Prof. Zeba Sheereen.
M.Phil , Ph.D
Development Economics with special interest in Economics of Education,Human Resource Development, Food Security and Agriculture Economics.
F-3 Azim Estate Phase-2 ,New Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh 202002 (U.P.) India.
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Dr.Zeba Sheereen is Professor in Economics at Women College A.M.U.She is recipient of gold medal for securing first position in M.A Economics.She was also awarded JRF/SRF by the University Grants Commission New Delhi in 1987.She has been actively engaged in teaching and research for almost two decades.She has taught Development Economics,Money and Banking,Indian Economy and Agriculture Economics at graduation and post-graduation level.Her field of interest is agriculture economics and economics of education.She has focused on food security and sustainable agriculture.She has contributed articles in several national and international journals.She was co-investigator in a Major Research Project by for two+years.She is life member of Indian Economic Association and Uttar Pradesh Uttrakhand Economic Association.She is also supervising research work leading to the award of the degree of Ph.D.
- Zeba Sheereen, Yasser Hussain & Parvaiz Ahmad (2021), “Inclusive Growth With Equity: Role Of MSME’S In India”, International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences VIII Issue X 2021,ISSN 2348-8301
- Zeba Sheereen (2003). “The Role of Agriculture in Sustainable Development: A Case of South Asia”. 86th Conference Volume. The Indian Economic Association.
- Zeba Sheereen (2004). “Agriculture and Food Security in India”. Pre-conference Volume of National Seminar on Institutional Policy Options For Sustainable Agricultural Development, Edited. Prof.Gottam Gopal Reddy, Department of Economics, Osmania Univer
- Zeba Sheereen (2005). Abstract. “GATS and India’s Services Sector”. 88th Conference volume. The Indian Economic Association. School of Economics, Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam.
- Zeba Sheereen (2005). “Regionalism and Economic Opportunities for India – SAARC or ASEAN”. Third Concept. An International Journal of Ideas Vol. 19 No.218, New Delhi ISSN 0970-7247.
- Zeba Sheereen (2005). “Regionalism and Economic Opportunities for India – SAARC or ASEAN”. Third Concept. An International Journal of Ideas Vol. 19 No.218, New Delhi ISSN 0970-7247.
- Jiyaur Rahman and Zeba Sheereen (2011). “Trends and composition of institutional credit to the agriculture sector during the post-reform period in India”. African Journal of Business Management Vol 5 (27), pp.11236-11245, 9 November, 2011 available onli
- Zeba Sheereen (2012). “Climate change threat in the context of food security challenges in India.” International journal of Physical and Social Sciences Vol.No-2 Issue-9 September 2012.ISSN-2249-5894, Open Access International e-journal.
- Zeba Sheereen (2012). “Concerns of Food Security in India Amidst Economic Crisis”. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, Vol.No.2 Issue No.4 (April). ISSN 2231-4245. open access international e-journal
- Zeba Sheereen & Shaheena Perween (2012). “Population, Poverty and Sustainable Development: A Challenge Ahead For India.” International Journal of Business, Management & Social Sciences, an international peer reviewed journal. Vol.II, Issue 1 (II), Septemb
- Andalib Zaihra, Jiyaur Rahman & Zeba Sheereen (2013).”Gender Disparity in Elementary Education in India: A Challenge for Inclusive Growth.” International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, Vol.No.3 (2013), Issue No.09 (September). IS
- Jiyaur Rahman & Zeba Sheereen (2013). “Performance of MNREGA in Manipur: A Cross District Analysis.” International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, Vol No.3 (2013), Issue No.07 (July). ISSN 2231-4245,
- Tamanna Khan, Nasim Ansari & Zeba Sheereen (2014).” Higher Education in India: Access, Equity and Inclusiveness, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol II. Issue V May 2014, ISSN 2321-9203
- Zeba Sheereen (2014). “Agricultural Productivity and Food Security in India: Issues and Concerns.” International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, Vol No.4, Issue7, July 2014. ISSN 2249-5894
- Shazia Banu & Zeba Sheereen (2015). “Public Policy and Agriculture Diversification in India: An Overview.” SIT Journal of Management, Vol.5.No.2.December 2015
- Sohrab Ansari & Zeba Sheereen (2016). “Socio-Economic Condition of Tea Garden Workers in Alipurduar District West Bengal”. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences 9247, Vol.6, Issue 2, Feb 2016.ISSN 2249-2496 Open Access International e-journ
- Zeba Sheereen et al. (2016). “Agriculture Diversification and Food Security Concerns in India.” IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, vol.9, Issue 11, Ver.1 Nov.
- Zeba Sheereen, Mohd. Rehan & Dr. Ashish Kumar Parashari (2016) “Caste Influence On women Participation in Agriculture – a Case study of Moradabad District”. Research Expo I International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.VI, Issue-VIII, ISSN:2250-16
- Zeba Sheereen & Shaheena Parween (2016) “Instability in Agricultural Output in India: Role of Micro Irrigation”, Indian Economic Journal. Journal of the Indian Economic Special Issue Dec
- Sohrab Ansari & Zeba Sheereen (2016) “ Socio-Economic Condition of Tea Garden Worker in Alipurduar District West Bengal, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 6 (2). ISSN: 2249-249 6
- Zeba Sheereen & Sohrab Ansari (2017) “Structural Transformation of Indian Agriculture: Challenges for Small and Marginal farmer” The Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue Dec
- Zeba Sheereen, (2020) “An Analysis of Women’s work participation with particular emphasis on their role in Agriculture: Indian Context” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts Vol.8,(10)ISSN: 2320-2882