Physical Chemistry
Area of specialization is Physical Chemistry and area of research is Solid State Chemistry. Have been teaching Chemistry to undergraduate students for about 30 years and also have five years of teaching experience of solid state chemistry at post graduate level. Have published 59 papers in international journals of repute. Some of the journals in which the papers have been published are Solid State Ionics(Elsevier),Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier), Physica B (Elsevier), Phase Transitions (Taylor and Francis) and Journal of Solid State Chemistry(Elsevier). Participated in 20 conferences and supervised 9 students for their Ph.D. and one M.Phil.
- Key Publications Download PDF
Saba Beg and Afaq Ahmad, Solid state reaction between CuI and HgClBr. The relevance of electrical resistivity measurements in the study of solid-solid reaction. J. Solid State Chemistry 105 (1993) 130-135.
Publisher- Elsevier
Present Impact Factor- 2.04
M.A. Beg, A. Ahmad and Saba Beg, A comparative study of the kinetics and mechanism of solid-solid reaction between AgI and some mixed mercury halides. J. Solid State Chemistry 105 (1993) 346-353.
Publisher- Elsevier
Present Impact Factor- 2.04
M.A. Beg, A. Ahmad, Saba Beg and Hasan Askari, Interaction of ?-Hydroxyquinoline cadmium halides in solid state. J. Solid State Chemistry 117 (1995) 416-419.
Publisher- Elsevier
Present Impact Factor- 2.04
Saba Beg, Pooja Varshney, Sarita, and Afaq Ahmad, Study of phase transition in ZrO2 doped Pb3O4. J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67 (2006) 2305-2309.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor- 1.164
Saba Beg, Sarita and Pooja Varshney, Effect of MnO2 on the electrical conductivity of ZrO2. Inorganic Materials, 42 (2006) 1083-1087.
Impact Factor- 0.374
Saba Beg, A. Ahmad, Sarita and P. Varshney, Effect of CrO3 addition in ZrO2 electric and dielectric behaviour. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 80 (2006) 1141-1145.
Impact Factor- 0.251
Saba Beg, Pooja Varshney and Sarita, Study of electrical conductivity changes and phase transitions in TiO2 doped ZrO2. J. of Material Science, 42 (2007) 6274-6278.
Publisher- Springer
Impact Factor- 1.081
Saba Beg, Sarita and Pooja Varshney, Effect of CuO doping on the electrical behavior of ZrO2. Chinese J. of Chemistry 25 (2007) 1112-1115.
Impact Factor- 0.719
Saba Beg, Sarita and P. Varshney, Study of electrical conductivity changes and phase transitions in Co3O4 doped ZrO2. Phase Transitions 80 (2007) 867-873.
Publisher-Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor- 1.044
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Sadaf Haneef, Study of phase transition and ionic conductivity changes of Cd-substituted Bi4V2O11??. Solid State Ionics 179 (2008) 2260–2264.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor- 2.04
Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi and Saba Beg Phase transition changes in Bi4CexV2-xO11-(x/2)-? system. Materials Chemistry and Physics 115 (2009) 5-8.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-1.8
Saba Beg and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Composition dependence of polymorphism and electrical conductivity in Ce(IV)-doped Bi4V2O11, Philosophical Magazine 89 (2009) 1279–1294.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.384
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Ahlam Al-Alas, Shehla Hafeez. Influence of dopant concentration on the phase transition and ionic conductivity in BIHFVOX system. Physica B 404 (2009) 2072–2079.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-1.056
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Study on phase stability and ionic conductivity in HfIV- substituted bismuth vanadate. Materials Chemistry and Physics 118 (2009) 15-20.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.35
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Structural and electrical study of CeIV-substituted bismuth vanadate. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 70 (2009) 1000-1007.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-1.53
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Ahlam Al-Alas, Composition dependence of the phase transition and ionic conductivity in BIHFVOX system. J. Alloys Comp. 479 (2009) 107–112.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.135
Saba Beg, Sadaf Haneef and Niyazi A.S. Al- Areqi, Study of phase transitions of TiO2-CaO system. Ionics 16 (2010) 239-244.
Publisher- Springer
Impact Factor-1.05
Saba Beg and Sadaf Haneef, Phase transition in ceria-alumina. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 84 (2010) 17-24.
