राजीव गांधी सेंटर फॉर डायबिटीज़ एण्ड एंडोक्रिनोलोजी
Ph.D. Research Topic.
1.Studies on glycated albumin: Assessment of optimal cut off value of glycated albumin and its clinical relevance in diabetes and diabetes associated pathologies by Mr. Alok Raghav; Supervisor Prof. Jamal Ahmad (AWARDED)
2. A clinic-microbial study of diabetic foot infections: Conventional and molecular approaches for bacterial identifications and quantifications by Miss. Saba Noor; Supervisor Prof. Jamal Ahmad. (AWARDED)
3. Role of Chromium, Melatonin and oxidative stress in type II diabetes by Mr. Doddigarla Zephy, Supervisor; Prof. Jamal Ahmad. (AWARDED)
4. Amdori albumin in diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease: DNA profiling of the patients and healthy subjects by Ms. Neelofar; Supervisor Prof. Jamal Ahmad. (AWARDED)
5. Epigenetic & Genomic Study of Candidate Gene Promoter in North Indian Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Subjects by Amit Mukherjee. Supervisor : Prof. Sheelu Shafiq Siddiqi, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes & Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, JNMC, AMU, Aligarh.
Co-Supervisor: Professor. B.D. Banerjee, Department of Biochemistry, University College of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi, DELHI
Program Educational Objectives
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, J.N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Syllabus for Paper I (Ph.D. Endocrinology)
Unit 1: Research Methodology I (Research Planning & Literature Search)
Research Problem-conception, hypothesis, designing and implementaory
Use of search engine in literature retrieval, citation index, impact factor, H-index
Unit 2: Research Methodology II (Cytological, Biochemical and Immunology Techniques)
Advances in Microscopy technique – LM, EM, Confocal microscopy, Karyotyping, Image analysis software.
Uses of HPLC, Amino acid analyser and Bomb calorimeter.
Unit 3: Research Methodology III (Molecular Biology Techniques)
Basic concept of extraction and quantification of nucleic acid and proteins.
Proteins and nucleic acid Electrophoresis, Northern, Southern and Western bolts. FISH and CISH.
Protein and DNA band profiling through Gel documentation system.
PCR, cloning, sequencing, microarray.
Unit 4: Statistical Analysis and use of computers in Research.
Significance of statistics in biological research.
Measure of central tendencies and deviation, test of significance.
Use of statistical software - SPSS, Sigma plot, Statistical, Metlab.
Populations genetics analysis software - Popgen, TFPGA, Arlequin.
Sequence analysis software - BLAST, MultiAlign, BioWWdit, Clustal-W.
Unit 5: Laboratory Techniques for Recognition of Endocrine Disorders:
Types of assays (Competitive immunoassays, immunometric assay, free hormone assays, hormatographic assays, mass spectrometry nucleic acid based assays.
Analytic validation (method comparison, precision, linearity, recovery, detection limit, stability, types of specimens)
Quality Assurance.
Syllabus for Paper II (Ph.D. Endocrinology Ongoing)
Unit 1: Diabetes : General concept
Types, complications, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, b-cell function, mechanism of action of insulin, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia.
Unit 2: Diabetic Nephropathy (DN)
Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, stages of Diabetic Nephropathy(DN), risk factors for developing DN.
Unit 3: Recognition of Diabetic Nephropathy(DN) subjects
Conventional methods for identification of patients suffering from DN.
Unit 4: Genetic approach for Diabetic Nephropathy (DN)
Genetics& epigenetics of Diabetic Nephropathy,Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) in Diabetic Nephropathy, role of SNP’s in Diabetic Nephropathy.
Unit 5: Review of Literature/Published research work
The candidate is expected to answer questions from the following research articles/review articles.
Recent progress in genetic and epigenetic research on type 2 diabetes, Experimental & Molecular Medicine (2016) 48, e220; doi:10.1038/emm.2016.7; published online 11 March 2016
The Genetics of Diabetic Nephropathy, Journal: Genes 2013, 4, 596-619; doi:10.3390/genes4040596
Genetics and Epigenetics of Diabetic Nephropathy, Journal: Kidney Diseases 2015;1:42–51, DOI: 10.1159/000381796, Received: March 8, 2015, Accepted after revision: March 20, 2015, Published online: April 16, 2015
Genetic Factors in Diabetic Nephropathy, Clin J Am SocNephrol2: 1306–1316, 2007. doi: 10.2215/CJN.02560607
Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Review,Austin Endocrinol Diabetes Case Rep - Volume 1 Issue 1 - 2016