leaders and workers of Muslim states, associations and institutions of learning, the world over, and remains abreast of the latest writings on the Muslim world. A number of his research articles on Culture, Mysticism, Human Rights, Environment, Globalization and Consumerism have been published in various reputed journals. He has worked on contours of ‘Qur’ānic Exegesis’. His books Muhammad Asad: An Intellectual Giant of Contemporary World and Muhammad Asad Explains Al- Quran to the Modern Man speak of his scholarship in the field of contemporary explanations of Al-Qur’ān.
He is being invited by academicians internationally as an International Panelist to discuss the most important issues facing the human life. Some of them are, Integrating Migrant Rights with Host Rights and Migrant Duties (Special Public lecture in Doha, Qatar), Education for Sustainability (International Panel Discussant, Yala Rajabhat University, Thailand), Ethics and Morality for Sustainable Development: A Comparison of Western and Islamic Perspectives (International Panel Discussant, Asian University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh) etc.
As is evident from his studies and contributions, he holds the rare distinction of commenting on contemporary issues and developments but from the vantage of an intimate understanding of profound considerations of history, philosophy and theology. He is growingly able to see and show the continuous working of the Islamic spirit in comprehending, shaping and improving the Muslim civilization and Human Culture at large.