विज्ञान उन्नयन केंद्र
1. Creation of awareness for and popularization of Science
- Preparing motivational and educational audio- visual material for teachers and public such as video films, slides, etc. and arranging shows.
- Preparing motivational and popular literature on science and arranging its wide circulation.
- Organizing popular lectures on science especially in Muslim Managed Educational Institutions (MMEI?s).
2. Quality Improvement of Science Education
- Organizing refresher courses, workshops, instructional conferences etc. on all India as well as on regional basis for Science teachers from MMEIs.
- Arranging visits by Experts to MMEIs to guide and help them in improving their science teaching programmes.
3. Science education in Deeni Madaris (Muslim religious/ Arabic Schools)
- Collecting relevant information on Deeni Madaris to know their attitude towards science education.
- Organizing conferences of heads of Deeni Madaris and educationalists.
4. Collection and analysis of data on different aspects of science teaching in MMEIs.
5. Organization of Conference of educationists, scientists, managers and heads of MMEIs (including Deeni Madaris) to review the progress of Indian Muslims in science and also on specific topics relating to science education.
6. Helping in raising funds for
- Award of scholarships to poor talented Muslim students
- Helping MMEIs (including Deeni Madaris) to strengthen their science teaching programmes

Director and Associate Professor