Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Issues and concerns related to reasons and remedies of female dropouts, ideological outlook of teachers towards students and value education
A1, Second Floor, Green View Apartment, Street No. 8, Dhorra Mafi, Aligarh
Dr. Shagufta Munir working as Assistant Professor in Education, Women’s College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. She worked as Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 2012 to 2015 She also did her Ph.D. from Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University. The title of her thesis is “Relationship of Personal and Institutional Factors with Pupil Control Ideology of School Teachers”. During her Ph.D., she has developed Pupil Control Ideology Scale and Scale on Attitude towards Teaching Profession. Her research interests revolve around issues and concerns related to reasons and remedies of female dropouts, ideological outlook of teachers towards students, value education, attitude of teachers towards teaching profession and ways to improve effectiveness of teaching learning process. She has published several research papers in various journals like Indian Journal of Teacher Education- Anweshika, NCTE, Experiments in Education, International Journal of Asian Social Science, and International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. She has also presented several papers in National, International conferences and seminars.
- Shagufta, M. (2019), Integrating ICT with Teacher Education for Effective Teaching Learning Process, Excellence International Journal of Education and Research, Volume 6, Issue 7, pp 1-6, ISSN: 2349-8838.
- Shagufta, M. and Tahira, K. (2015), Job Satisfaction Scale, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp 454-457,Online ISSN:2349-4182.
- Shagufta, M. and Mariya, A. (2012), Contribution of Value Education towards Human Development in India: Theoretical Concepts, International Journal of Asian Social Science, Pakistan, Volume 2, Number 12, pp 2283-2290, Online ISSN: 2224-4441.
- Saba, H. and Shagufta, M. (2012), Assessment of Students in context of Environmental Awareness, EDUSEARCH- Journal of Educational Research, Chhattisgarh, India, Volume 3, Number 1, pp 137-140, ISSN NO. : 0976-1160.
- Tahira, K. and Shagufta, M. (2011), Pupil Control Ideology of Indian School Teachers, Experiments in Education, Chennai, India, Volume XXXIX, Number 1, pp 21-30, ISSN NO. : 0970-7409. Saba, H. and Shagufta,
- Tahira, K and Shagufta, M. (2009), Pupil Control Ideology Scale (PCIS), National Psychological Corporation, Agra, India.
- Shagufta, M and Tahira, K. (2008), The Pupil Control Ideology of Elementary, Secondary and Senior Secondary School Teachers, Journal of Teacher Education and Research, Greater Noida, India, Volume 3, Number 2, pp 1-8, ISSN NO. : 0974-8210.
- Tahira, K and Shagufta, M. (2008), Pupil Control Ideology of Student Teachers and In-service Secondary School Teachers, Indian Journal of Teacher Education- Anweshika, NCTE, New Delhi, India, Volume 5, Number 2, pp 63- 71, ISSN NO. 0974-7702.