Assistant Professor
Urban and Environmental Geography
B-!,skyline apartment,dodhpur,Aligarh,202002,up,
9456087713 , , 9456087713
Mansoor Alam siddiqui is Assistant professor of Geography. He obtained his doctoral degree in the area of urban Geography from department of Geography, AMU. Published number of Research papers, articles, in reputeted national and international journals. participated and presented papers in many International/national conferences, seminars, workshops, both in online and offline mode. Deliver online content using social media platform i.e, linkdin, you tube.
With more then 20 years of teaching experience, develop research skill and presently 1 phD student is working ,2 have submitted and one phd was awarded .Main thrust of research relates to environmental ,and urban issues. Associated with a no of academic organizations and bodies like, IGU, NAAGI, PFA, GREEN PEACE ,PICASA,SOCH,AGHAAZ.
Besides academic responsibilities also engaged in administrative assignments, working as warden MM HALL, and also working as Training and placement officer of AMU WOMENS COLLEGE.
- Publication
Topic of Ph.D:
“Impact of Development on the environment of the Fringe areas of Aligarh City”
(1)publications, Books/Research Papers:1. Books – 1
The Urban Impact of Fringe Areas, 2000. B.R.P.C. Publication, Daryaganj New
2. Research Paper Published – 121)Residential Crowding and Womens Health: A Major Risk Factor For Respiratory Disease in Bulandshahr City in The Geographer,2019.
2) Female Beedi workers and their socio-economic and Health conditions; a case
study of Sandila-published in book entitled Social and Economics development
in India-Brown Book published in New Delhi,feb,2019.(3) Income Disparities in Housing Environment and Associated Disease :A study on Self Reported Health in Bulandshahr City ,India. Vol.5,Issue,1.April-june,2019 ,CNR’S IJSSR. ISSN 2454-3178
(4) Effect of City Expansion on the Countryside – A Case study. Volume 4,
October, 2008-09 Punjab Geographer, Patiala, Punjab.
(5) Exploring Rural – Urban Linkages between Aligarh City and its Countryside,
Volume 54, July 2007-08 Geographer, AMU, Aligarh.
(6) Changes in the Social Structure in the Villages of Fringe areas, July 2009
Geographical Observer, Meerut University, Meerut.
(7) Development of Residential Colonies in the Suburbs of Aligarh City, Indian
Journal of Regional Science, Kolkota. Vol. XXXXIII, No. 1, June 2011.
(8) Community participation in water resource management: A case study of
Alwar District, Rajasthan - The Deccan Geographical society-India.
(9) Uncontrolled Physical Growth and its impact on the Fringe areas; Paper
published in a Book entitled “Environment and Sustainable Development” –
issues and Challenges by Keshav Publication – Delhi, 2013.
(10) City Growth and loss of Agricultural land: A case study of Aligarh City,
October, 2008 Published in proceeding of conference on ‘Land use planning in
U.P.’ edited by Mridula Singh – Joint Director U.P. Landuse Planning.
(11) Indira Gandhi Canal: Dynamics of economic development in western
Rajasthan-A case study.
(12) Rapid urbanisation and Resulting land Degradation around Aligarh citypaper
published in book entitled “Environment,Resource and Regional
Development” by Wisdom publisher-varanasi,2014
3. Research Paper Accepted for Publication –2
(i) Air Pollution in the Fringe Areas of Aligarh City as a Result of Vehicular
Traffic the Indian Geographical Journal, Chennai.
(ii) “Solid Liquid waste disposal and problems for Fringe Villages” by
XXXVII Indian Science Congress, Allahabad.
4. Research Papers Communicated for Publication - 2
(i) Landuse, landcover changes in Peri-urban areas of Aligarh City., Landuse
policy, London.
(ii) Cultural changes in the fringe Areas - Asian Profile, Canada.
5. Papers Presented in the National/International Conferences - 151 Paper presented in XVILL Indian Geography Congress held in Dec. 1995. Jammu. 'Expansion of Aligarh City and Environmental Consequences in the Fringe Areas'
(2) Paper Presented in National Conference on population, poverty and pollution, 4-6 march, 1996. Dept. of Geography, A.M.U., Aligarh 'Feeding the Million Mouth on What Consequences”
(3) Paper Presented in XVIV India Geography Congress, October 29-31, 1996 N.E.H.U., Shillong 'Urban Sprawl and Loss of Natural Resources: A case Study of Aligarh City'
(4) Paper Presented in international-Conference on Resource management and Development Strategies, November 25-27-1997, Department of Geography, A.M.U. Aligarh (India), 'Aligarh City Expansion and Loss of natural Resources.
(5) Paper presented in National Conference on Environmental challenges and sustainable Development. 1-2nd March, 2008, Department of Geography, A.M.U. Aligarh "Rural-Urban fringe areas and it new challenges”
(6) Paper presented in International Conference on Resource Development and Environmental change, Emerging Issues and challenges 27-29th January, 2009 Department of Geography, A.M.U. Aligarh “Uncontrolled Physical Growth and its Impact on the fringe areas”.
(7) National conference on population, Resource and Environment 1-2 March, 2011, Dept. Of Geography, A.M.U., Aligarh. “Rural-Urban Migration in the fringe areas of Aligarh city”
(8) International Conference on Population, Dynamism and sustainable Resource development, 25-27 March, 2013 Department of Geography, AMU Aligarh “Solid and Liquid waste Generation disposal in the Fringe areas of Aligarh City”.
(9) Presented paper in XXXVII Indian Science Congress entitled “Solid Liquid waste disposal and problems for Fringe Villages” held at AMU for December, 27-31,2013.