Publisher- Springer
Impact Factor-0.5
Saba Beg, Sadaf Haneef and Niyazi A. S. Al-Areqi, Study of electrical conductivity and phase transition in Bi2O3-V2O5 system. Phase Transitions 83 (2010) 1114-1125.
Publisher-Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.006
Saba Beg, Ahlam Al-Alas and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Microwave assisted solid synthesis and impedance spectroscopy of BICRVOX system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 493 (2010) 299-304.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.13
Saba Beg, Ahlam Al-Alas and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi. Structural and electrical properties of hexavalent substituted BIMEVOX synthesized by microwave assisted route. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1-13 (2010).
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-0.66
Saba Beg, Ahlam Al-Alas and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi.
Study on structural and electrical properties of layered perovskite-type oxide ion conductor. Materials Chemistry and Physics 124 (2010) 305-311.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.35
Saba Beg, Ahlam Al-Alas and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi.
Microwave solid synthesis and electrical properties of Aurivillius-type Oxide-ion conductor. J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 (2010) 1421-1427
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-1.53
Saba Beg, Ahlam Al-Alas and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi.
Layered Aurivillius Compound: Synthesis, characterization and electrical properties. J. Alloys Comp. 504 (2010) 413-419.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.16
Saba Beg, Shehla Hafeez and Niyazi A.S. Al–Areqi, Influence of calcium substitution on the phase transition and ionic conductivity in BICAVOX oxide ion conductor, Phase Transitions 83 (2010) 169-181.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.006
Saba Beg, Shehla Hafeez and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi.
Correlation between phase structure and electrical conduction in BISNVOX system for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC). Philosophical Magazine 90 (2010) 4579-4593.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.3
Saba Beg, Shehla Hafeez and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi.
Layered Bi4BaxV2–xO11–(3x/2)–? perovskite oxide as solid electrolyte for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Physica B 405 (2010) 4370-4376.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-0.8
Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi , Ahlam Al-Alas and Saba Beg Synthesis Characterization and Electrical Conductivity of new Aurivillius-type Oxide Ion Conductor. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 84 (2010) 2334-2344.
Publisher- Springer
Impact Factor-0.5
Saba Beg, Shehla Hafeez and Niyazi A.S. Al–Areqi. Structural and electrical changes in BIMNVOX oxide-ion conductor. Defect and Diffusion forums 316 (2011) 7-22
Publisher- Trans Tech Publications.
Impact Factor-0.5
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi and Ahlam Al-Alas. Study on phase stability and oxide ion conductivity in the BIAGVOX system. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids73 (2012) 730-734.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-1.53
Saba Beg and Sadaf Haneef, Electrical conductivty and phase transition studies in the ZrO2-CdO system. Defect and Diffusion Forums 329 (2012) 147-157.
Publisher-Trans Tech Publications.
Impact Factor-0.5
Saba Beg and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi. Studies in composition and temperature dependence of phase stability in the Bi4AgxV2-xO11-(2x)-? system and their influence on the oxide ion performance. Phase Transitions 85(2012) 255-263.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-0.86
Ahlam Al-Alas, Saba Beg and Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi. Investigation of phase stability and oxide ion performance in new perovskite-type bismuth vanadate. Materials Chemistry and Physics136 (2012) 15-20
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.3
Ahlam Al-Alas, Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S.Al-Areqi, Shehla Hafeez Influence of microwave-assisted calcination on structural properties and oxide-ion performance of layered-perovskite ?-BIMNVOX solid electrolyte synthesized by ethylene glycol–citrate sol–gel route. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 33 (2013) 2111–2117.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.3
Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Saba Beg, Ahlam Al-Alas and Shehla Hafeez
Stabilized ?-BIMNVOX solid electrolyte: Ethylene glycol–citrate sol–gel synthesis, microwave-assisted calcination, and structural and electrical characterization J. Alloys and compounds 581(2013) 79-85.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-1.16
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Ahlam Al-Alas, Shehla Hafeez “Study on phase stabilization and electrical performance of BiCo0.20-xNixVOX solid electrolyte”. Phase Transitions 87(2013) 96-109.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.044
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Ahlam Al-Alas and Shehla Hafeez “CO (III)–NI (II) double substituted bismuth vanadate: synthesis, phase stabilization, and structural and electrical characterization”. Ionics 20(2014) 269-274.
