
विश्वविद्यालय परिष्कृत यंत्र सुविधा (यू.एस.आई.एफ.)

Useful Downloads

The analysis charges to be deposited at cash counter in State Bank of India, AMU branch to Revolving Fund USIF Code No. 4DE 09826 AMU Deposit A/C of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and ensure that the Challan form is same as given on USIF webpage. 

Requisition Forms

  1. For Requisition Form of SEM                                 Click Here
  2. For Requisition Form of TEM                                 Click Here
  3. For Requisition Form of CLSM                              Click Here
  4. For Requisition Form of NMR                                Click Here
  5. For Requisition Form of SC-XRD                            Click Here
  6. For Requisition Form of LCMS                               Click Here
  7. For Requisition Form of RAMAN                            Click Here

Challan Form

Note: Users are advised to request the cashier of the bank at cash counter to return two slips : One marked as USIF copy and other as Depositor Copy. Print both the pages on the same leaf.

For Challan Form                                                       Click Here

Coordinator and Professor