(10) Presented paper in national conference organised by department of Geography,AMU,Aligarh,March21-22,2016,entitled ‘sanitation and its associated problems in Aligarh city.
(11) Presented paper in 45th national conference on Resource, Population, regional Planning and Development of Geography, university of Rajasthan, Jaipur-entitled ‘ground water quality evaluation of Aligarh city and its impact on Health”.
(12) Presented paper in 39th Indian geography congress ,held at Hyderabad during 5-7thdecember, entitled “an Assesment of Health care system and Infrastrutural facilities in India.
(13) Presented paper in Xith Inernational geographical union (IGU) commission seminar, held at Department of Geography,Guwahati,Assam,India.8-10 february,2018 entitled “Drainage system and Associated problems in smaller cities of India ‘-A case study of Aligarh city.
14. Presented paper in national seminar organized by department of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi,27-29,March,2018 entitled “Insanitary conditions and Resulting problems in smaller cities of India”.
15. Presented paper in International conference organized by department of Geography, AMU, Aligarh, India during 1-3rdDecember,2018entitled “Solid and liquid waste generation and its disposal: a case study of Hardoi city”.
16 Presented paper in International conference organized by department of Geography, AMU, Aligarh, India during 1-3rdDecember,2018entitled “Application of principal component analysis to measure the housing Quality in Bulandshahr city,India.
6.Papers presented in the National/International conferences/webinars(on-line mode).
1.International Conference on GENDER EQUALITY:ISSUES AND CHALLENGES, Organised by AMU Womens college from 19-12 August,2020 entitled Residential crowding and womens Health: A major risk factor for respiratory diseases in Bulandshahr city-UP,India.
2.National Conference on IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON FOOD,WATER AND HEALTH : ISSUES AND CHALLENGES, Organised by Department of Geography,AMU,from 1-2 february entitled Multicriteria evaluation using the analytic hierarchy process and weighted over lay technique to analyse Built-up municipal environment in Bulandshar,UP,India
7.Participated in workshop/seminars :
1.Participated in workshop on endangering Budget and Gender inclusive urban development organized by Department ofGeography,Amu,Aligarh23- 25th February.
2. Participated in Eco Summit ,2019 held at UniversityEco-Club,CEC,Aligarh,23rd February,2016
3. Regional Workshop on Water conservation and Rain water harvesting techniquestoaugmenttheGroundwateranditsimpactonenvironment,
4. Conducted by Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim University on 5thJune2010.
5. Workshop on Application of Geographical information System Techniques from 1 l-14 November, 2009, Conducted by UGC Academic Staff College. A.M.U,Aligarh.
6. Participated in Seminar on "Future of Philosophy" Conducted by Department of Philosophy A.M.U, on December 14 to 15,2009.
7. Presented paper in Two-Day National Seminar on Contemporary Scenario of Humanities and Social Sciences, Organized by Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, 20-21 February, 2010, ShriVarshneyMahavidyalay, Aligarh.
8. National Seminar on climate transformation and socio-economic development: Issues and challenges-February 26-27, 2011 Deptt. Geography, Meerut- College, Meerut.
9. International Seminar on postmodernism: Dimensions and challenges. 4-6 March, 2011, S.V. College,Aligarh.
10. National Seminar on Population Environment and Sustainable development in India: Issues and Challenges – 22nd– 23rd Dec., 2012 Meerut University, Meerut (U.P.).
11. Participated in Workshop on “Water Conservation” held in Civil Engineering Department, AMUAligarh.
12. Xxxvii Indian Science congress,27-31 December ,2013 organised by AMU and Indian Academy of socialsciences.
8.Participated in natioanl/international conference/seminar/webinars(on-line mode)
Participated in WPC-COVID-19 DIALOGUE SECTORAL IMPACTS,GLOBAL RESPONSE AND ENHANCING RESILEANCE TO FUTURE PANDEMIC ,held between 24-25 september 2020,organize d by water policy centre, Mumbai.
Participated in National webinar on REVISITING ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINISM AND POSSIBILSM DEBATE IN PRESENT SCENERIO organized by Department of Geography, Ram Dayalsingh college, BhimRaoAmbedkar Bihar university-Muzaffarpur-Bihar, on 7-8-20
Participated in 4 day National webinar from 9th june-12 june,2020 on STEERING HEI’S IN THE WAKE OF COVID-19:THE WAY AHEAD FOR ACADEMEA organized by vivekananda education society, college of Arts, science. and commerce, Chembur, Mumbai.
Participated in state level webinar on LEARNING ECOSYSTEM UNDER COVID-19,NEW NORMAL-THE INDIAN CONTEXT, organized by Department of Geography, Serampur Girls college, Hooghly, west Bengal.
Participated in international seminar on CARRIER CHALALNGES FOR WOMEN IN POST COVID -19 WORLD on 3rd September2020,organized by department of commerce,
9. Involved in Conducting Field Surveys 2 Major Projects:
(i) DST/DAAD – Project – 1999 – 2001
Modelling of Residential Structure for better Environmental Management
in Aligarh City and Leipzing City.
Principal Project Investigator – Prof. Abha Lakshmi Singh, AMU, Aligarh
– India 3 Prof. Jeurgen Bresute, Liepiz Germany.
(ii) UGC Major research Project – 2008 – 2011.
‘Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences and Policies – A Case Study of
Aligarh City.
10. Articles in Newspapers/Magazines:
(i) Siddiqui, M.A. To save the Humanity you Save the Earth, May 27,1993,
Indian Express.
Article Communicated:
(i) Siddiqui, M.a. Globalization-Economic, social and Political Challenges for
South Asia, ICCR, New Delhi.
(ii) Siddiqui, M.A. Vision of the Future of South Asia and How Such a Future
should be Realized.