Prof. Shakeb Ahmad
Doctorate in Physics
Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics
AB- 83, Medical Colony
Dr. Shakeb Ahmad is Professor of Physics in the Physics Department at Women's College,
Aligarh Muslim University.
He is involved in the research field of Nuclear and Particulate Physics (Phenomenology), with the objective of comprehending the true nature of fundamental interactions and fundamental structures by studying properties of nucleus and elementary particles.
His research works have been published in numerous renowned national and international journals, including Physical Review Letter, Physical Review C, Physical review D, J. of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics A, Nuclear Physics B, Physics Letters B, European Physic Letter A, etc. He is involved in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He teaches courses such as Mathematical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Statistical Physics, Thermodynamics, Nuclear Physics, Particle physics, Basic graduate mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, Modern Physics etc. along with computer programming courses like FORTRAN and C++.
- Shape evolution of nuclei in the region of (A~30) using covariant density functional theory
- Shape isomerism and magicity in Ni isotopes
Modern Physics Letters A, 2150128 (2021)
- A Search for neutron magicity in the isotopic series of Z=122, 128 superheavy nuclei
Journal of Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 47, 115103 (2020).
- Microscopic description of structural, surface, and decay properties of Z=124, 126 superheavy Nuclei. Download PDF
Nucl. Phys. A 1006, 122080 (2021).
- Blackbody Spectrum