Assistant Professor
Microbial Ecology , Environment & Plant Pathology
Botany Section, Women
Dr Fauzia Naushin after completing M.Sc.Botany from AMU Aligarh, joined CIMAP (a renowned CSIR institute at Lucknow ) for her Ph.D. work.She was appointed as a Lecturer in Women's College, AMU in 1994. She later on joined STRK PG College, Aligarh as Lecturer & worked till 2009. She joined Women's College in 2010 as Lecturer / Assistant Professor. She is also guiding three Ph.D. students in the Department of Botany whereas one student has completed his work and been awarded the degree under her supervision. Vision Dr Fauzia Naushin has been promoting women education & motivating girls in the Women's College to pursue higher education and prove excellence. She is not only motivating the girls pursuing B.Sc.Hons. Botany, but also the girls of other streams of the college for higher education, national level competitions including NET/ JRF / GATE. On her motivation, meritorious girls of the college are preferring to take admission in masters courses.
Naikoo M.I., Kafeel U., Fauzia Naushin, FA Khan F.A.2020. Halophytes in India and their role in phytoremediation. Handbook of Halophytes: From Molecules to Ecosystems towards Biosaline Agriculture.
Naikoo M.I., Dar M.I., Raghib F., Jaleel H., Ahmad B., Raina A., Khan F.A., Fauzia Naushin 2019. Role and Regulation of Plants Phenolics in Abiotic Stress Tolerance: An Overview. In Plant Signalling Molecules, 157-168.
Kalam S.U., Fauzia Naushin, Bagyaraj D.J. Khan FA. 2019. Role of AM Fungi in the Uptake and Accumulation of Cd and Ni by Luffa aegyptiaca. Water Air Soil Pollution, 230:1-8
Kalam S.U.. Fauzia Naushin. Khan F.A., Rajakaruna N.. 2019. Long term phytoremediating abilities of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. (Fabaceae). SN Applied Sciences 1:501
Kalam S.U., Fauzia Naushin, Khan F.A., 2019. Comparative assessment of four toxic heavy metals occurring in river beds of Ganga at three major cities of U.P., India. Journal of Biological and Chemical Research, 36: 86-91.
Dar,M.I, Naikoo M.I., Khan F.A., Rehman F., Green I.D., Fauzia Naushin, Ansari A.A. 2017. An Introduction to Reactive Oxygen species Metabolism under changing climate in plants, In Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant Systems in Plants : Role and Regulation under Abiotic Stress. 25-52.
Naikoo M.I., Dar M.L., Khan F.A., Ansari A.A., Rehman F., Fauzia Naushin, 2017. Gymnosperm Diversity of Kashmir, Himalayas. In: Ansari AA, Gill SS (Eds.), Plant Biodiversity: Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation,
Dar M.I., Naikoo M.I., Rehman F., Fauzia Naushin, Khan F.A., 2016. Impact of Nickel on the growth of Lycopersicon esculentum var. Navodaya. International journal of Environmental Sciences 7 (1): 100-106.
Dar, M.I., Naikoo m.i., Rehman F., Fauzia Naushin, Khan F.A. 2016. Proline accumulation in plants: roles in stress tolerance and plant development. In Osmolytes and Plants Acclimation to Changing Environment: Emerging Omics. Technologies
Dar, M.I., Khan F.A., Naikoo M.I.,Rehman F., Masoodi A., Ansari A.A., Varshney D. Fauzia Naushin, 2015. Roles of Brassicaceae in phytoremediation of metals and metalloids. Phytoremediation, 201-215.
Khan, F.A., Fauzia-Naushin, Farha-Rehman, Masoodi, A., Irfan M, Hashmi, F., Ansari A.A 2014. Eutrophication: Global scenario and local threat to dynamics of aquatic ecosystems, In: Eutrophication: Effects, Causes and Control, Vol 2, Abid Ali Ansari (ed), Springer, New York, pp:17-28.
Eutrophication: Global Scenario and Local Threat to Dynamics of Aquatic FA Khan, F Naushin, F Rehman, A Masoodi, M Irfan, F Hashmi, AA Ansari Eutrophication: Causes, Consequences and Control: Volume 2 2, 17, 2013.
Rehman F., Khan F.A., Varshney D., Fauzia-Naushin, Rastogi J. 2011, Effect of cadmium on growth of tomato. Biology and Medicine, 3:187-190.
Farha-Rehman, Khan F.A., Varshney J., Fauzia-Naushin and Chauhan A., 2009. Growth responses of mustard to soil amendments with fly ash. Proc. Internat. Conf. on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering, AMU, Aligarh, India. Oct. 2009. pp 1531-1535. ISBN-93-80043-40-6
Fauzia-Naushin, Varshney J., Farha-Rehman, Khan F.A. and Chauhan A., 2009. Effects of fly ash amended soil on growth and yield of wheat. Proc. Internat. Conf. on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering. AMU, Aligarh, India. Oct. 2009. pp 1524-1530. ISBN-93-80043
Khan F.A., Varshney J., Farah-Rahman, Fauzia-Naushin and Naseem S., 2009. Effects of varying doses of chromium and lead on Cichorium intybus L. Proc. Internat. Conf. on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering. AMU, Aligarh, India. Oct. 2009. pp 1512-1517. ISBN-93-80043-40-6
Janardhanan, K.K. Abdul-Khaliq, Fauzia-Naushin and K.Ramaswamy, 1994. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza in an alkaline usar land ecosystem. Current Science, 67:465-469.