
Centre for Promotion of Educational and Cultural Advancement of Muslims of India (CEPECAMI)


SOP for Seminar Library

1.    The CEPECAMI has a well stocked Seminar Library. The facility is available for faculty members, students as well as others who would like to use the books for academic pursuits. The employees and students of the Centre can get the books issued as per rules.

2.    The Seminar Library can be accessed from 08:00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

3.   The Seminar Library books have been catalogued with Accession Number in line with the procedure followed in the Maulana Azad Library of the University.

4.    The students have, in addition to access to all books of the Seminar library, a section of books and materials specially allocated for them, so as to facilitate them in studying and preparing for competitive examinations. These books can be accessed/ borrowed by producing valid identity cards of the University after making entries in issuance/return register.

5. The students also have a section of books allocated for them covering various subjects Bridge Course in order to aid them in their study for the course and preparation for competitive examinations.

SOP For Office

1.   The Office In-charge will prepare the agenda notice in consultation with the Director.

2.    The office will send the notice to all members through Email and WhatsApp.

3.    The office will remind the members on the day of meeting through phone.

4.   Necessary arrangement regarding venue, conveyance and refreshment will be    made                                 .

5.    Placing of attendance register, minutes register and agenda papers will be done.

6.    The Office In-charge will prepare the minutes and will place before the Director.

7.    The minutes will be sent to members for comments (if any) through Email and WhatsApp. 

SOP for Computer Lab

1.    Computer lab will have one Lab in-charge

2. Lab hardware and software functions are strictly inspected by lab in-charge before the commencement of practical classes and examinations.

3.    Lab in charges are responsible for assisting students with gaining access to software, printing and saving

4.    Log Book maintenance of hardware and software registers are maintained by the lab in-charge.

5.   Currently enrolled students in Bridge Course are allowed to use the Computer lab, students who have class related assignments will be given first priority to use the computer in the lab.

6.    All other who desires to use the Computer Lab should request to the lab in-charge

7.    All other who desires to use the Computer Lab should request to the lab in-charge

8.    All other who desires to use the Computer Lab should request to the lab in-charge

9.    Computer lab will be open on all working days from 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM.

10. Early closing during exams or due to maintenance work will be posted in advance.

11. Log book is maintained in each lab to record the student/faculties entry and exit time In the lab

Director and Associate Professor