Publisher- Springer
Impact Factor-1.67
Saba Beg, Nabil S. Salami “Study on the electrical properties of Co–Ti double substituted Bi4V2O11” J.Alloys and compounds 586(2014) 302-307.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor-2.16
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Kh.A.S. Ghaleb, Ahlam Al-Alas and Shehla Hafeez “Effect of Ni(II) substitution on phase stabilization electrical properties of BICO(III)VOX.20 oxide ion conductor” Philosophical Magazine 94(2014)1661-1673.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.3
Saba Beg and Sadaf Haneef “Study on phase stability and ionic conductivity in Ti(IV) substituted Bismuth Vanadate” Phase Transitions 87(2014) 821-831.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.044
Saba Beg, Shehla Hafeez, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi “Study on phase stabilization and oxide –ion conductivity in BICUMGVOX solid electrolyte” Solid State Ionics 261(2014) 125–130.
Publisher- Elsevier
Impact Factor- 2.4
Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi, Shehla Hafeez, Ahlam Al-Alas “Improved structural and electrical properties of nickel and aluminium co-doped Bi4V2O11 solid electrolyte” Ionics 21(2), (2015)421-428.
Publisher- Springer
Impact Factor-1.67
Saba Beg, Nabil S. Salami “Effect of Cu-Al double substitution the electrical properties of Bi4V2O11” Phase transition 88 (1), (2014) 59-73.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.044
Saba Beg, Faria K.Naqvi, Niyazi A.S. Al-Areqi “Study on electrical conductivity and phase transition in singly doped BIPBVOX (Bi2V1?xPbxO5.5?x/2) solid electrolyte” Phase transition 87(2014)1225-1236.
Publisher- Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor-1.044
Saba Beg and Sadaf Haneef “Electrical conductivity and phase transition studies in TiO2-BaO system”. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 89(1)(2015) 136-143
Publisher- Springer
Impact factor-0.38
Saba Beg, Nabil S. Salami “Effect of Zn substitution on the electrical properties of Bi2Co0.1V0.9O5.35 synthesized by sol-gel method” Phase transition 88(1), (2015) 521-533
Publisher-Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor- 1.044
Saba Beg and Sadaf Haneef “Synthesis, Phase Stability and oxide Ion Conuctivity of Ce-Cd double substituted Bismuth Vanadate”. Phase Transition 88(11), (2015) 1074-1085
Publisher-Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor- 1.044
Saba Beg and N.S. Salami “Effect of Zn-Ti double Substitution and the electrical properties of Bi4V2O11”. Phase Transition 89(2), (2016)167-179.
Publisher-Taylor and Francis
Impact Factor- 1.044
F.K.Naqvi, Saba Beg and Niyazi Al-Areqi “ Structural and Cyclic Volta Metric investigations on BIPBVOX solid Electrolyte Synthesized by Ethylene Glycol-Citric Acid Sol-Gel Route”. AIP Conference Proceedings 1728(1), 020045 (2016).
Publisher- American Institute of Physics
Elyas Sadeq Alaghbari, Sameh Abdulgalil Shaher Al-Areqi, Niyazi Abdulmawla Sallam Al–Areqi, Saba beg and Faria K. Naqvi “Investigation of Phase Stability and Electrical Properties Bi2V1–xBixO5.5–x/2 (BIBIVOX) Solid Electrolyte for Intermediate Temperature – Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT–SOFCs)”. American Journal of Chemical Engineering 5(6): 2017; 169-176
Publisher- Science Publishing Group
Faria Khatoon Naqvi, Saba Beg, Niyazi A.S.Al-Areqi “AC impedance and cyclic voltammetric investigations on BIPBVOX solid electrolyte” Emerging Material Research 6: 2017; 348-355
Publisher- Institute of Chemical Engineering
Impact Factor: 0.341
Faria K. Naqvi, Mohd Faraz and Saba Beg “Synthesis and Phase Transformation Studies of Dysprosium-Doped Bi4V2O11 Nanoparticles and Their Application in Visible Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Tetracycline Drug” 8: 2018; 11300-11306
Publisher- American Chemical Society (ACS)
Impact Factor: 2.58